After waiting for more than half an hour and confirming that nothing unexpected had happened, Klein and Emlyn White left Lawyer Jurgen’s house and proceeded in silence, each of them preoccupied with their own thoughts. Soon, they arrived outside 15 Minsk Street.

The vampire, Emlyn White, put his fist to his mouth, coughed lightly, and said, “The payment has been paid. I hope we won’t meet again in the future.”

That sounds pretty cool, but Mr. White, have you forgotten something important?Klein smiled politely.

“I will visit Bishop Utravsky every now and then, and I hope you will not be at the Harvest Church when the time comes.

“That way, I don’t have to busy myself with finding a way to solve the inducing suggestion planted in your psyche.”

Emlyn White’s expression suddenly became very strange. He stayed silent for two seconds before he raised his chin and said, “We have many powerful mysticologists among the Sanguine. I will write to them for help.”

After he finished speaking, he pressed his hand to his chest and bowed to bid farewell.

Turning around and taking a few steps, he suddenly slowed down, turned his head, and asked hesitantly, “What were you cooking over here?”

“Beef bone radish soup, with rice and chili peppers from the Feynapotter highlands,” Klein said in anticipation as he breathed in the fragrance drifting out from the house.

Emlyn frowned and shook his head.

“Chili peppers aren’t things fancied by the Sanguine.”

Frankly speaking, it’s hard for me to imagine a vampire eating chili peppers. Of course, I occasionally imagine a vampire holding a steamed bun and chewing on garlic and onions… Klein silently lampooned, pointed to the door, and indicated that he was about to enjoy his dinner.

Emlyn White thought for a second, lowered his voice, and said in deliberation, “Last night, I thought over things for a long time and found out that you actually didn’t do anything, so why are you asking for compensation? That old man would’ve let me leave at any moment.”

Klein chuckled.

“No, that’s not how the accounts are done. Your parents assigned a mission to find you, not to save you. In the end, I found you. According to the agreement, the reward should belong to me.

“Besides, if I hadn’t reminded you, you might’ve stayed in Harvest Church for weeks or months before you realized that you were free to leave. Furthermore, you wouldn’t have noticed the seed planted in your mind.”

“Are you hinting that my intelligence isn’t up to par?” Emlyn’s face twisted.

No, I’m saying it directly… Klein smiled but didn’t say anything else. He just opened the door and went straight to the kitchen, his mind full of the clear and alluring soup, the white rice, the soft yet chewy beef, the marrow hidden deep in the bones, the sweet, refreshing radishes with meaty flavors, and the shredded chili from the Feynapotter highlands.

In the spicy-hot shreds, there were also pink rose salt and green parsley leaves.

as promised, Klein went to the value-for-money

jacket as before, was sitting in a corner, matching

out the things he had prepared

was payment consisting of two five-soli notes, four one-soli notes, and a handful of copper pennies specially designed to increase the effect of the

stared straight at them for quite a while before finally reaching out his right hand to take

again, raised his hand to

and do some troublesome cleaning with our feet in the cold

there was a total of 15

seconds later, he said, “What have you heard

took another sip of his tea, pinched the corners of his eyes and said, “I’ve met a lot of dockworkers, and I’ve reconnected with friends I used to know when I was a tramp. Some of them have found employment in factories, and some of them have been switching between the workhouse

there has been a rumor from who-knows-where that since we believe in one of the seven gods, why don’t we directly pray to the Creator

in our redemption. Not only will we enter ‘His’ kingdom after death, but we will also have a better life before death. For example, we don’t need to work so hard, and we can have butter

this some theory the Aurora Order has spread about the Fallen Creator? After what happened to Lanevus, they’ve begun to pay attention to the poor in East Borough, the dock area, and the factory district, hoping to use them for certain purposes? I wonder if the three

the end, with the help of the police, their struggles failed, but, heh heh, the leaders became the

become street girls, and some have gone off somewhere. The entire East

to East Borough to kill one or two people every day

Kohler continued to recount what he saw and heard daily before saying, “By the way,

certain that he

the washing with her two daughters, but yesterday, when her two daughters were returning home from delivering the laundry, one

situations because they have no ability to resist danger or change their environment… This phrase suddenly flashed

seconds of stone-like silence, he said, “Take me to see them. I’m

no money,”

his hat and cane and said, “I occasionally do volunteer

the apartment which the two ladies originally

had resumed her life as a bounty hunter, and Fors hastened the pace of her new book, hoping to save the

easily. Fors scratched her hair

she had

her was the Yosifov Clinic, a fairly large private

lady who had guided her into the Beyonder world. She turned into a small alley on the right and took a shortcut to

had leaves fluttering down the parasol tree.

Back then, she would occasionally visit personally to deliver medicine, give injections, or even

have been several changes in tenants… I still remember when I came to tidy up the items she left behind. I discovered

recalled her past experiences, she gradually gained some inspiration

a heavy woolen coat and a black half top hat standing in front of Unit 39.

one was opening the door, the old man with blue eyes

and urgently smiled, and said, “Beautiful lady, do you live

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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