What about the rest of the Magician’s rules? As Klein idly leafed through the newspaper he had finished reading, he thought about the issues that mattered most to him.

He had already considered one point before, and that was the difference between having an audience to cheer for him and not having one. However, just this alone didn’t seem sufficient.

With this thought, Klein’s thoughts ran wild as he inexplicably thought of something.

When I was still a Seer, being recognized and praised as a true fortune-teller would give me a feeling that the process of digesting the magic potion had become faster. After I concluded the Seer principles, I began to believe that there was no direct correlation between the views and feedback from others and that they were merely expressions, nothing substantial. If I act well enough, I would naturally be acknowledged, and my digestion would naturally be faster.

That is to say, I had always believed that they were two different responses with the same gains, and not something related to causality.

But now, there’s the “choice” of receiving an audience’s applause… If it does help me digest the potion, does it mean that some performances really require feedback, and the way that others view me can subtly affect the progress of my potion’s digestion?

Hmm, by extension, would the establishment of the Churches by the seven orthodox gods, the spreading of their faith, and the nurturing of their followers partially be a result of this?

… This is truly a sacrilegious thought. I am indeed not a person who sincerely worships gods. I will praise them, but I won’t blindly believe in them… Klein quickly adjusted his train of thought as he searched for another angle of attack.

He repeatedly compared the subtle differences between Seer, Clown, and Magician. Gradually, he came up with an idea.

In comparison, does a Magician, who needs to perform, possess the need to take the “initiative?”

Taking the initiative to perform instead of being passive like a Seer or Clown?

From the perspective of fate, it also fits. From a Seer’s reverence of fate, a Clown’s characteristic of being teased by fate while still maintaining a smile, and finally a Magician who takes the initiative to challenge fate. Even if the result is nothing real or substantial, he will still receive the audience’s applause from his deception…

Klein nodded indiscernibly as he planned to make attempts in taking the initiative to perform.

Where should I start? It should be something relatively less dangerous. Uh, I can consider the imprisonment of that vampire named Emlyn White by Father Utravsky…

However, I need to confirm that this group of nonhumans abide by the law and only engage in petty theft at the worst… Where do Emlyn’s companions stay on the southern side of the bridge? I can’t really remember. I’ll have to use divination to jog my memories. Hmm, I’ll also confirm how dangerous it is…

Having come to this conclusion, Klein put down the newspaper, got up, and went upstairs.

It had to be said that he didn’t have any other motivation to actively involve himself in something that had almost nothing to do with him. It wasn’t his personality, but in order to act, he had to force himself to do so.

This is considered rather simple for me. How would a straight male act as a Witch and Demoness of Pleasure? It’s no wonder the City of Silver emphasizes that “you’re only acting”… Klein suddenly understood the meaning of the admonition.

of Silver, in a dark room at the top of

window, staring at the silver city which

hair, revealing his twisted and hideous old scars on his face, as well as the deep wrinkles

time, Colin turned and looked at a dark corner. He asked in a deep voice,

It was pitch black as it shot towards the wall,

of metal rubbing against metal, and it was rather

of abnormality, but there

said, “What

spire, the Rampager and the clone of the mysterious figure were eliminated. However, he had constantly suspected

for a full forty-two years, without any consideration

purpose of the mysterious man was still unknown, he definitely had some sort of follow-up method,

using his Demon Hunter powers and finding no abnormalities, he deliberately pretended to be deceived and directly permitted the youth named Derrick Berg to return home. However, he had secretly sent someone

detention and observation method which Colin had used in the past. It was a change he had no choice but

the bed and muttered to himself for quite a while. As I was afraid that the mysterious man would discover me, I didn’t

Derrick seemed to become very tired and fell asleep very quickly. But after a shop nap, he suddenly woke up and conducted a ritual. I suspect that his mind wasn’t


while and said with a solemn expression, “As expected… Perhaps he was communicating with his main body via

spend his forty-two years

question as it continued, “After the

person’s main body is attracted here, we might not be able to deal with

before saying, “Continue the observation. That mysterious person has yet to show any substantial malice, so our reaction can’t

to befall… The further we explore, the more strange ruins we find, and the more dangerous the

will, Your Excellency.” The black shadow slowly retreated

Berg household, Derrick began to cough so violently that his heart seemed to

Cough! Cough! Cough!

and coughed nonstop until his throat began to itch, and he

throat and fell to the ground. It was a worm with the length

were some transparent areas

like this at the bottom of the spire previously, and he was certain that he was

to count the total number

can it be used for? It seems to be

in the northern part of

black Gothic cathedral towered over the snow-covered mountains as

a cliff, and its surroundings was

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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