15 Minsk Street, in the dank, cold kitchen.

Klein rummaged for his newly bought large iron pot, poured fresh water into it, and carefully scrubbed it several times.

Then, he dropped some matches into it and snapped his fingers.

The scarlet flames soared, and under his control, they quickly burned the remaining water droplets dry, without harming the surface of the pot.

This time, there were no ingredients such as pure water in the potion recipe, so Klein was even more careful than the previous two times. He wanted to ensure that everything was in good measure to prevent any problems.

Although he was able to divine whether the concoction would be successful or not, at least to not endanger his life, such a result could still involve his potion being ineffective. Attempting to extract the Beyonder characteristics from the concoction would be relatively difficult, just like the removal of the mental corruption of a Rampager. He would need the corresponding technique, methods, or rituals, and Klein wouldn’t be able to gather a second round of ingredients within a short period of time either.

After finishing his preparations, Klein took a deep breath as he looked at the neatly arranged boxes. Finally, he recalled the potion recipe:


Main ingredients: Mutated pituitary gland of a Thousand-faced Hunter, Characteristic of a Human-skinned Shadow.

Supplementary ingredients: 80 ml of a Thousand-faced Hunter’s blood, 5 drops of black Jimsonweed juice, 10 grams of Dragon Tooth Grass powder, 3 strands of hair from a Deep-sea Naga.”

He first picked up the cardboard box which came from Vampire Emlyn White. He opened the box and took out the glass bottle that contained 100 milliliters of a Thousand-faced Hunter’s blood.

Glancing at the scale, Klein unscrewed the lid and steadily poured the sticky liquid into the pot with a stable wrist. The liquid changed its color depending on the variation in the lighting.

As it was a supplementary ingredient, he didn’t pursue precision and didn’t use chemical experiment apparatus to separate and titrate the liquid.

The Thousand-faced Hunter’s blood was like thin honey that slowly filled the bottom of the pot. When Klein felt that it was about time, he stopped tilting it and allowed the liquid to flow back.

There’s still about 20 milliliters left; my spiritual intuition is quite accurate… Klein withdrew his gaze from the glass bottle and tightened the lid. This 20 milliliters of Thousand-faced Hunter’s blood could still be used to make mystical items, Beyonder weapons, extraordinary scrolls, or for drawing symbols or labels in some ritualistic magic. It was still very precious.

After putting the glass bottle back into the cotton-filled box, Klein went down the list and added the black Jimsonweed juice and the Dragon Tooth Grass powder. He saw that the liquid in the iron pot started to bubble.

Without pausing, he picked up three strands of dark blue hair that resembled tiny snakes with his black-gloved right hand, and he firmly placed them on the surface of the liquid.


A faint mist rose from the iron pot, and the color of the liquid turned a deep blue.

Sequence 6 potion… Klein reached out and grabbed the silver tin box which Vampire Emlyn White had thrown in as

a snapping sound, Klein opened the lid of

touch the Thousand-faced Hunter’s mutated pituitary gland. Instead, he placed the tin box over

yellow-brown object with the grooves and ridges of a brain fell in, crashing into the dark blue

the pituitary gland

quickly merged with the dark

point, Klein was a little nervous, but he controlled himself. He picked up the last box

the gas lamps showed signs of being attracted and devoured as the room

normal, Klein finally saw

over, and from time to time, it would produce a bubble the size of an eye, and as if it had a life of its

it would immediately burst, and during this process, it would reflect light in a myriad of

combined to form a picture of different faces, and the facial features seemed to be

and poured the liquid inside into a glass bottle that he

acceptable, which meant that the potion had been successfully concocted, Klein took the Faceless potion bottle and walked steadily back to the second floor,

locking the door, he sat on the edge of the bed and, with the

more than ten seconds, Klein twisted the cap off of the bottle, raised his right

finally, it fermented into a numbing sensation that made

the feeling of being a bystander

white wax. His body was similarly abnormal; it was as if his

didn’t keep it under control, he

best to pull his thoughts back to his body, trying to visualize the layers of stacked spherical

finally felt his body once again. He tried his best to

assaulted him again and again, Klein lost sense of how long he held on for, but

that he had finally broken through the threshold and was now a Sequence 6.

his feet and walked

gas lamp’s illumination, he took two sudden steps back and


granules. It would make any normal creature who saw those go numb and subconsciously resist. The more timid ones might even lose

and having completely digested the Magician potion, my advancement to Sequence 6 was still rather difficult. I was only two to three steps away from losing control. I wonder how much of a risk those Beyonders who relied on the accumulation of time and barely qualified to consume the potion faced. The probability of failure definitely isn’t low… It’s no wonder Sequence 7 is relatively common among the members of the Churches, and they will shoulder the responsibility of captain or bishop, while the number of people at Sequence 6 begins to plummet… Klein closed his eyes and

was able to restrain his overflowing spirituality and

disgusting granules on his

walked back to the full-length

to squirm. His flesh and skin began to undergo a bizarre change like

second or two, Klein had reverted to his original appearance: black hair, brown eyes, ordinary facial features, a clean face with a deep outline, and a somewhat

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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