Behind the door was a bare-chested man with a hideous blue sea serpent tattooed on his arm and short streaks of red paint painted on the sides of his cheeks, chest, and abdomen, each group formed out of three streaks.

Really exotic… However, aren’t you afraid of being too conspicuous? Aren’t you afraid of being caught by the police while you’re outside? You’re part of the Resistance that engages in secret operations! Klein was about to retract his gaze when he was almost forced to frown by the man’s thick, messy eyebrows and cold-blooded eyes.

He has killed many people… Klein made a rough judgment based on his spiritual intuition.

Honestly speaking, due to his previous life’s identity and knowledge, he initially held a lot of sympathy for the rebels under colonial rule. However, after hearing that the man and the followers of the Sea God Kalvetua basically engaged in the same acts, he became even more wary and repulsed.

This wasn’t to say that he discriminated against the local faith, but rather, he understood that the traditional faith of all the colonial islands was still in a primitive stage that believed in sacrifice. They worshiped with food and blood, using living sacrifices, and were still in a state of complete ignorance.

In addition, with the experiences of the Emperor and myself, the Beyonder nature of this world is filled with madness and twistedness. A “deity” still in the primitive stage of sacrifice is basically unable to resist this trend. It’s quite obvious what kind of style they follow… Without a word, Klein followed Danitz into the room.

“Edmonton, who’s here?” A mild voice sounded from the area near the windows.

The tattooed man closed the door and said, “They’ve disguised themselves.”

At that moment, Klein had taken a good look at the situation in the room and gained a basic understanding of it.

The living room wasn’t very large. A cupboard, a table, and a few chairs were enough to make it look cramped.

To the right were two doors leading to what appeared to be a bedroom; to the left was a “kitchen” separated by a cabinet. As for the washroom, there was no doubt that there wasn’t one. When Klein went upstairs, he discovered that there was a common washroom at the corner of each flight of stairs. The stench of them not being washed for extended periods of time urged any passersby to walk up faster.

Directly in front of him was a window. Two bamboo poles hung out and were used to hang a lot of clothes to dry.

There were four or five men sitting or standing in the bedroom’s doorway and the living room. All of them were dark-skinned natives with slightly curly hair. They wore dark blue Taraba shirts and more or less had red paint on their bare skin, and as for the sea serpent tattoo, Klein couldn’t tell if it was there or not because of the clothing.

Some of them had revolvers at their waists, some carrying brownish-red hunting rifles. Some even carried gray steel backpacks and long, thick high-pressure steam rifles. They formed a semicircle around Danitz and Klein, who had just entered the room.

The person who spoke was a wheelchair-bound man in his forties. He wore a jacket and had a blanket over his knees.

He had a shaved head, a slightly green beard on both sides of his face, and his dark brown eyes were calm and collected.

He glanced at his visitor and slowly smiled.


Danitz was stunned for a moment before forcing out a laugh.

“Kalat, you have a good eye.”

Dogshit! Am I so bad at disguising myself? he roared inwardly, unwilling to accept the fact.

Kalat ignored Blazing’s insincere praise and instead, chuckled.

heard that you killed Steel and Blood

would they be dead?” Danitz retorted

narrowed his eyes, slowly shifting his gaze to

Danitz alone would have a hard time killing Blood Brambles Hendry, much less Steel Maveti. His success was

Klein’s eyes, he didn’t see any nervousness, worry, or vigilance. Those eyes were

to Edmonton and the others with his eyes, secretly informing them to

you doing here?” Kalat

and after seeing his nod of affirmation, he replied, “Here to see what

a table and said, “It’s

whistle made of bone, a simple and crude bagpipe, an iron-black leaf,

to examine the items, Kalat clapped his hands and

freely choose

laughed and added, “By the definition of you foreigners, they aren’t mystical objects, but they all have some supernatural power,

of hiding the fact that

to his knees

out where they

directly, you will get

arms and began to display lifelike portraits, including a lady with greenish-gray eyes dressed in a

Resistance was looking for at a

boarded the same ship with this morning. She was suspected to be a member

it closely for two seconds and found

where he had

Sparrow had shown it in his

we’re already bumping into something relevant in the evening… Isn’t he too resourceful at gathering information? Danitz resisted his urge to glance

experienced in this

are looking for Leticia… The faith of the Sea God spreads throughout the Rorsted Archipelago, including Symeem… There was a snake last night… The image of the Sea God is

God in the forgotten temple in the ancient forest of Symeem Island. Hence, it resulted in last night’s probing and the

then he gave a perfunctory reply, “I’ll keep an

spirits. Of course, if it’s necessary, then I will report it to the officials…

and said, “Take a look first and

over and was just about to inquire as he made his selection when he suddenly sensed something

a short sword made of thin bones. It was slightly longer than a forearm and had a

spiritual perception… Klein stretched out his right hand in an attempt to pick up the sharp bone sword, that was placed right at the front, to

and pain suddenly echoed in his mind. A thick stench of blood faintly appeared at the tip of his nose, and he seemed to see many distorted and rotten

been pierced by

Klein, who had experienced things far more intense before, only

resisted the urge to activate his Spirit Vision, afraid that he

a smile, “This bone sword is capable of draining an enemy’s blood. It’s not bad. Do

Klein frowned, relaxed his brows immediately, and then he said in a

on buying the bone sword and researching it above the gray fog. However, the fact that the man promoted it had left him vigilant. Thus, he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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