Klein thought seriously for a while and came up with all sorts of theories, but because he lacked the necessary information, he could only temporarily ascribe the cause of the matter to the difference in the flow of time between the Earth and this world.

Roselle and I have transmigrated less than a year apart, but in this world, we are separated by nearly two hundred years. That is to say, even if I were to spend two hundred years to find a way to return, it’s likely that I won’t lose the opportunity to meet my parents. At most, I’d have been missing for a year… Klein made a contrasting inference, improving his mood significantly. He instantly felt filled with motivation.

Of course, he himself knew very well that this reasoning was not rigorous, because this was determined by one precondition, and it was currently impossible to confirm it.

What if Roselle transmigrated after me? That might involve so-called spatial-temporal turbulence. When the time comes, there is no guarantee that I’ll return to the proper time node… Klein poured cold water on his burgeoning mood.

Roselle’s first diary entry was the product of having held back for a long time; therefore, it took up more than two pages. Klein flipped to the end and read the remaining two lines.

“25th February. What a boring world. There are no newspapers and so few novels! I think I need to help this culturally impoverished society, but the premise of this is that I have to get some money and recall how paper is made and how the print press is done.

“As a transmigrator, I can only live on the pocket money that my new dad and mom gave me. I can only occasionally see one or two shiny Fermo gold. What a tragic story.

“However, hunting is quite interesting.

“28th February. This world might be a little different from what I know it to be.

“I got lost while hunting in the woods today. As a result, I saw an unimaginably intense battle.

“In the battle, the man who was surrounded had additional eyes growing on his face—a total of four eyes! They even shot dark green light! Th-this is f**king illogical! Is this a humanoid monster?

“This is actually a fantasy world, right?

“That monster’s opponent was even more powerful. He summoned a pillar of light that burned with golden flames. Yes, I think it was summoned…

“Fortunately, they didn’t discover me. After getting rid of that monster, that person left with the corpse.

“I, Huang Tao, am indeed the protagonist. I discovered the truth of this world a few days after I transmigrated!

“Perhaps they can recognize the mysterious symbols and patterns on the silver token… Of course, I won’t ask. I want to become like them and crack it myself!

“There’s another key reason as to why I said this. I can’t even f**king remember what the pattern looks like. I can only vaguely remember it.”

Indeed the protagonist? Emperor, did you pour all of your eighth-grader syndrome soul into your diary? Klein couldn’t help but lampoon.

for Roselle’s transmigration, and he was eager to find out what the symbols and patterns on it

this world, then transmigration might not have just been a coincidence… Klein put down the diary pages, rapped his fingers on the table,

Klein leaned back in his

like to purchase the stomach pouch of a Spirit Eater and 20 ml of blood

I can afford one…

where the rest of the money would come from, she

influence of the full moon’s ravings, I wouldn’t even consider advancement once I gained rich Beyonder means. I wouldn’t even make contact with this circle. I’ll write books, save up money,

a low voice, “I saw the Deep Sea Marlin’s blood at the recent gathering of the great pirates, but unfortunately, you’ve already missed it. You should’ve said so earlier. No, I’m mistaken. You hadn’t joined the Tarot Club back

experience? Fors curled her lips secretly but said in all seriousness, “Mr. Hanged

Alger sneered.

might not even meet each other in half a year. Even

and Feynapotter can have many ingredients gathered together. From your

need to rely on myself? Fors

“I know roughly where a

gold pounds you people talk

Fors said with a fake smile, “What do you

the Solar High

thought seriously and said, “The Solar

pounds. Furthermore, the stomach bag of a Spirit Eater and blood of a Deep Sea Marlin do not exceed 400 pounds each. They’re only worth 300 pounds most of the time. Do you understand me?” Fors tried to make it clear to The Sun that this

you two or three of the Spirit Eater’s stomach

Deep Sea Marlin, he didn’t even consider it.

idea when I’ll be able to sell it… Most importantly,

thought of the Band of Light ring, and she believed that she could get a clue to the potion formula of Solar High

Fors thought for a moment, touched her face, looked around, and then asked with great sincerity, “Everyone, do you have any

she finished her sentence, she realized that everyone had

be described by the soundless palace

for Mr. Fool, he doesn’t need money… Fors wisely

way to make money be from owning farms, mines, plantations, factories, stocks, etc. Oh, you can also go through the kingdom’s bounty notices and complete them in accordance with the price and the period of time at a bearable level… Audrey knew that she didn’t have any real experience in making money, so she could only respond with a

resisted the urge to manipulate the words of The World, which would expose

hoarsely say, “Help me keep a lookout for the Thousand-faced Hunter’s mutated pituitary gland and blood, as

and the Biological Poison Bottle. Furthermore, he was considering to find an opportunity to turn

than enough to match the cost of

members of the Tarot Club help him pay attention in advance so that he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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