Klein already had a basic understanding of Danitz’s character, so he didn’t take the initiative to ask about the legends. He continued sitting in his chair and calmly looked at him.

Danitz, who hadn’t been interrupted, shook his head.

“Legend has it that 300 years ago when the Loen army first occupied this island, more than 500 soldiers mysteriously disappeared after a fog. Not long after that, a lot of bones appeared by the beach and on the mountain, and similar incidents happened several times. This continued until the Church of Storms built a cathedral here and sent a bishop.”

Although historians accredited the official start of the colonial era to when Roselle sent a fleet to find a safe route to the Southern Continent, in reality, for a long period of time before that, the countries of the Northern Continent had explored the surrounding seas and gradually colonized a few islands. The only difference was that these operations weren’t systematic or wide-scale enough.

Disappearing mysterious in the fog… Bones appearing by the beach and on the mountains… Klein thought of the Forsaken Land of the Gods for some baffling reason. According to Little Sun’s description, there was no sun there, with only lightning and the night. Furthermore, when humans were “surrounded” by darkness without a sliver of light, they would encounter strange or terrifying events.

Looking at the lighthouse that stood out in the setting sun, Danitz continued, “And according to the tombs and murals excavated on the island, the natives here seem to have a tradition of cannibalism.

“This island experiences intense weather changes, making it often encounter earthquakes, storms, and heavy fog; thus, the natives experience disasters time and time again. In order to survive, they began worshiping a God of Weather they created for themselves. Every year, they would hold four rituals. Heh, the rituals involve killing chosen worshippers as they shared in the blood and flesh before burying the worshippers’ heads in the sacrificial altar.

“However, a similar tradition has long since been replaced by the Storm’s sacrificial ritual, and the original language of the natives has also disappeared.”

God of Weather… A conquered island that had once retained the tradition of live sacrifices… Klein made his preliminary judgment.

Danitz retracted his gaze and casually said, “Because of these legends, there are two unique customs in Bansy Harbor. One is to close the door tightly on nights with heavy fog or huge changes in weather. They don’t head out or respond to any knocking.

“The other is that they love the blood of all kinds of animals and have learned from migrating elves to add salt, solidifying the blood into strange lumps which are tender and fragrant when matched with the acrid condiments native to this land.”

Isn’t that blood cake? Klein was stunned for a second, his eyebrows furrowing in puzzlement.


According to the stereotypes he had formed in his previous life, elves were supposed to be elegant vegetarians. How could they research the correct method for eating blood, as well as the hundred methods involved in making blood cakes?

“That’s right. Rumor has it that many elves like solidified blood.” Danitz spread out his hands in response. “Unfortunately, it’s already very difficult to find such creatures who have good culinary skills.”

… Little Sun previously mentioned that the ancient god of the Elves, Elf King, Soniathrym, wielded the authority of the storm. In that case, the elves should be a race equivalent to Beyonders of the Sailor pathway… Hmm, so it’s not inconceivable that elves enjoy blood-related food… Perhaps, they even possess the attribute of being irritable as well… That’s quite a scene to behold… Klein’s thoughts raced, and he gradually turned his attention to blood cakes.

It’s been a while since I ate that… He suddenly had the urge to alight from the ship and taste the delicacy.

At this moment, Danitz took the initiative to suggest.

“There’s a Green Lemon Restaurant here that’s very famous. Pig blood is especially delicious. Do you… Do you want to try it out?”

He kept having the feeling that being alone in the same room with Gehrman Sparrow was very dangerous. He was worried that this monster in human skin would suddenly go crazy.

He should be more restrained in places with more people… Holy Lord of Storms, I hope this trip comes to an end as soon as possible! Danitz prayed without confidence.

As a pirate, he also believed in the Lord of Storms, but he didn’t have enough respect for the Church.

Klein, who already had such intentions, was immediately

made him feel a little uncomfortable. Thus, he took out a gold coin and

was that there were no dormant dangers in Bansy Harbor for

in his hand without moving his eyes


for him to find

recovered from his disconsolate mood when Klein suddenly stood

Klein expressionlessly turned his head around and said,

Klein slammed

hands open and clenched them tightly, took two steps towards the door before coming to a

of creating conflict before he had any clear understanding of Gehrman Sparrow’s Beyonder

He’ll likely let me go when we

In the washroom.

and took four steps counterclockwise to

of the long bronze table, removed the pendulum from his left wrist, and wrote the corresponding divination statement: “There

spirit pendulum and adjusted his posture. After muttering a few times, Klein opened his eyes and saw the

meant that for Klein, there was a

be? This place was colonized by the kingdom for more than three hundred years, and it has become an important port on the main trading route for over a hundred years. There have never been any rumors of danger being spread… Could it be that several powerful pirates are cooperating to sack this port? No, those cannons defending

for a few seconds, then he allowed his spirituality to envelop his body before

world, Klein pressed the mechanical button on the toilet, put away the paper

this short period of time, he quickly sorted out his thoughts and decided to do

a tissue and wiping his hands, Klein opened the door and

of being a little cowardly… In a sense, Rear Admiral Iceberg’s subordinates are all adventurers who are part-time pirates…Klein looked at him and calmly said, “To the first-class dining

Sparrow had suddenly changed his mind, but in the end,

Cleves suddenly said to Donna and the others, “Head to the Green Lemon

have some matters to do with Captain Elland. I’ll join

Branch was surprised,

he met Elland with his

Gehrman Sparrow.” Cleves turned around for the first-class

momentarily dazed, unable

startled for two seconds before

if nothing happens to him, it means that his suspicions were incorrect and there’s no need

Thump! Thump! Thump!

were on their way out, heard a rhythmic knock on

a signal, hurried over and opened the

Danitz, who had disguised himself again, before turning to Klein and

picture on the bounty notice. It was only when Donna

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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