That’s way too fast… Did it already circle the planet several times… Or maybe it’s still there, but it’s too fast for my vision to keep up… Klein’s mouth twitched, deciding to wait a few seconds to see if the “creature whose speed surpasses imagination” would appear again.

He wasn’t worried that the summoned spirit world creature would harm the innocent, as one of the descriptions was of a friendly creature. Besides, as long as he forcefully ended the summoning and stopped the ritual, the creature would be immediately sent back to the spirit world, no matter where the “creature whose speed surpasses imagination” went.

A few seconds later, Klein inhaled after failing to see any response from him waiting. He said with ancient Hermes, “I!

“I end this summoning in my name!”

The chilling air around him instantly vanished as the swirling cold wind died down and the candle flames returned to their normal color.

Klein stepped forward and extinguished the candle, intending to revise the last sentence and try again.

As for the two phrases “the spirit that wanders about the unfounded, the friendly creature that can be subordinated,” he had no intention of changing them. The first sentence was directed at the spirit world, and it could only be replaced with synonyms, so it didn’t matter if he changed it or not. The second sentence was a prerequisite for Klein to ensure his own safety; otherwise, it would’ve been a horror story instead of a hilarious one.

Hmm… I don’t need to use “surpasses imagination” as an adjective. But others might not meet my needs. Perhaps… I can change my train of thought. A messenger doesn’t have to run that fast. A normal speed is fine. There are other ways to ensure safety. I just need to get malicious beings to ignore it and neglect it… I’ll try a spirit world creature that’s easily neglected… After two or three minutes of deliberation, Klein held a ritual again.

When he was done with the preparations, he chanted a new incantation, “I!

“I summon in my name:

“The spirit that wanders about the unfounded, the friendly creature that can be subordinated, the being who is easily neglected.’”

The interior of the warehouse became abnormally quiet. There was no wind, nor did it turn cold within the wall of spirituality. Even the color of the candle remained unchanged.

Klein waited, watching, hoping for a good messenger.

After about ten seconds, he sighed and looked around.

There’s nothing. The description was of no effect this time.

He didn’t wait any longer and followed the procedure of ending the summoning and extinguishing the candle.

To his puzzlement, the candle flame even shook a few times in the end.

Did I miss something… Klein frowned, and then he relaxed, throwing the matter to the back of his mind.

He reconsidered the question of how to modify the description and continued targeting the third sentence.

I’ll switch to another train of thought. If a messenger is especially good at enduring scuffles and has great survivability, it’s still okay. No matter what, a messenger that can deliver the letter to the target is a good messenger… Klein pondered for a moment, then he held the summoning ritual for the third time.

Amidst the fragrance of herbs and essential oils, and under the dim light of the candlelight, the shadows on his face darted about as his mouth gaped open and closed.


“I summon in my name:

the unfounded, the friendly creature that can

flame of the candle flared and stretched,

Spirit Vision, white bones drilled out from the ground, overlapping to form

something I can see. Furthermore, it’s a creature with extremely high survivability… It looks very much like a safe. Just one look is enough to tell that it’s good at taking a beating… Klein breathed a sigh of relief and spoke in the ancient

creature that looked like a

it and

took ten seconds to


through the spirit world, that didn’t mean that they

orientation were chaotic. The most important thing was to

accurate, clear, immediate coordinates were provided, such as the summoning ritual just now or a simplified ritual that involved

a contractual connection or a previous anchor point, the messenger needed to spend time to distinguish the location, roam the spirit

receive it by the time they die… Klein helplessly thought as

let the smile reappear

I think it’s best I don’t trouble

you for your

creature made of illusory white bones stopped. Compared to before, it


He decided to use a less troublesome method to find messengers, which was “public recruitment,

a deep breath, Klein calmed his mind and

at the candle flame that was quietly burning, he took a step


unfounded, the friendly creature that can be subordinated, a unique being that


wall of spirituality, and Klein’s half top hat almost flew off of

shook and expanded to the size of a human head. It was so pale that it seemed

emerged, as if it had just broken through a thin membrane. Its hair was a light gold color and was smooth. Its eyes

little familiar… Klein

what followed wasn’t its neck, but an illusory hand that held

patterns, but the color

spirit world creature appeared at an increasingly rapid speed, and soon, it was before Klein

headless woman that Klein had met standing at the top of a castle while he was on his way to Kalvetua’s ruins at the

castle like she was before. She was now a tall,

on her neck and four identical heads in her

headless woman in the complicated black dress stood there quietly. Her four drooping heads spoke one after the other in

The level of this spirit world creature isn’t low… I remember you having a castle… You’re already a property owner, so why are you “applying” for the job of a messenger? Klein sighed with emotion and lampooned. Then, he looked down at

his messenger as they swarmed over, having to form a line to be interviewed. In the

summoning ritual itself. It’s considered a relatively simple and basic summoning ceremony, so it’s impossible to summon multiple targets


party to speak, he

world at a relatively

lady lifted answered, “Yes. Not…

she spoke, she floated upwards and then

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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