By the time he left 47 Blackhorn Street, Klein had figured out Wendt’s general situation.

He had disguised himself as a police officer and learned from Wendt’s neighbors.

Symeem Island, the island at the farthest end of the Rorsted Archipelago. From Bayam, it’ll take four to five hours to get there by liner, and there are only two trips a day, at 9 a.m. and 10 a.m., respectively. Wendt’s parents are long dead and he has no relatives. The only person involved is a girl he just can’t forget, Raine. She’s the perfect target for my first performance of acting as someone else. But just thinking about how I need to confess on Wendt’s behalf, it feels so awkward… If the girl agrees… Damn, how am I supposed to wrap things up… Klein thought with a troubled expression.

He tried to recall the novels he had read and the movies and TV dramas he had watched, hoping for the most perfect solution.

Soon, he had a general idea of what to do, stabilizing his mood in the process. His thoughts began to drift towards the matter regarding Steel Maveti.

I hope Miss Magician will get a radio transceiver as soon as possible… Klein sighed silently and got onto a rental carriage.

Backlund, Cherwood Borough.

Fors opened a letter Xio had brought back.

It came from the science fiction novelist, Aville, who was pleased to share with Ma’am Wall the future development and applications of radio technology.

Fors directly skipped over the beginning and middle content, her eyes sweeping over to the end.

He introduced three types, with detailed addresses and approximate prices. The most expensive is just twelve pounds. Fors nodded slightly, feeling that this wasn’t a very important business transaction.

She suddenly felt her self-esteem was a little inflated. Perhaps because she had seen so many hundreds and thousands of pounds transactions in the Tarot Club, she no longer paid much notice to anything in the range of ten pounds.

Mr. World has the resources and finances. In the future, I might need to buy items from him or sell things I don’t need. Yes, I’ll just add postage, my transportation costs, and the price of the materials expended for the ritual to the original price…Fors made up her mind quickly, and she subconsciously looked out of the window.

Backlund was still gloomy and dark, with a light drizzle pattering down. However, the fog wasn’t as thick as it was before.

I wonder when I’ll receive the Spirit Eater’s stomach pouch from The Sun… Fors couldn’t wait to advance.

In the Berg household in the City of Silver.

Having already prepared the Spirit Eater’s stomach pouch and the materials Mr. Hanged Man wished to acquire, Derrick was in no hurry to sacrifice them to Mr. Fool.

He planned to wait a little longer, until the Chief was leading an expedition team or was presiding over a particular sacrificial ritual, before making an attempt.

Derrick reminded himself before flipping open the “Giant King’s Court—Book of Blackrock, Hand-copied

had been reading this ancient tome. From it, he was able to understand


there, as though it was suspended in eternal dusk. All the buildings

and they revered the owner

Borough, Waymandy’s

hand and intentionally asked, “Lord Baron, I forgot where I heard it from, but there was a very famous city named the City of Silver during the Second Epoch or in the

exceeded 200 hundred years. He didn’t look old, and he instead looked like a

was wearing a dark red cotton shirt with a brown pipe in his hand. As he enjoyed the warmth of the fireplace, he said

went on to say to himself, “But there was a Kingdom of Silver which was originally ruled by the Giant King’s

while and said, “Lord

Kingdom of Silver had a rather special position in the Giant King’s Court. They didn’t

Generosity, Bayam, dock area. Acid Lemon

the corner of the street, undid the topaz pendant on his left wrist, and divined to ensure that there was

he strolled back to the inn, went up to the third floor, and opened the door of the

to find Blazing Danitz already back, slumped in his reclining chair,

Klein calmly

a clock?”

opposite him and read

“3:40 p.m….”

came to his senses, sat

the people I can ask. There’s no need to stay outside any longer. It will increase the risk of exposure and affect your hunting

sat down, and he expressionlessly said, “Tell me what

treasure, I’m also a qualified part-time pirate.” Danitz

the places he went,

that a captain of a ghost ship named Alger knew about Bansy Harbor, Klein suddenly

standing in the Church of Storms who’s disguised as a

gray fog, although he couldn’t clearly see the other members’ appearances, it was still obvious

speaking. He said in a low voice, “Very messy hair, dark blue in

That guy isn’t simple!” Danitz

meet him so easily… Klein didn’t respond; instead, he leaned forward and

much into it, Danitz gave a general description of what

information. After finding everyone who could be found, the only thing one can do is wait patiently. This will definitely take a

require waiting,” Klein

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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