When he got back to Minsk Street from the factory district, Klein had a simple lunch and took a nap. He didn’t wake up until the evening when the sky had darkened.

But even so, he still felt exhausted, exhaustion that stemmed from the depths of his heart.

After quite some time of being lost in thought, Klein went down to the first floor and lit the gas lamp. He prepared to sit on the sofa and read the day’s newspapers, but when he glanced around, he saw an invitation letter on the coffee table.

He was stunned for a moment before realizing that it was an invitation letter which Mrs. Stelyn Sammer had sent her maidservant to deliver a few days ago.

I almost forgot about this… The disguised matchmaking banquet… Klein put down the invitation letter and walked to the bathroom on the first floor. He used cold water to wash his face, sprucing himself up to look much more energetic.

Compared to when he first arrived at Backlund, there was a much thicker black stubble around his lips and under his chin. Although it didn’t completely eliminate his scholarly bearing, it made him look more mature and rugged.

Someone who doesn’t really know me well wouldn’t be able to recognize me in person… Klein exhaled silently, wiped his face clean, and put his gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

He took a short break, changed into a shirt with a starched collar and a black tailcoat, and then, quite formally, he put on his silk half top hat and picked up his cane stick and invitation letter before leaving the house for the unit beside his.

Amidst the tinkling of the doorbell, he saw Julianne, the maidservant, open the door, and Stelyn with her blonde hair coiled up high, and her ears adorned with silver earrings.

Klein took off his hat, bowed, and praised politely, “Mrs. Sammer, you are very beautiful today.”

Although his words were extremely perfunctory, it was true that she was much more beautiful than usual. It appeared that her ability to doll herself up meticulously had experienced a significant breakthrough.

It seems like the adultery case made her besties with Ma’am Mary. Besides, Mary is now a tycoon with a wealth of tens of thousands of pounds, and she has been admitted into the National Atmospheric Pollution Council, allowing her to acquaint herself with many people in power. She must have had sufficient experience in the areas of makeup, clothing, accessories, and so on… Klein nodded in understanding.

The corners of Stelyn’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up.

“These are my new earrings that cost eight soli.”

Lady, you haven’t changed in the slightest… Klein smiled and handed his hat, cane, and coat to the maidservant.

The fireplace and the pipes in the room brought the warmth of early summer. Many women and young ladies were not dressed that conservatively. Some of their fair arms were exposed, while others bared their creamy chests.

“Luke is talking business with some friends. Let me apologize on his behalf.” Stelyn played her role as the female host to its fullest. “Have your meal first. I’ll introduce you to a few well-educated ladies later.”

Actually, there’s no need for that. Just let me eat in peace… Klein smiled.

“I can already smell the fragrance of the food.”

Since there were quite a lot of guests, with over twenty of them, the dinner was in the form of a buffet. Klein took a plate and walked around, and he found that the food was a lot more varied than before.

Cold trout, chicken pie, mutton stew with peas, salted breast, curry, roast beef, turkey, beef tongue pastry, ham, salad, and cream cake…

The alcohol provided was still champagne and red wine.

This suited a carnivore’s palate very well. Klein, with his large plate, didn’t make conversation with anyone. He hid in a corner and slowly savored the food.

It’s not as good as the chefs at the Quelaag Club… From time to time, he would inwardly make comments on the food.

He was about to go for second helpings when he was finally discovered by Stelyn Sammer.

At the same time, he saw an acquaintance beside the lady. He was none other than Lawyer Jurgen with his serious expression.

a bachelor… Klein smiled and walked over, taking the initiative to ask, “How is

at his


Klein sincerely

had already brought a few young ladies

solicitor, who earns at least three pounds a week. He often gets a commission from the cases he handles, and he definitely earns more than

Mr. Sherlock Moriarty, a well-known detective. His income is unstable, but he is paid handsomely for every mission he receives, for

isn’t this too direct… Klein couldn’t help but silently

standing beside him,

a faux

parents are teachers at a

Watson. Her father is a

smiled numbly and greeted

“Mrs. Sammer, it’s

instead, she replied very

and decide

meat, vegetables, fruits, milk, white bread, butter, cream, and other foods every day. It costs at least a pound and five soli a week on food alone, not to mention the alcohol. In addition, to

not bringing your wife to a

believe that a family must spend at least 30 pounds a year on it in order to be considered to be living

the cost of education for any children, the emergency money that’s needed to be set aside

than 200 pounds a year can those needs be met. Only

everyone’s time or cause any misunderstandings, I believe it is necessary to include this

unable to provide a rejoinder. Fortunately, he

in private, and of course, I know exactly why you’re making the introductions straight to


host a dinner at this level. Only with that much can one afford to have his

there must be some savings each year, to prevent any accidents or to have spare cash to invest into stocks or

her husband’s approximate annual

Angelina, and the other ladies were more interested in Lawyer Jurgen. After all, he was a good-looking man, and his job

private detective who might be locked up in the police station at any time, they were not the first choice for middle-class women. Besides, Klein now looked rugged with his beard. It wasn’t a surprise that the girls would remain a

with them, he found an excuse to leave before hiding in a corner and

a wonder where his eloquence as a lawyer had

two children of the

the gentleman in the corner, stopped, and, with widened eyes, asked curiously, “Mr. Moriarty, we

Klein smiled

girl said innocently, “Can you

twin brother

it doesn’t involve wraiths, puppets, or Devil dogs, then it’s about finding cats

is a story

officer who had just returned

novels he had read in his previous life, so he could only make them up based on a vague impression. The two children didn’t care about the irrationality of the


banquet was almost over, and he was about to leave, he saw that

the cause for celebration?” Klein casually

head slightly and replied with a reserved smile, “Mary has received a luncheon invitation from the chief secretary of the National Atmospheric Pollution Council, Mr. Hibbert

the eldest son of Count Hall, a true nobleman. He has invited all the members of the council and has allowed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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