Without waiting for The Hermit to answer, Audrey added, “If you believe this is an important piece of information and isn’t something to be given for free, then I can provide you with some payment.”

“No, there’s no need to. Anyone familiar with the Feynapotter’s Church of Earth Mother will have some understanding of this.” Cattleya didn’t doubt Miss Justice’s sincerity when it came to the principle of equal exchange. She believed that Miss Justice was fully capable of satisfying her price in terms of wealth and resources, but she decided to provide the information for free.

Firstly, it raised Miss Justice’s impression on her and would build a foundation for any future transactions. Secondly, by providing the information, she could observe the reactions of the members and estimate their standing in their own organizations and factions.

I’m very familiar with the Earth Mother’s Blessed, Bishop Utravsky, but I didn’t know anything about that… Of course, I truly am a little scared of him. His height and build are just too intimidating. Every time I’m there, I only seek out Emlyn White… Sitting at the end of the long bronze table, Klein thought in a self-deprecating manner.

Cattleya didn’t pause as she continued, “Vampire is from the Moon pathway. The corresponding Sequence 9 is Apothecary; Sequence 8 is Beast Tamer; Sequence 6 is Potions Professor; Sequence 5 is Scarlet Scholar; Sequence 4 is Shaman King. I’m not sure about the higher Sequences.”

“Ahem.” Emlyn White coughed. “Ma’am Hermit, I have to emphasize that it’s Sanguine, not Vampire. Heh heh, I won’t object it if you call those humans who consume the characteristics of my kinsmen vampires. I would even be very agreeable to it.”

So Vampire is from the Apothecary pathway. So is Shaman King. It’s no wonder they revere the Primordial Moon and not the Goddess…

Could the Scarlet Lunar Corona, that Ma’am Sharron obtained, be from a dead Scarlet Scholar or Sanguine Viscount? Apart from being able to recreate the effects of a full moon and neutralizing the corresponding effects, it can provide terrifying speed, unimaginable recovery speed, and rather powerful darkness-related spells. The negative effects can be neutralized by drinking the fresh blood of the living… Indeed, it does seem to be a result of a Sanguine…

Among the various jobs of this pathway, there are some that resemble the Seer pathway. There’s no connection between the Sequences, while there are some that have an obvious progression. How strange…

Klein joined the bits of bread crumbs together, feeling somewhat enlightened and puzzled.

Alger, Fors, and company were either in thought, listening in relish, or pretending to be disinterested. Everyone had different reactions, but Cattleya was able to figure out that they didn’t understand much about Vampires prior to this.

They are low- or mid-ranking members in their organizations or factions. They match the characteristics of being recently pulled into the Tarot Club and at the stage of rapidly advancing… The World didn’t react. Either he’s very staid, or he long knew of the matter regarding Vampires, or both… After repeated observations, I have to admit that The World is the Tarot Club member that needs to have the most attention paid to and be guarded against…

Audrey listened with great interest as she thought over it carefully. As though she was attending a family education class, she raised her hand slightly.

“Ma’am Hermit, why are the Sequences in the Moon pathway seemingly unrelated?”

The Hermit Cattleya looked at Miss Justice and discovered that the dress and accessories she wore were completely different from the last gathering. There was no repeat, but it exuded her luxurious and noble bearing.

when she was young. Every piece of clothing she

spirituality, plants, beauty, parts of life,

“This should be why us Sanguine are very handsome and

I’ve seen are all disgusting and ferocious… Derrick retorted weakly in his

be explained in such a manner? It’s quite different from Captain’s and Daly’s explanations… Different pathways represent the domain possessed by a Sequence 0… Or could it be that the two combined is the most accurate answer? I wonder what the domains the Sequence 0 of the Seer pathway

couldn’t help but guess the name of her pathway’s

are not contained within

can quickly find the Card of Blasphemy of this corresponding

originates from dragons. I wonder if it has anything to do with

is to say that to successfully become a Sanguine Viscount, I similarly have to act as a Potions

Emlyn, I know you are trying to bring attention to the latter half of

reasons why he had entrusted Miss Magician to check for abnormalities in Williams Street. He ultimately felt that Emlyn White, a vampire who didn’t enjoy going out or socializing, was rather unreliable at present. Another reason was that he knew that he was being controlled by the Sanguine’s upper echelons in secret. Getting him to head to Williams Street made it easy to expose the matter regarding the underground

“Yes.” Cattleya nodded.

it came to a close, Audrey seemed to recall something. She turned her

round of the Civil Servant Unified Examination officially ends today. What’s

and with clear delightful emotions. It was like an excellent student reporting her results to her

the Civil Servant Unified Examination was a suggestion raised by Mr. Fool in passing. She had pushed forward the idea via inconspicuous methods, the first time she had attempted to use her Beyonder

examinations are over? I wonder if Benson can pass and have

slightly and said with

praised by Mr. Fool, became happier. She felt that she was indirectly changing the fates of many people, allowing people who were stuck in the lower and middle classes to have a chance at

heard this exchange, she couldn’t help but frown. She felt that this was very different from

If that’s the case, I have to reevaluate my views… Although the members aren’t of a high Sequence and are low-ranking members of their organizations, they’re still able to influence the situation of the world to a certain extent? Cattleya retracted her gaze and considered whether she wanted to use her different resource channels to figure out the backstory of

Fool Klein announced the end of the

express their farewells, he severed the connection and leaned back into his seat. He silently watched the endless grayish-white fog around him for

In a coffee shop next

gently stirred the black tea which had a lemon in it. From time to time, she would turn her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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