Seeing the white foam of the Southville beer being placed in front of Sherlock Moriarty, Carlson finally came to his senses.

It was only when the bartender was a certain distance away from them did he ask in a suppressed voice, “What do you want?”

Klein picked up his glass and took a sip. He took a few seconds to savor the bitter taste of the malt and the faint sweetness from it.

“Cheers!” He looked sideways at Carlson and smiled before raising his glass.

Without hesitation, Carlson shook his head and refused the offer, mumbling, “You have beer, while I have strong distilled liquor. It’s not suitable for a toast.”

Klein was only going through the motions, so he once again took a sip of his Southville beer, looked straight ahead, and chuckled.

“What I want is very simple.

“I’m not sure what’s inside the tomb, so I can only describe it rather vaguely… Well, I hope that I can choose an item from the spoils of your tomb exploration. I’m not greedy, and my request will not involve high Sequence items. I wouldn’t dare to take it even if they were one of the options.

“If you find nothing or there are only high Sequence items, then I don’t want anything. Of course, I believe that when the latter happens, you wouldn’t be stingy with giving me a sum of cash that’s consistent with my contribution.”

After hearing about the Amon family’s tomb from Miss Sharron yesterday, he had came up with rough plans.

The first plan was to blow the copper whistle, contact Mr. Azik, and join forces to explore the tomb.

However, there were many potential problems with this plan. Firstly, he was unsure of the amount of strength Azik, who was still in the midst of finding his lost memories, had regained. Secondly, Azik was being pursued by MI9, so it was very easy for him and Azik to land in trouble. Thirdly, there was a high chance that Klein would end up reappearing in the sights of Sealed Artifact 0-08 once again. Of course, he could also consider using the help of the gray fog to make contact or embark on the expedition. However, blowing the copper whistle above the gray fog made it impossible to summon the messenger; therefore, ending all of his subsequent plans.

More importantly, Klein didn’t dare to reveal the secret of the space above the fog to Azik Eggers whose identity remained a mystery.

Therefore, he finally chose the second method, which was to use his identity as an informant to submit the information to the Machinery Hivemind and ask for a reasonable reward.

When it came to the number of High-Sequence Beyonders, which faction could have more than the seven Churches?

According to what Klein knew, there were close to ten High-Sequence Beyonders in the Church of the Evernight Goddess. In other words, nearly half of the thirteen archbishops and nine high-ranking deacons had reached or surpassed Sequence 4. This wasn’t considering the adorer of the Goddess, the Pope who helmed the Church.

Even if the situation regarding the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery was inferior in this aspect, it couldn’t be that inferior. Their archbishop of the Backlund diocese, Horamick Haydn, was a High-Sequence Beyonder.

And as such, for an orthodox church, with all its resources accumulated to date, it wouldn’t value the Mid-Sequence items very, very, very much. Klein believed that he could negotiate a reasonable “price.”

Simply put, the core element of the second plan was: find an organization for any difficulties!

Upon hearing Klein’s offer, Carlson paused for a second, then blurted out, “Aren’t you a believer in God?”

always had the Goddess in my heart… Klein drew a triangular Sacred Emblem on his

I’ve told you

stronger and having more money can I have more access to different channels and resources, and thus provide you with better and more effective

order to convince the Machinery Hivemind, he had specifically spent the morning reading through the “Steam and Machinery Bible” that he had bought earlier. He then found a few sentences from

unable to provide a rejoinder. He just sat

of the rewards I receive as a result of this, as well as keeping your promise without going back on your word, then I believe that the other informants will be deeply moved and be greatly motivated to do their

I wish that you use my pseudonym

listened with a blank face, picked up his glass, and gulped down a mouthful. He almost

you is completely different from what I remember about you from before.”

Detective Sherlock Moriarty in his memories was good at analysis and reasoning, he was extremely calm and polite, and, with a great sense of justice, had offered very effective advice.

Yet now, he was…

sip of his beer and

single facade to face everything is prone to error. This is a problem you have to pay attention

right to agree to such a request. I will report it immediately, so

and added

beer, Carlson returned to the bar

said in a deep voice, “There’s no problem with your request, but there’s one condition to

is an ingredient… Klein immediately


I ask again if is this your personal decision or the response from

to press down on his fluffy hair. “But since it concerns an aristocratic tomb from the Fourth Epoch, I had sent a telegram to the archbishop, and he didn’t object

Klein drew another triangular Sacred Emblem on his chest. “I’ll give

shook his head

around and pointed to a

“Let’s talk inside.”

on trial by the mirror called Arrodes, is quite experienced… Klein murmured and followed Ikanser and Carlson into the billiard room while making sure that the adjacent

a Beyonder who found a hidden tomb at the mouth of the Stratford River in White Cliff Town. He searched the periphery and found

no one returned. If

asked, “Are you sure it’s an aristocratic tomb

outside can prove that they’re members of the Tudor Dynasty’s Amon family,” Klein answered truthfully. He then warned him, “The Beyonders who died in there weren’t weak at all, and there were

“Amon…” Ikanser frowned instinctively.

that, as a deacon, he had the authority to know some ancient

Klein to emphasize it again, he looked up and

tomb is very dangerous. Don’t tell this information to anyone else, or explore it yourself. Otherwise, you and your friends

sitting here… Klein gave a self-deprecating laugh and said,

Carlson leave before putting on

Epoch, as well as the Amon family, the Machinery Hivemind will still be very cautious. They’ll have to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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