Audrey simply mentioned the ancient folk song, but she didn’t describe the content in detail. She was afraid that the knowledgeable Ma’am Hermit would be able to guess at the exact location.

She only mentioned the inspiration she had, and how she used a Psychological Cue to retain her lucidity in her dream before beginning a magical journey.

Psychological Cue? She knows how to plant a psychological cue? She’s likely a Sequence 7 Psychiatrist… Cattleya habitually made a judgment, but she immediately felt even more perplexed.

Then why would she be buying the Beyonder characteristic of a Psychiatrist?

Taking the same potion gives a limited increase in strength while being prone to losing control. Furthermore, it will be an obstacle towards the digestion of the potion…

To create a mystical item? But this will overlap with her own Beyonder powers. There’s no value to that.

To give it to someone else?

Amidst Cattleya’s guesses, Audrey had already mentioned her chaotic dream and how she came to the edge of her conscious. Then, she used the conjuring method she learned from Mr. Fool to create a staircase that led downwards. She then slowly delved deep into her conscious.

She didn’t describe in detail the various points of light in her subconscious, as it involved embarrassing secrets she didn’t wish to share.

She focused on her lonely and long journey with no end in sight. She also expressed how there were various monsters hiding in the surrounding grayness that placed immense pressure on her. She mentioned how she nearly broke down several times and barely managed to endure it thanks to her Beyonder powers. Then, she reached the point of her finally arriving at the illusory sea of collective subconscious.

The memory imprints of the human pioneers and the spread and reflection of the consciousness of the surrounding creatures were presented under Audrey’s coherent and unhurried descriptions. Then, it was fixed onto the dragon with grayish stone scales that had flown out from the sea of collective subconscious.

There’s a dragon that lives in the sea of collective subconscious? What a magical and beautiful journey! Although Miss Justice didn’t encounter any enemies or danger, it still leaves me a little surreal… Fors suddenly thought of a title of a book: “Miss Justice’s Dream Tour.”

While rounding things up, Audrey scanned the area and asked, “Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any suggestions? Do you think that the dragon’s City of Miracles, Liveseyd, is also hidden in the sea of collective subconscious?

“If I wish to continue searching, what should I take note of? What advanced preparations do I need to make?”

The Hanged Man Alger glanced at The Hermit and said in a serious tone, “I don’t think you should continue exploring.

“It’s a very dangerous act.

“According to the records, most dragons are creatures with flesh and blood; this includes the mind dragon. By allowing itself to survive and swim through the so-called sea of collective subconscious, it means that the dragon you saw was a sufficiently high Sequence. At the very least, it’s at the level of a demigod.

“Before you reach Sequence 5, it’s best that you don’t consider this.”

things in the sea of collective subconscious—the accumulated maleficent thoughts of humanity, the desires that can corrupt Soul Bodies, the terrifying memories since ancient times that resemble

the sea of collective subconscious of all creatures, which isn’t only limited to humans. There might be evil spirits,

to travel through the sea of collective subconscious, it’s best

but admit that Mr.

herself, Audrey, don’t be headstrong. Wait till you’re Sequence 5 before

how difficult it was to become a Sequence 5. At that level, one could even compete to become one of the seven pirate admirals,

careful and calm, she would definitely be able to successfully attain that level in

gate to being a demigod was hard

a lot and is very knowledgeable… Audrey clung onto the last sliver of hope and looked towards Mr. Fool at the end of the table, hoping that this godlike existence would provide a suggestion that was different from Mr.

I have no idea!

still stuck at a theoretical level that Spirit Medium Daly had described. He didn’t understand anything more. Despite having

idea regarding this. However, he wasn’t

made it easier for him to make mistakes the more he spoke. The less he spoke, the fewer mistakes he would commit. And there was no

He didn’t

in the form of a Spirit Body, he suspected that such highly difficult acting would make the

in depression. She stopped fantasizing about exploring

The Moon Emlyn, who was already turning impatient, cleared

researched the history handed down

He really is a vampire… Nurturing vampires and pulling vampires into the Church is really a tradition of the

she felt that some of her

this mean that Mr. Fool has a potent deterrence, even in

don’t have to completely

at The Sun

City of

descendants of the Kingdom of Silver and that he hadn’t lied. However, after glancing at Mr.

acknowledge the City of Silver’s history believe me?

to the Kingdom of Silver. He tsked and

Silver has no records of this matter, nor are

spread out his

with me saying that your City of Silver’s history is flawed and

mistakes in your records

like you has clear logic, or that you’re someone who bears grudges? Klein held back his laughter and stopped himself from sizing

him to know that the Giant Queen, the Goddess of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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