As the layered sounds of the illusory pleas rang in his ears, Klein felt as though he possessed a corporeal body. The deepest part of his head throbbed with pain, so much so that he yearned to slam his head into the wall to alleviate the pain with more pain.

The scenes of different people praying to him made him feel an uncontrollable and abnormally terrifying sense of dizziness. It was as if he was walking the edge of a deep abyss and could fall down at any moment.

It was only because he had his Spirit Body reinforced with the Dark Emperor card and Azik’s copper whistle, as well as being accustomed to being prayed to, which had prevented him from losing control straight away like other non-demigod Beyonders. They would’ve already collapsed to the ground in pain, turning into a monster or erupting into a mess of flesh and blood.

All of the Beyonder characteristics in this area have combined together to form a Sealed Artifact with the help of the serpent fang. Moreover, the degree of danger and negative effects have far surpassed that of a Grade 2 Sealed Artifact… Klein didn’t rashly move forward but instead took a few steps back and left the area where the praying voices were concentrated, to ease the pain and dizziness that would’ve caused his Spirit Body to collapse.

He stood next to Kalvetua’s mashed body which resembled slush, and he stared at the white scepter that was embedded in the half-collapsed pillar. He considered how he could take it away.

At the same time, he naturally chose a name for the Sealed Artifact: Sea God Scepter!

Yes, from the feelings and reaction just now, I can barely get close to it and pull it out, but I can only last a few seconds. There’s no way for me to hold it or use it… However, it doesn’t matter. Once I have it in my hand, I’ll terminate the summoning ritual and return above the gray fog. There, I can effectively block the thousands of prayers and any of the still-unknown negative effects. It will allow me to study it with ease… Klein quickly came up with an idea.

In his wraith state, he could instinctively communicate with the spirit world to receive a revelation without the need to toss a coin.

His spiritual intuition told him that doing so wouldn’t be too dangerous.

After making up his mind, Klein began to clean up the mess and take the opportunity to see what he could find in the ancient elven ruins.

He first headed to the corner and picked up the translucent Biological Poison Bottle, screwed the lid back on, and stuffed it into his body. Then, he turned around to find an iron cigar case that was half-hidden beneath the slushy remains of Kalvetua.

This… I thought it had been swallowed by Kalvetua and corroded into dregs… Klein clicked his tongue in wonder and quickly walked over.

Because he had been left feeling numb from the discharged electric currents from the seawater, he raised his right hand, allowing the iron cigar case to float slowly in the air before landing in his palm.

Klein glanced around and saw that the surface of the iron cigar case was covered with corrosion marks. However, it was still barely usable. As for the other items that were sucked away by the seawater whirlpool back then, there were no signs of them.

The aura of the gray fog made Kalvetua uncomfortable, so it vomited it out right away, or has this iron cigar case undergone some sort of mutation that makes it not prone to corrosion, allowing it to survive until Kalvetua died? Amidst his puzzlement, Klein placed the cigar case into his body, planning to study it after he left.

was in a race against time. He couldn’t afford even the slightest delay, because Klein didn’t know when the Church of Storms and the kingdom’s military

and entered the rear

all the way to

was half of a mural

the enemy from above was a man treading waves with dark clouds above him. He seemed to have storms draped over him as he had relatively softer features. His contours had an oriental trait from Klein’s past life. He held a spear formed of pure lightning in his hand

face was blurry, and it was difficult

a halo behind the head of the white-robed

an illusionary circle with twelve segments. Each

was like a curtain, and within the shadows, it appeared as though there was an eye peeking out

and rich

lightning… This should be the ancient god, Elf King Soniathrym… Indeed, he’s just like the legends, with the rather soft facial features of an elf… This ancient Lord of Storms doesn’t

and is revered in the City of Silver as the omnipotent

is the Creator who took back the ancient gods’

Elf King Soniathrym’s battle against the

gaze and began searching

he came to the throne, reached into the

flattened golden wine

surface was engraved with intricate patterns, and its wine leg was already bent. At the bottom was a row of

golden wine cup is just a simple wine

or thousands of years later, the Book of Calamity still had the quality of driving Leticia, a Beyonder whose

Sea God Kalvetua was capable of… Could the high elf, Cohinem, have the ability to split his Beyonder characteristics? Kalvetua

but he hasn’t

Cohinem’s Beyonder characteristic, was just a beast without intelligence. No one knows what happened at that time; perhaps some of the characteristics were lost and formed a Sealed Artifact. After Kalvetua’s defeat, it fell into the hands of

who Cohinem is. Actually, there’s no need to ask; he’ll be offering two pages

through, Klein stuffed the wine cup into his body. After all, this was made of gold, and even if the high

and seeing that there was nothing of note, Klein quickly flew back outside and picked up the black hardwood cane before wiping out any traces

shake, he threw it

Luckily, I am now disguised as Dark Emperor… As for the remains of Kalvetua, his flesh no longer have any value, and his

illusory pleas filled his ears. Either pious, crying, fanatic, or numbed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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