Danitz’s worries didn’t come true. Klein gave him a look and went into the bedroom to rest.

During the five hours he spent on the liner, he had always been in a highly tense state. He had also been alarmed last night and didn’t sleep well as a result. At this moment, he couldn’t help but feel exhausted.

With a thud, Klein closed the bedroom door.

Phew… He scared me to death! Danitz relaxed and slumped into the reclining chair.

The scene of him turning into gold pounds had surfaced in his mind a moment ago. He found it difficult to stop having these scenes appear one after another in his mind.

After a moment of silence, Danitz, who had been hanging around the bar until dawn, fell asleep again without realizing it. He dreamed that the captain had arrived to save him, but she had failed. Instead, she got caught by Gehrman Sparrow and ended up becoming a maidservant for this crazy adventurer.

Just as Danitz was outraged and unable to resist, he suddenly saw the blurry scene around him turn clear just as he was about to wake up. The scene froze on the luxurious suite of the Wind of Azure Inn.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Danitz heard a slow, soothing knock on the door.

Wasn’t I dreaming? With this question in mind, Danitz walked over to the door and turned the handle.

As the crack in the door widened, he saw a familiar figure.

She was a beautiful lady, with a face shaped like a goose egg, a high nose bridge, thin lips, and a pair of pale blue eyes that resembled clear spring water.

Her long brown hair parted in the middle, tied in a simple but delicate knot at the back of her head as they flowed down.

She didn’t wear a hat, only wearing a beige coat which was tight at the waist. Her collar was covered with palm-sized flowers woven from white lace.

Matching her coat was a dark-colored skirt which reached her knees. The pleats of her skirt were connected, looking slightly fluffy. On her feet were a pair of leather boots that shared the same color as her hair.

“Captain!” Danitz cried out in alarm

He hurriedly snapped out of his reverie, turned around and faced Gehrman Sparrow’s bedroom while taking a defensive stance.

“Be careful! Run! A lunatic is looking for you! He has a terrifying organization backing him!”

As the feeling of self-sacrifice welled up in him, Danitz heard his captain calmly say, “This is a dream.”

Dream… Yeah, I’m dreaming, what’s there to be afraid of… Danitz glanced left and right, folded his arms, turned around, and said, “Captain, you simulated the powers of a Nightmare? That can’t be right, you were near Sonia Island just last week.”

The largest island in this region of the Sonia Sea, which was also the origin of its name. It was almost like a small continent. Originally, it was the only remaining gathering place for the elves after the Cataclysm, but as time passed, this ancient Beyonder race was plagued by all sorts of factors and gradually died out. The occasional sighting of them proved that they hadn’t completely gone extinct.

At the end of the Fourth Epoch, the Loen Kingdom occupied this island, but in the Twenty Year War, they suffered a terrible defeat, handing over Sonia Island to the Feysac Empire. That was already more than seven centuries ago.

Sonia Island was situated north-northwest of the Rorsted Archipelago, and it took nearly half a month by ship to arrive there. Vice Admiral Iceberg Edwina Edwards was still in the vicinity of Sonia Island last week, so it was impossible to reach Bayam within a week. Unless she could fly or use the spirit world to travel.

beautiful lady whom Danitz

seas, still a thousand nautical

days before arriving? That’s what I call normal… Danitz curiously asked, “This should’ve already surpassed the

exceeds… he

room and walked

not a Nightmare power, but a secret ritualistic magic. It uses an item left behind on the ship to enter the dream of someone very far

Captain’s meticulous explanation, Danitz instantly felt as if he had returned to the

No one can tell how much knowledge she possesses… She seems to have mentioned that her Sequence name is Mysticism Magister… Sigh, if I had known that she had this “secret technique,” then I wouldn’t have been so frustrated over how to inform her about the unexpected events in Bayam… Danitz interrupted

that there’s a problem with our point of

technique…” Edwina seemed inclined to describe the

this, Danitz

Old Rinn and

turned her back to the window, asking succinctly, “What

energized, as if his long-lasting

up discovering that he was a madman,

Harbor, including the ambush and assassination attempt involving Steel Maveti. He explained everything about how he joined forces with Gehrman Sparrow for a counterattack and hunt, as well as

his best to restore the truth, only exaggerating the role

him. When he was done, she nodded lightly and said, “He

harm? Danitz quickly said, “Captain, regardless,

you sure he means no

can’t be sure,” Edwina replied very

the similarity between his captain and Gehrman Sparrow. They were people who he couldn’t engage in a

a straight face, “That’s just


rubbed his temples with his right hand. “Anyway, he’s dangerous. There’s a secret organization backing him, and I’ve no idea about the situation of the organization. Captain, I don’t think you should take the risk of communicating with him, even if he claims to have something to ask of

before saying, “There’s no need to


relief before asking both curiously and expectantly, “Captain, how will that

revealing a stand

need you to hold a

able to converse directly with Gehrman Sparrow. It works on anyone below that of a demigod, with an effective distance

communication, and it belongs to the realm of the God of

Knowledge and Wisdom. Mercury, brass, lavender, pepper, and

corresponds to Saturday. The time of the blue star is from midnight to one on Friday, and eleven to

as she wrote the key points to remember on the blackboard,

he listened, he suddenly felt at a

do I need to attend classes even in

the bedroom, Klein, who was sleeping,

a moment. In the living room, although Danitz was snoring, his breathing was calmer than

unusual for an experienced senior expert in mysticism like Klein,

from the living room, reached

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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