In an instant, Klein switched to his unfathomable state as “The Fool who overlooked everything.” He nodded and said, “Not bad.”

Ahead of him, the river surged, and the white words squirmed and changed before taking shape again.

“What follows is the exploration process your loyal servant, Arrodes, has recorded. You can choose to speed up or skip certain scenes at any time.”

This sentence froze for two seconds, and then the scene abruptly zoomed in. Klein instantly appeared beside Ikanser Bernard, but no one noticed him.

He looked around and felt that he was surrounded by living people with lifelike scenes. Nothing about his surroundings looked unreal, making him feel as if though he was there in person.

I can even speed up or skip certain scenes… The original form of this mirror, Arrodes, is a virtual reality family cinema… Klein couldn’t help but lampoon.

He took another look at the Machinery Hivemind members and saw that it was led by an old man in white priest robes and a cleric cap. His face was unusually kind, and his expression was calm and gentle.

“Your Grace, everyone is ready,” Ikanser approached the elder and said with a bow.

Archbishop… This is the archbishop of the Church of Steam and Machinery’s Backlund diocese, the demigod, Horamick Haydn? The Machinery Hivemind really is cautious, and not careless…

Who knows, they might have even brought along a Grade 1 Sealed Artifact and performed a divination in advance. After all, they’re in control of the Mystery Pryer pathway. Luckily, I can basically confirm that the fog’s anti-divination or divination interference abilities are similar to the Cards of Blasphemy, allowing the result to be as ordinary as possible and the least bit suspicious; otherwise, certain matters might be exposed…

However, there’s a certain probability that the meeting between Miss Sharron and I will appear, because, to me, that isn’t something harmful. It depends on whether a Wraith’s instinct to interfere with divination will affect the Machinery Hivemind’s attempt. Wait, the Machinery Hivemind is highly likely to have relied on Arrodes, and based on its performance from just now and previously, it isn’t impossible for him to curry favor with me by adding some mosaics… Klein thought in enlightenment.

At this point, Horamick Haydn drew a triangular Sacred Emblem on his chest.

“Begin the operation. God will protect us.”

Nearly ten Beyonders headed down as Klein followed closely behind. He didn’t “fast-forward” at all.

He had always been curious about the combat styles of Low- and Mid-Sequence Beyonders of the Machinery Hivemind, and he wanted to take this opportunity to experience it.

In addition, he was also greatly concerned about how a demigod really did in combat, as well as the secrets hidden in the Amon family tomb.

After being ransacked by time, in a period spanning one or two thousand years, the black marble staircase still retained its hardness without any signs of corrosion. The Machinery Hivemind members followed it all the way underground, where they saw the unique asymmetrical stone pillars and axe-and-blade scuffing from the period of the Fourth Epoch.

The pillars stood on either side of the wide road, and in front of them was a large, heavy, dark gray stone bifold door.

The stone door had already cracked open, wide enough for two people to walk alongside each other. It was completely dark inside.

The Machinery Hivemind members were in no hurry to enter. They carefully searched the surrounding area with lanterns, but they found nothing of value.

“According to the plan, the first group will begin with a preliminary clean-up.” With the archbishop’s approval, Ikanser pushed down his hat, compressing his fluffy hair.

Klein ruminated over

the two strongest and burliest male Machinery Hivemind team members each laid down a long black box on

patterns. In the other box was a complex and exquisite firearm with a chain of pale golden bullets

members carried the cannon-shaped object and trudged to the open stone


two of them glanced at each other, the cannon-shaped object on the


a miniature sun, flew out


and intense light was emitted from the

Machinery Hivemind member, who was holding onto the “cannon barrel,” clearly sank a little as his

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Beyonder weapon to launch one golden “cannonball” after another at

came to a stop, the team member with the peculiar gun

Da! Da!

echoed as one pale golden bullet after another flew out, purifying the danger in the depths of

How extravagant! Is this the combat style of the Machinery Hivemind? Klein’s stared

raised his voice above the rumbling echoes and

more… Klein felt a little numb from what was

up of two team members who used scrolls made of different

simplified incantations, activated the scrolls,

by gentle and pure light. Droplets of golden holy rain pattered down, “cleansing” everything in

looked at this scene and suddenly found

guys here to engage in archaeological studies? Aren’t you professional “archaeologists?” Aren’t you afraid that the tomb would

through his mind, the second team was done, and they shouted at Ikanser, “Deacon, as expected, the construct’s structural integrity hasn’t

They were clearly prepared.


and saw piles of dirt and debris on the ground. It was impossible to tell what kind of monsters had once been active

these “cleaning up” procedures, as long as one didn’t dodge in advance, no Beyonder below that of High-Sequence Beyonders would be able to withstand it…Klein once again gained a deeper

were repeated over and over again. The Machinery Hivemind team members smoothly approached, exploring one area after another, occasionally harvesting some Beyonder characteristics that were beginning to

no murals…” Seeing the main tomb chamber in sight, the archbishop of the Church of

who was considered half

or less express

very common for a mural to be used to describe its master’s life when it possessed enough space. In even older and more obscure eras, this wasn’t rare, and it was even the most common

were no similar murals in the

the archbishop’s question, Ikanser immediately ordered the men to spread out in groups of two to search the vicinity for relevant

help but want to “fast forward” a little to immediately

noticed that the two Machinery Hivemind members in the left corner

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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