After a full half hour of uninterrupted silence, Klein opened his eyes and slowly rose to his feet.

He took his cane, put on his hat, and left the cathedral, taking a rental carriage back to Minsk Street in the dark.

At this moment, the vigilance and surveillance of the surrounding area had inevitably relaxed, turning into the shadows under the light of the gas lamps.

Shortly after midnight, Klein took out his key, opened the door to his house, and entered the empty guest rooms to search for the Book of Secrets.

It didn’t take him much effort to find the old book, bound in thick goatskin, in the wardrobe in a room on the first floor.

The hardcover of the book was dark black, with two lines of Hermes written in crimson:

“Book of Secrets.


Phew… Klein exhaled but was in no rush to read the book. Instead, he quickly constructed a wall of spirituality in the room, summoning and responding to himself via a ritual, and then he threw Azik’s copper whistle, the Master Key, the All-Black Eye, the Beyonder bullets, the bottle of biological poison, the Werewolf Beyonder characteristic, the Book of Secrets, and even all the vessels above the gray fog. He planned on waiting for the commotion to subside before deciding on which to take out and which to carry.

After doing all this, he didn’t even bother to study the Werewolf Beyonder characteristic or the bottle of biological poison. He simply washed up and laid in bed.

There were two reasons for doing so. Firstly, reading the book was too time consuming. It was very easy to bring trouble to his body in the real world on this rather uncalm night. Secondly, Klein was aware of his current weakness, which was that the speed at which his spirituality was growing wasn’t enough to satisfy his ever-increasing Beyonder powers and mystical items.

After such an intense battle, his spirituality was already drained. His head was aching, and he was drowsy.

Yes, the one thing that places the greatest burden on my spirituality are the Paper Figurine Substitutes, followed by the creation of “Sun Holy Water” with the Sun Brooch, but it wasn’t used tonight. Next in the list is Holy Water Creation and Flaming Jump… Klein yawned and used Cogitation to get rid of the state of extreme tiredness and tenseness that prevented him from falling asleep.

In less than ten seconds, he entered the land of dreams as various fragmented scenes appeared alternately before him.

In the clearing surrounded by the abandoned warehouses, the Machinery Hivemind came and went before coming again. The person in charge of investigating this incident went from being a team captain to an expert at the rank of deacon.

Ikanser Bernard’s brown hair remained unkempt and stuck out stubbornly, making it impossible to hide them even with a hat on.

This led to many members of the Machinery Hivemind to secretly joke that the deacon probably used a bomb to style his hair.

At this moment, Ikanser, with his cut jaw and facial features, was holding a silver mirror with ancient patterns on it.

On each side of the mirror was an eye-like ornament. They were built on the foundation of a black gem which looked serene and charming.

mediumship and had already dealt with the scene effectively,

he looked at the silver mirror in his hand as he used his right

seconds, Ikanser took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, “Respected Arrodes, my question is ‘Who were the participants in the incident that

surrounding darkness suddenly thickened, and the surface of the silver

a scene appeared in the

coat and a half top hat. His body was distorted, and his face was indistinct. Furthermore, his

feet, flames rose up

cloak appeared. His arm was burning with resplendent flames, but his

with a complicated black regal dress and messy blonde hair. However, her face was

this lady were two men with black fur all over their bodies. Only their backs could be seen as they were being

changes came to an end as it fixed onto the blazing flames that soared into the sky. The “fireworks” bloomed in a splendid and resplendent fashion as

dreamlike scene, the man in the black double-breasted frock coat

his hat to his

blurry after being interfered with, but it also

their opinions, several lines of text in ancient Feysac appeared on the

the principle of reciprocity, it’s my

answer wrong or

was blood-red, as if it were dripping

Ikanser’s face was twisted at first before it turned abnormally

the mirror’s aqueous light flashed and

“What’s your sexual orientation?”

as he felt the gazes of his surrounding team

The sky was just beginning

awoke to the

it was almost 8 o’clock. But this

a sigh of relief, and without even bothering to clean himself,

wanted to study his spoils from last

The Fool’s seat, Klein started

up the dark-green fang and observed it for a few seconds. Then, he

for experimentation. With the fact that he held the item in his possession, and how he knew a lot about Prisoner, Lunatic, and Werewolf from Sharron

statement, he quickly entered the dreamland and witnessed one scene after

on Werewolf Tyre’s stomach, and his intestines flowed out as they were dragged across the ground. However, he only washed it with water

the sky and let out a long howl. Black fur grew out of his body, inch by inch, and the fangs in

claws and cracked the steel plate

wildly through the wilderness, increasing the gap between him and the group of pursuing gray wolves as he ran further

eyes were glazed but cold,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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