Unlike mainland cities such as Backlund, Tingen, and Pritz Harbor, colonial islands such as Bansy Harbor lacked gas. The lamps lining the two sides of the street were sparse. They had candles caged in glass, waiting to be lit.

Unfortunately, the wind had picked up early, so no one went out in the evening. The candles didn’t shine at the predetermined time, and the road was pitch black. The faint outline of the crimson moon shone through the clouds.

Compared to before, the wind was much calmer. At the very least, Klein didn’t need to be distracted keeping his hat on.

The thin fog gradually pervaded the air, and the doors and windows of the mainly two-story houses were shut tight. It was pitch black and devoid of any light, as though no one had lived in the area for a long time.

With a yellow lantern in one hand and a hard wooden cane in the other, Klein walked quickly down the quiet street in the direction of the Green Lemon Restaurant which Blazing Danitz had pointed out.


Amidst the fog, the wind began to swirl as Klein felt a baffling chill down his neck.

He lifted his right hand, which held the cane, and propped up the collar of his double-breasted frock coat, completely covering his neck.

It was at this moment that a scene suddenly appeared in his mind!

In the scene, a black shadow the size of a watermelon appeared from the fog and lunged for his ear.

Without thinking, Klein swung his arm and forearm and struck out with his cane.


Just as the black shadow came close, it was struck head-on and sent flying a long distance away.

With the help of the lantern’s light, Klein finally recognized the thing that had attacked him.

It was a head!

It was a head that had lost its body, a head that had its esophagus hanging down!

The head floated in midair, its face resembling dried cheese with mildew all over it. There was a yellowish-green liquid flowing down its skin as it outlined the face’s contours.

There were only two black holes left where its nose was supposed to be. Its bulging eyes were mostly white without much black. Its lips were mostly rotten, revealing sharpened teeth mixed with blood!

Dogsh*t! Blazing Danitz silently cursed when he saw this scene, his heart trembling.

Even though he had embarked on many treasure hunts and had fought many monsters, such a disgusting and horrifying thing was still rare.

At some point in time, a classic revolver had appeared in his hand, and he was about to fire it with his elbow held down.

At this moment, he saw a pure ray of light descend from the sky, landing on the somewhat stiff head.


A blood-curdling screech rang out, and the shriveled and hideous head was quickly vaporized before dissolving into ashes. It didn’t leave a single trace behind.

How weak! Danitz subconsciously commented.

from the Sun pathway? Doesn’t look like it… He likely relied on what should be some sort of mystical item… I didn’t even realize it just now, but Gehrman Sparrow

head fly out from the fog


calmly pulled the

brass bullet accurately hit the head covered in mold, shattering the head’s glabella as it fell backwards and stopped in

Danitz’s empty left palm, and a fiery light

the fire ball, causing it to crash into the stiff

skin on the head

lunged forward with its mouth wide open, ready to bite

out of Danitz’s expectations. He nearly failed to dodge in

appeared on his left palm once again, but the flame didn’t expand this time. Instead, it shrunk, layer by

out the orange fireball, which

drew an arc in the air and


fiery light flashed, and the explosion splintered the flying head from the inside out.

it… Danitz rolled to his feet and breathed a sigh

realize that this monster which only had a head wasn’t easy to deal with.

powers in the Sun domain restrains such things!Danitz added

realized that Gehrman Sparrow hadn’t waited for him. With his

for me… Wait for me! Danitz’s pupils contracted as he widened his pace to chase after the man. He didn’t dare to stay on his own in the thin fog and

the Green

looked at the white porcelain bowl in front of her and the dark red blood cakes in it. She thought of the strange horror she

moved and she

though the fragrance had

some salad and mashed potatoes without much thought and waited for the wind outside to die down. She felt the clock on the wall moving

customers at the table paid their bills and left the second

felt that the sound of feet on the wooden steps as

longer swaying, and the ground was littered with all

stopped!” Donna said, pointing excitedly

merchant, Urdi Branch, pinched his forehead and growled, “Where’s

to argue, Cleves raised his palm and

done with dinner. Let’s head back as soon as possible. There are many nasty

merchant who depended on the sea for a living was more or less superstitious, especially when it came to the legends of

foot the bill and led his family and bodyguards

came from a nearby room. Donna almost screamed

figure walked out, glanced at them, and calmly said, “It’s fogged up. It’s best

wore a black tailcoat without a hat. There was a pair of glasses on the bridge

to convey, Mr. Fox?” Cleves recognized him to be the owner of the Green

“In Bansy, during the nights when the fog and weather drastically changes, it’s best not to go out or respond

listened, the more scared she became. She


“They chose to stay.”

Creak! Thud!

voice fell, the doors to the various rooms opened either softly or heavily. The gentlemen and

Branch said in deliberation. “Staying a night here won’t affect our boarding of the

Restaurant, but he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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