The street lamps at night illuminated the wet ground, which was sent splashing by the occasional horse carriage that passed by.

Backlund was located in the middle of the kingdom, only dozens of kilometers from the Sonia Sea, and it rained frequently all year round. The highest temperature in July was only 28 degrees Celsius, and the lowest was around 2 degrees Celsius in winter. The weather seldom had a chance of dropping to zero or lower, but this didn’t stop people from feeling the cold here. Even the northerners from Feysac, who were used to living in ice and snow, sometimes couldn’t bear the humidity that penetrated through their clothing and flesh.

Klein stood behind the oriel window in a room which didn’t have its fireplace lit. He looked at the tranquil scene outside and felt relaxed in his body, heart, and soul.

As long as he gathered the ingredients and concocted the potion, he could immediately advance to Sequence 6, becoming a Faceless.

The Magician potion has been completely digested… The Desire Apostle was personally finished off by me and he failed to escape… The Aurora Order’s search of The Fool’s believers is still going in circles… Apart from Mr. Azik being pursued by an unknown faction and the problem of the potion ingredients, I’m temporarily not troubled by anything… Klein leaned his body forward and took in a breath of air. He then looked at the fog that had condensed on the windows.

The reason why he had risked his life to intercept the Desire Apostle was because he was afraid that the other party would have other plans and, thus, smoothly escape from the pursuit of the official Beyonders. At that time, he might be remembered for his crucial advice and be avenged afterwards—as a Coldblooded, a Devil was unlikely to take the risk of avenging his comrades, but that didn’t mean that they wouldn’t choose to vent their anger on someone who nearly caused their death.

This operation was definitely necessary. Perhaps someone from the Twilight Hermit Order is somewhere receiving him. Once the Desire Apostle escapes, and with me not having any relevant information, perhaps I’ll be prepared against a Sequence 5, believing that I would be pretty safe once I advance to Faceless, but the Desire Apostle might very well use the information provided by the Abyss card and the Twilight Hermit Order’s help to advance to become a High-Sequence Beyonder! Such a development is quite scary if I think about it… One is required to inflict the finishing blow of justice… Klein reflected over what had happened this afternoon and summarized his experiences and lessons.

After enjoying the night scenery for a while, he returned to the sofa and sat down to think about his future plans.

With the reward provided by the Machinery Hivemind, I’ll be able to afford the mutated pituitary gland and blood of a Thousand-faced Hunter. The Deep-sea Naga’s hair simply requires me to have money. Such an ingredient should be relatively easy to find on the sea. I can get Mr. Hanged Man to help. The only problem is the Human-skinned Shadow characteristic…

And even if there is a clue, I don’t have enough money…

With this in mind, Klein couldn’t help but give a self-deprecating chuckle.

I’m not a person who particularly loves money, it’s just a very average preference. When I was in Tingen, I always encouraged Melissa to spend and urged her and Benson to hire a maid. I felt that no matter what, I should try to not treat myself too badly, and every time I did a covert operation, I always placed safety first and made sure to be careful so that I wouldn’t be affected mentally because of the allure of wealth.

However, in order to take revenge, I have to advance, and advancing requires me to buy expensive Beyonder ingredients. I can only accumulate every single penny and save whatever I can…

He suddenly hunched his shoulders and felt that the coldness of the living room made a Magician like him, who didn’t have an excellent constitution, shudder.

Therefore, he decided to take a shower, crawl into bed, and read in bed.

There’s only another three or four hours left before it’s bedtime; there’s no need to ignite the fireplace again… With a sigh, Klein got up and walked to the second floor.

Under the Steam Cathedral.

After Ikanser finished reading all the recorded statements, he picked up his coffee and took a sip.

After a few seconds of silence, he pulled out the ancient silver mirror called Arrodes.

Carlson took a glance at it and asked curiously, “Deacon, if I ask the honorable Arrodes about an unsolved mathematical problem or a classical paradox, will it give me the correct answer?”

“Most of the time, it will directly reject you. If it thinks that you have ill intentions, it will even give you a lightning strike or make you suffer a curse that you would never want to face,” Ikanser said with a sigh. “It’s a living Sealed Artifact with extremely high intelligence, not a rigid, rule-abiding difference machine. When using it, it’s best not to think about trying to find loopholes.”

Carlson looked around at his teammates and kindly suggested, “Deacon, let me ask the question for you. I have nothing I need to hide.”

He straightened his back and assumed an open, honest posture.

Ikanser smiled bitterly and said, “There’s no need, I already know what I need to know. I’m no longer afraid of similar questions, and occasionally, the honorable Arrodes will ask very profound questions. With your body’s condition, the subsequent penalty won’t be easy to bear.”

that said, he clenched his fists before spreading his fingers apart and gently stroked the surface of the

a deep voice, “Honorable Arrodes, my question is: ‘Who or what faction instigated the Desire Apostle to

a long time did the surface produce an


Carlson and the other members of the Machinery Hivemind looked at each other, unable to understand. Even though one of them was a Beyonder who had advanced from Mystery

in Death, or lunatics that believe in

Carlson nodded in agreement.

it’s the

discussion because Arrodes’s question had already

of underwear do you like

flushed red, and he felt as if smoke was rising from the top of his

difficulty, he spat out a word:

suddenly became unusually quiet, and Carlson and the others pretended to

scratched his fluffy hair, ready to ask

couldn’t bear it as he

not to reach the punishment phase.” Ikanser

the deacon’s actions, gently stroking the surface of the silver mirror three times while the other members gathered

my question is ‘Who are the accomplices of the Desire

first presented a woman’s back, one with

blurry and could barely be identified as

Duke Negan! It’s a pity that the

felt that he had no secrets and didn’t need to care about

Arrodes offered was a

hesitation, Carlson

the surface of the silver mirror: “Do you relieve yourself daily

felt his ears rapidly

so many teammates and his superior still gave him the urge to bury

answered very

Under Saint Samuel Cathedral.

shadow, tossed a stack of documents in front of Soul

want on the tarot

than I thought,” Soest

Daly snickered.


his lower lip with the palm of

and compare it with the two previous cases? There might be clues to the organization

of Storms, and he represents the interests of the Church of the Lord of Storms in the political scene. The Mandated Punishers will definitely be frantically searching for the real culprit, so we don’t need to get involved; otherwise, we’ll easily be put at odds with them. Let’s investigate the cases involving the tarot cards, and who knows, we

Leonard nodded.

“I understand.

mind, the elderly voice tsked and

just like that. That person has the smell of the Dark

Holy Wind

God, Ace Snake, swept

to leave Backlund, this is the decision of the Council

and that is

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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