“When an outsider picks up that holy sword, God will walk the land again.

“But what happens if the holy sword shatters?”

These two sentences echoed in the minds of Kalat and Edmonton; the matter was completely in the gaps of their knowledge.

For a few seconds, they stared at the shattered holy sword, their expressions dull while they remained speechless.

They couldn’t believe that the holy sword, which had only been touched by an outsider in the evening, had suddenly shattered!

What does this mean? What does it represent? The two of them didn’t dare to think too deeply about it. They felt as if they had returned to the very beginning. Back then, one of the secret bases of the Resistance had been discovered by the Loen military. They were raided without any warning, and this resulted in their fathers being killed in that massacre. Their female relatives were abducted and sold to different places. Before receiving the grievous news, the feelings Kalat and Edmonton felt that day mirrored what they felt today. They felt heavy, confused, expectant, and unease, all of them mixing to form an intense pressure.

“Return to the forest, find the High Priest, and figure out the reason. Perhaps, this is the latest revelation from God…” Kalat turned his wheelchair and said in a deep voice.

Edmonton immediately stood up, saying to his remaining subordinates, “Continue searching for those blasphemers, but do not stay here.

“Also, instruct the believers outside not to hold any rituals or even pray!”

The unexpected change in events made him extra vigilant.

Bayam, in the corner of the street where the Cathedral of Waves was located.

Holding a stack of white folded paper, Danitz turned his head to the side, feeling a mix of nervousness, worry, and puzzlement.

“You mean that I’m to post them in different parts of the street and finally post it on the main door of the Cathedral of Waves?”

He was very afraid that the door of the cathedral would suddenly open and a group of fist-brandishing priests and bishops would rush out, immediately attacking them without even asking why he had posted the poster.

Klein maintained his coldness and said, “Yes.”

His original plan was to hand the matter of Sea God Kalvetua over to Mr. Hanged Man, so that he could warn the Church of Storms. However, considering that he still held the secret of Bansy Harbor, and he might even have reported the matter, it would be easy for him to arouse suspicion with another piece of important information in such a short period of time.

As for the solution, it was very simple. He could post a few posters on the Mandated Punishers’ front door so that they could see it as soon as they came out.

There was a small problem with Klein’s plan—he couldn’t tell which of the shops around the Cathedral of Waves was the cover identity of the Mandated Punishers. All he could do was make Danitz work a little harder and stick the posters everywhere in prominent spots, including, but not limited to, the front door of the Cathedral of Waves.

… I should’ve run away earlier… Why would I think that this fellow had saved my life? Perhaps I would’ve been converted into gold pounds if he were any other powerful adventurer… No, who would’ve imagined that this lunatic would so easily resolve the Sea God’s curse. Fleeing might put me in an even worse state… While lamenting inwardly, Danitz unrolled the pile of white paper and casually glanced at the content.

and the Resistance were trying to sell a strange bone sword that looked a little



there a mention of Sea God Kalvetua being on the brink of collapse and in an extremely deranged mental state… How does Gehrman Sparrow know? Did he discover a problem when he was dealing with the Sea God’s curse? And how did he deal with the Sea

it was the


subjective assumptions, and he had only described the matters that could be confirmed with certainty, so as to not interfere

inclusive Sea God ruin. The base was obviously abandoned by Kalat and the others after realizing that something had happened to the

gaze, afraid to

a while and worriedly said, “If we stick it on the front door of the cathedral, it will definitely garner immense attention from the Church

they discover that I was the

gave a terse



and said, “Then wouldn’t I be

ability to control his expression and calmly replied,

think you can swagger down the

and claim my bounty… No, there’s something wrong with

but he didn’t say anything.

a moment, Danitz thought he heard


With a dry chuckle, Danitz took the pile of posters and, taking advantage of the heavy winds and late night, posted them in prominents spot on the street

Klein, who had one hand in

good to have an assistant. At least, I don’t have to do something that tarnishes my reputation… If I were in Tingen or Backlund, if something like that had happened… the scene would be

finally reached outside the Cathedral of Waves, plastered the poster on the front door, clenched

as if there were ten

pulled out a paper figurine, shook it off, and burned it to ashes before briskly

Punishers, he had a deep understanding of their style, and he didn’t dare to be

far away from the Cathedral of Waves

constitution; his face wasn’t flushed nor

you just write to

he had

right. The lower-ranking police and the staff of the governor-general’s office are locals. They might very well pity the Resistance

a corner and saw an extremely large red building in front of them. The inside was brightly lit and music could

actually ended up walking here.” After a second of hesitation, a smile appeared

Klein, who was rich in

Danitz laughed mischievously.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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