Inside the captain’s cabin, Cattleya slowly got up from the floor and walked in silence to the full-length mirror next to the bookcase.

In the mirror, the skin on her face was fair and smooth, without a single crack. Her ears were small and normal, showing no signs of expanding. Her deep purple eyes were calm, as if nothing had happened.

However, she could see more with her eyes that carried a sense of mystery.

Hidden beneath her skin were eye-like flesh and blood that hadn’t fully dissolved; her Soul Body, whose pain and madness were rapidly dispersing; innumerable illusory objects with ineffable forms that roamed about; sailors who were cleaning the deck several rooms away…

Everything within a range of a few dozen meters was revealed to her in an unobscured but unusually chaotic manner.

From the day she had become a Sequence 5 Constellations Master, her Mystery Pryer powers had been greatly enhanced. She could faintly see that there were thick curtains around her that resembled shadows, and behind the curtains, something seemed to be watching her and all living beings.

There are no traces of being influenced by Mr. Fool, which in turn explains many things… He, no, ‘He’ was able to directly pull my Soul Body into that mysterious space with a strange, tyrannical, and secretive power. It’s not something that a demigod scepter can compare to… Although ‘He’ was dressed in contemporary clothing, this doesn’t mean anything. For an existence at this level, it’s very easy for different people to see ‘Him’ in different forms, and ‘His’ true appearance would probably cause every person that sees him directly to lose control and die… Cattleya stared at herself in the mirror, thinking silently about what had just happened.

It was inevitable that she had some predictions about Mr. Fool’s identity, but this was only guesswork without any evidence.

The fact that ‘He’ is wearing a tailcoat doesn’t mean that ‘He’ is very young or that ‘He’ was born recently. Perhaps, ‘His’ essence is ancient, even older than the seven gods. The knowledge that is pursuing me tells me that before the Cataclysm, there were indeed older gods, and ‘He’ might be one of them, Cattleya said silently to herself before turning away from the full-length mirror and walking back to the place where she had struggled in pain. She picked up her glasses that had fallen to the side.

She put the thick glasses on her nose, hiding her deep purple eyes. Everything that didn’t appear under a normal person’s vision quickly disappeared from her sight.

Cattleya stood there, thinking again about the influence Mr. Fool and the so-called “Tarot Club” would have on her.

Unknowingly, a tall figure surfaced in her mind. The words that she would never forget had once again echoed in her ears.

“Leave. Your destiny doesn’t lie with me.”

Is this my destiny, Your Majesty? She closed her eyes.

In the ancient and majestic palace above the gray fog.

Klein’s fingers tapped the edge of the long, mottled table as he made all the tarot cards on the table disappear.

what the subsequent developments would be after the Admiral of

a safe sea route and enter the sea that was once a battlefield of the gods, to search for singing mermaids, having The Hermit, who is fearful of The Fool, in my control is better than cooperating

knowledge and is very helpful towards the Tarot Club, but it’s a latent risk for me. Mr. Fool’s image is built on the foundation of being unfathomable… In the future, I have to be more careful. I mustn’t answer things I’m not sure of. On matters I’m unconfident about, I’d rather be vague and handle matters like a charlatan. Of course, to fully resolve this problem, I should quickly improve myself and become a High-Sequence Beyonder. My strength needs to

many subordinates under her, the

God Scepter, I don’t have to worry that members of the Tarot Club will

Moses Ascetic Order, Admiral of Stars, will be able to play an

exhaled as he vanished


the temporary office assigned

happened at Enmat Harbor,” he said to Soul

of his

the Aurora Order is seeking.” The member holding the telegraph handed the piece of

the man with black hair and green eyes who was taking an afternoon nap with

over the telegraph and scanned it

by claiming to be his Blessed in an attempt to scam others, but after chanting his name, he was

a hidden existence

and The Fool had been handed over to Soest’s Red Gloves team. They were in charge

powers in the lightning domain?” Leonard Mitchell removed the black hat from his

by preparing a corresponding mystical item. It’s not without precedent. This is especially so for the fake gods in the Southern Continent and

at it, lowered his

we going to perform

you going to feign ignorance and recite his

going pretty well, and I just got another good item. There are still

he could just as easily not respond.”

Fool. Firstly, The Fool is one of the Major Arcana tarot cards. Secondly, the organization that is seeking or cracking down on his Blessed is the Aurora Order.

“The clues from the other cases happen to have been cut off as well. For now, we have nothing else to do. You can try to investigate

“Sure.” Leonard smiled back.

he wanted. With a case that no one cared about being handed to him, he had won a

returned from the cold streets to her residence

As for Xio, she had gone all the way to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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