Audrey knew that her mind and psyche were being influenced by some kind of Beyonder power. It was only because of the “Angel’s Blessing” provided by Mr. Fool that she was able to miraculously be immune to that state. Therefore, she decided to set certain things in motion, using small secrets to stun her counterparts, so as to hide the more crucial matters, in return for obtaining greater trust.

The reason why she was doing this wasn’t because she didn’t believe in the angel, but because she felt that she could observe her counterparty just like how they were observing her.

Although she had always “hidden” herself in the “dark” and pretended to not be considered a Beyonder, performing in a way which would not arouse suspicion, she was still more willing to take the members of the Psychology Alchemists seriously. After all, they were professionals, and she could only be considered a dabbler in the Beyonder circle. She lacked the experience and wasn’t flexible enough. It was very possible that she would expose certain problems from things she had yet to realize.

In that case, she might as well take this opportunity to “confess” and completely dispel some of the doubts of the Psychology Alchemists’ members.

She had called the descent of the angel and its envelopment of her with its wings as a “blessing.”

Upon hearing Audrey’s reply, both Escalante and Hampres showed a brief look of surprise. For a moment, they even doubted their own powers.

As for Hilbert, he curled the corners of his lips into a faint smile, showing no abnormal reaction.

He nodded in satisfaction and gently said, “Your honesty is admirable.

“Anything else?”

Audrey pretended to be in a trance as she shook her head.

“There isn’t anything else.”

Hilbert thought for a moment before asking a few more questions.

“Which Beyonder gathering did you buy the Spectator formula from? Who did you buy it from? Where did you get the ingredients for concocting the potion?”

Audrey’s eyes darted around slightly as she showed an expression of recalling.

“I have to keep the Beyonder gathering a secret.

“I was unable to see what the person who sold me the Spectator formula looks like. But from the way he speaks, I could determine that he was a believer of the Lord of Storms.”

Upon hearing that, Hilbert nodded slightly, as though he recalled something.

Audrey continued, “My Spectator potion ingredients were mainly found from my family’s vault. The rest were exchanged from my few friends.”

Two Spectator potions… she added silently.

Most of them were found from her family’s vault… Hilbert, Escalante, and Hampres ruminated over the words, momentarily at a loss for words.

After a few seconds, Hilbert nodded to Escalante and Hampres, indicating that he found everything alright.

same reply from the rest, the gold tinge in his eyes

wick of the candle

discovered that the strange

switched to an appearance of doubt

already be

her surprise and panic at the right

show in the appropriate situation and knowing, in detail, what kind

be nervous. We don’t mind. That was the last of our

you have passed all the tests. Now, you’re an official member

she smiled. “It felt like a

the edges of her skirt, and bowed at Hilbert and the others. She then said with a faint smile, “We

and bowed to the beautiful girl of noble status

down, Hilbert organized his words and said, “Miss Audrey, I’m going to formally explain to you about the situation

with a smile. “Just call me

he crossed his right leg and

Alchemists was just a seminar for enthusiasts who all believed that

seminar obtained a treasure map and found the

of the Hermes language?” Audrey asked in

the earliest masters of mysticism from the human race, and the language of ancient Hermes that he created resonated with the power of nature. He was active during the dark Second Epoch. Back then, humans were

out a

Hermes was a mysticism master in the field of the mind. His

that mind dragons have advanced far into this field and have achieved the same level of achievement

Dragon of Imagination Ankewelt was an ancient god… Audrey thought

laid the foundation and direction for the

believe that the mind has many secrets and that every one of them is hidden somewhere deep and difficult

secrets would cause irreversible harm to the body. Audrey, you have to remember that matters in

Audrey nodded, he

can, on the one hand, unearth the power hidden deep in one’s consciousness, and accomplish many miraculous deeds, and on the other hand, we can influence

of a collective subconsciousness isn’t accurate enough; I prefer to call it the ‘mind world of all living beings.’ It

Audrey showed her curiosity at the right moment

to appear. When we want to visit a friend, they will happen to knock on the door. And

there are too many coincidences. Our research shows that many of these coincidences are caused by an unconscious, magical influence of the

master the ‘mind world,’ which is also the sea that gathers the collective subconscious, then you will master ‘coincidences,’ creating magical phenomena that make chance

the Dragon of Nightmare before, but the

deep and profound question. If we do, we’ll easily lose ourselves. I’ll continue introducing

establishment of the organization. The members at the beginning wanted to maintain a state of pure academic discussion, but they would always need help when encountering matters. Similarly, they lack items and research materials. That’s

compared to other secret organizations, our structure

I like about it,”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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