Tuesday morning, the weather remained as cold as it usually was this season.

Klein tightened the collar of his tweed coat, put on his hat, and pulled open the door.

He was heading to the end of the street, where the mailbox was, to post a letter to Detective Stuart. Since it wasn’t that far, there was no need to dress neatly or heavily, but Klein had just recovered from his cold, so he had wrapped himself up thickly just in case.

Perhaps it was because of the strong wind last night, but the air in Backlund was surprisingly good. Klein subconsciously slowed down his pace and enjoyed this rare morning.

As he passed Jurgen’s house, he heard the oriel window creak open and instinctively turned to look.

Standing at the window was Mrs. Doris, wearing a black plush hat and a thick grayish-blue scarf. She looked even worse than before, and her body was even more hunched.

“Good morning, Detective Moriarty. Thank you for taking care of Brody. He said you were a good man, didn’t you, Brody?” Old Granny Doris bent down and picked up the black cat with green eyes.

Brody used all four of his limbs and struggled in her embrace. Finally, he jumped down and lightly landed on the windowsill.

But instead of leaving, he circled around and around, nuzzling Mrs. Doris with its head on one side, without even looking at Klein.

Was he being friend-zoned by a cat? Klein gave a self-deprecating laugh and smiled sincerely.

“It’s a happy deed, and even more delightful news is that you’ve recovered and have been discharged from the hospital.”

After exchanging a few pleasantries, he said goodbye and continued to walk down the street with a smile on his face.

He had only taken a few steps when he heard Mrs. Doris call after him.

“When Jurgen comes back, I’ll have him pay you!”

… Do I look like I took this mission for the money? The smile on Klein’s face suddenly froze. He could only half turn around and wave his hand, indicating that he understood.

When he was far away from Jurgen’s house, his expression gradually turned serious, and he sighed faintly.

He had just activated his Spirit Vision to look at Mrs. Doris’s aura and found that her situation wasn’t too good. It wasn’t only because of her old age but also because of the cold weather and bad air in Backlund. All of these had a very bad effect on her lung disease.

Mrs. Doris should be able to make it through this late autumn and winter, but it will be hard to say for the next one, or the next, next one… If she wants to live for a few more years, she would have to move to the south, to the area around Desi Bay… It’s a pity that it’s likely that Lawyer Jurgen can’t afford to do so now… Even I haven’t been to Desi Bay… Klein mumbled, came to the mailbox, and stuffed the letter in.

was the prelude to his

Harvest Church as a detective

for breakfast, Klein returned via his original path and was quite

elegantly-decorated carriage parked outside. Two ladies in black hats and a ribbon were anxiously pulling on his doorbell, while the maids and bodyguards were scattered around, as

anxious… With the paper bag containing the Desi pie in hand, Klein approached and said with a laugh, “Ladies, it should be

back to see Detective Sherlock

you have to help

Spirit Vision, there was nothing fake about her anxiety, nervousness, and fear. Therefore, he nodded his head, pointed at the door and said,

noticed that her condition was entirely different from the

landlady liked to show off a little, she’s someone who loves life a lot… Klein

could sit still, Ma’am Mary impatiently said, “Detective Moriarty, I received a threatening

Desi pie, clasped

smoke of the factory impartially

off, and its arms and legs

and she said with a trembling voice, “This is the first time I’ve encountered something like this. I don’t know if it will become

the other is to destroy

Ma’am Mary was now a member of the National Atmospheric Pollution Council. Her status was

high probability that the police department would hand the case over to the Church’s Beyonder organization in order to solve this case as

Ma’am Mary’s status as a follower of the Goddess, the Nighthawks was an

wanted a share of the reward, he didn’t want to involve

what they said? They said that threatening letters were formed by cutting the words from newspapers, and the doll could be bought from anywhere. It would be very difficult to find the sender in a short period

believe you can help me, not only because of your performance from that matter but also because of Mike’s approval, Aaron’s praise, and Talim’s extolment. And

words make me happy, but something doesn’t seem

from a newspaper to avoid detection. The sender would have either been caught already, or they would have

what the situation is, it will be

but he carefully analyzed the

became unusually quiet. The feeling of silence made Ma’am Mary and Mrs. Stelyn somewhat uneasy for some unknown

and roll between his fingers, as though it were a

coin flew up and then fell down steadily onto the palm of his hand, its back

He was divining whether this matter involved danger,

another possibility as he smiled and said, “Ma’am Mary, don’t worry. You can go back home in

incite the public to use their anger, allowing the atmospheric pollution investigation to be carried

why the police are responding in this

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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