I’ve been recognized!

Klein instantly fell into shock as he nearly entered combat mode.

Even if he didn’t use his Spirit Vision, he could tell from Emlyn White’s tone and words that he wasn’t lying. He was very confident and certain.

Just as the tense feelings rose in him, Klein suddenly thought of something.

Why should I worry about that?

Then, he answered his own question in his mind, So what if I was recognized? The current situation is different from what it was two months ago!

I was left flustered by the incident with Ambassador Bakerland in front of the official Beyonders. I was rushing around, trying to grasp at every possible straw. In the process, I ended up making contact with Beyonder circles, and even the possibility of me becoming a Beyonder was quite plausible. Therefore, even if my identity as a Beyonder was exposed, they wouldn’t think too deeply about it and dig up my past.

And it’s very likely that Detective Isengard Stanton is a Beyonder, and he maintains good relations with the police and the official Beyonder organizations. He had speculated that I was the same as him and tried to gently rope me in. In this regard, I can barely be counted as a borderline member of the official Beyonders, and if anything were to happen, I wouldn’t necessarily be imprisoned.

More importantly, I have already made my current image so deeply ingrained that I don’t have to worry about any wanted posters. If anything goes wrong, then I can just abandon 15 Minsk Street and my identity as Sherlock Moriarty!

So, what’s there to worry about?

Yes, before I came here, I had also performed a divination, and the revelation was that there was almost no danger.

As these thoughts flashed across his mind, Klein’s contracted pupils, slightly appalled expression, and his fight or flight state eased, as if he was discussing the day’s weather with Emlyn White.

Seeing his calm expression, Emlyn White raised his eyebrows, took a few steps to the side, and squeezed past him before slowly sitting to his side.

The vampire looked at Bishop Utravsky, who was leading the believers in the rite of Holy Communion, and he said with a sneer, “Mister Detective, aren’t you afraid that I’ll go to the police station and shout out loud that you’re a Beyonder?”

Similarly, Klein looked forward and said without turning his head, “I’ll go with you and shout out loud that there’s a vampire!”

Come on, let’s have an internecine outcome! Do you think I’m afraid of you!?

Emlyn White’s expression stiffened, he raised his right index finger and said, “Sanguine, a noble Sanguine! Got it?”

Before Klein could speak, seeing that Bishop Utravsky was preoccupied with the rites of Holy Communion, Emlyn White chuckled and said, “Regardless, I’m finally going to be free.

“I pretended to submit and told the old man that I was willing to convert to believing in Mother Earth and was deeply penitent for what I had done. Although I have no idea what was necessary to show repentance, it’s not a problem to put on an act.

“That old man actually believed me like this, and he was very happy as well. He let me out on the spot, and he let me become a priest here. He told me that as long as I memorized the Holy Bible of the Church of Mother Earth, he would allow me to return home.

that old fogey, who’s all brawn and has become

and said, “Father Utravsky used to be a pirate, he probably killed far more people than the number of people your father has ever saved. Furthermore, most pirates don’t

wished to retort. Klein rubbed the top of his cane and leisurely added, “Father has a powerful Sealed Artifact in his

I don’t know if it has any other

froze, his

said I was willing to change my faith, that old man came in with a lantern. There was a candle in the lantern, and I didn’t

his head and gave Emlyn

Utravsky used it to plant a seed in you, one

mouth twitched, revealing a smile comparable to a

at all. It shouldn’t be

ordinary people, saying that he forcefully detained me, forcing him to make a choice between sullying the Church of Mother Earth’s reputation and

that a great

maintained his look of pity, clasped his hands, and raised them

choose to call the police and have them

think will suffer in the end, the bishop who has the right to


clenched his fist and punched the back of the pew

I will ask the old man to let me return!

“I’ve been to 48 Riverbay

move to somewhere I’m not aware of,”

moved in a hurry. They left a lot

squeezed past Klein, and rushed towards Bishop

I want to return home, I want to return home, I want

believers who hadn’t finished their Holy Communion yet, Father Utravsky didn’t respond. He merely

his mouth

and forth,

and hat, and strolled down the aisle

Utravsky and said with a serious expression, “Bishop, I don’t know why you’re retaining Emlyn here, nor do I want to know. I only know one

vampire, Emlyn.

at them and replied gently, “Emlyn can


glance, raised

tapping in a clockwise fashion, but in

from the look Klein gave him. Without a word, he rushed to the door of the cathedral and left without a

him at a moderate

like a jog, Emlyn suddenly slowed down and said in a daze, “I feel like I’m starting to miss the Harvest Church, the feeling of memorizing the Holy Bible, and the Sacred

alright. At the very least, the seed, which was planted, didn’t change Emlyn’s faith. In a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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