City of Silver.

Derrick Berg had no idea how he got home. All he remembered was the indescribable horror.

Darc Regence’s character and behavior didn’t appear too different from his former self. However, it was true that there was a change to him that was unsettling. Derrick was afraid that the City of Silver would be targeted by the evil god, the Fallen Creator; afraid that the City of Silver would be obliterated before he could become The Sun, saving it from its more than two-thousand-year-long curse; and give hope and sunshine to the residents here.

At that moment in time, he hated himself for not being strong enough—that he was still only at Sequence 8.

No! I can’t just watch idly! Derrick suddenly stood up, and he prepared to rush to the spire and tell the other elders of the six-member council and Chief Colin Iliad of what he had discovered.

However, Derrick knew that such anomalies weren’t suspicious. Every time they explored the depths of the darkness, the members would have a period of intense tension lasting for days, tens of days, or even more than a month.

In addition, the uninhabited desolate plains and the hopeless journey would bring about extreme depression. In addition, in order to be safe, the members of the exploration team wouldn’t be allowed to release any sexual urges that had been pent up during their excursions, which caused them to act differently after every exploration. If they ended up with more than half the team ending up dead or injured, a huge change in personality wasn’t a rare occurrence.

The manner of handling such people could only be dealt with via the usual quarantine and treatment with almost zero exceptions.

The City of Silver had the first three Sequences of the Dragon pathway, so there was no lack of Psyche Analysts.

Derrick rushed to the door and suddenly slowed down.

He knew that this method of reporting to the six-member council might not be effective. It would likely arouse suspicion, and there might even be the threat of being targeted by the Shepherd, Elder Lovia.

After pacing back and forth for more than ten seconds, Derrick gritted his teeth and pulled the door open.

He felt that he had to warn the elders of the six-member council, even if it would be a huge risk for him!

For the vast majority of the residents of the City of Silver, sacrificing their lives to maintain the existence of this city and the continuation of this civilization was the belief that was ingrained into their bones.

Selfish people often didn’t live long in such environments regardless of whether it was outside or inside.

Of course, Derrick wasn’t completely reckless. Under the tutelage of the members of the Tarot Club, especially The Hanged Man, he clearly understood that there were times when one had to be patient, protect himself properly, and avoid unnecessary sacrifices in order to better defend the City of Silver.

I’ll only talk about the abnormality I observed. It shouldn’t be dangerous… Derrick consoled himself, running faster and faster.

spire that represented the

and made a request

usual questions. After simply passing

strange… It’s different from before… Derrick felt that the changes in the

the room, he saw Chief Colin Iliad standing in front

elder, with his deep blue eyes and messy white hair, had his back facing two swords that hung on the wall. He wore his usual flaxen-colored shirt and brown coat, and it was hard to believe that he was an expert who had successfully hunted

what matter would actually require you to tell me it, face to face?” Colin asked in a

I know has experienced a strange change. He’s no longer as cheerful as he was before, and his smile is as polite as a stranger’s. Also, Elder

and asked in a low voice, “Just these two

think there might be

an investigation. You may return. In the future, you

Sequence 6. It was a pity that


back as he disappeared by the door, Colin sighed in

situation for a while. Klein got off the carriage and took the steam metro. After three stops, he

early, he used divination to confirm that the previous tenant wasn’t lying, and then he diligently

since he had obtained this mysterious book, Klein’s use of the mysterious space above the gray fog became more and more ingenious as

now is my own Sequence, my own strength, and spirituality.” Late at night, Klein hid the Book of Secrets and went to

night, he slept soundly. Even the church bells in the morning

is the best time to stay in

a sugared hard-boiled egg and strawberry jam he

his meal, the

after breakfast?” He took a sip of the sweet

to his agreement with Reporter Mike, he would only arrive half an hour after breakfast before they began interviewing the rescued girls of East Borough.

of a visitor appeared in his mind. He wasn’t Reporter Mike Joseph but

morning, Aaron. Did you sleep late last night?” Klein noticed that Aaron’s face was pale, so he quietly activated his Spirit Vision to

took off his hat and cane and started to take off his coat, but the cold

today. Mike might come looking for me,

and didn’t say anything else. He followed Klein into the living room, found a seat and

had a nightmare last night. I dreamed about that child, Will

limits of my knowledge… I’m a professional when it comes to interpreting dreams, far

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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