Upon hearing the chubby Apothecary’s question, Klein smiled inwardly as he wore a stoic expression.

“From the moment you make the first payment.”

Darkwill didn’t hesitate to take out a huge wad of cash as he counted it while his heart pained for the money.

“Here’s 300 pounds.

“You can carry out your promise.”

Klein received the notes and nodded.

“That wouldn’t be an issue.”

Darkwill immediately felt relieved, as though he was a drowning person who had finally caught onto a float.

Half an hour later, in the Teana Inn, Darkwill watched in a daze as the powerful adventurer, Gehrman Sparrow, said to the reception counter, “Switch us to a luxurious suite.”

With that said, Klein took two steps backward as though giving his spot to the chubby Apothecary.

Darkwill gulped his saliva and asked hesitantly, “I’m paying?”

“During the mission, all expenses are borne by the employer. This is the rule adventurers follow,” Klein said without a change in expression.

I’d be a dumbsss if I believed you! Am I to help you pay if you call for a few Red Theater prostitutes? Darkwill thought as he squeezed out a smile.

“We can use an ordinary room. This will make the protection job easier.”

“Then, you stay by yourself.” Klein acted as Gehrman Sparrow without any effort.

Darkwill laughed and walked to the counter and said without expression, “A luxurious suite.”

When Darkwill finally checked in and entered the smaller bedroom, he opened the window and left an “opening” for the owl, Mr. Harry. He took out the ring box in his pocket and checked the situation of the strange die.

After confirming that the die was the same as before, with four points facing up, Darkwill gradually heaved a sigh of relief.

Backlund. Inside an ordinary house.

Ince Zangwill woke up from his slumber, and the first thing he did was check on his body.

This was something he had to repeat every day. This was because he had no idea what kind of story 0-08 would compose after he slept, bringing about unknown accidents.

he wasn’t injured, Ince Zangwill wore a pair of bright leather boots and stood

sitting on

it had been locked in a metal box that was

and grabbed 0-08. He flipped open the notebook beside him

done last night, but he acutely sensed some

reflection somewhat unfamiliar, as though his body

couldn’t recall what he had done the previous night no matter how hard he

classic chiseled face didn’t have

was a little livid. He had eye bags, and it was matched with the smile he couldn’t understand. He appeared

head, and saw black stain blocks under his fingernails. It was as though he had

powers he had from before. He was still a powerful Spirit Guide, a

on the

person of a similar profession had wiped out all clues. He was very worried, unaware of what he had embroiled himself with the

channel spirits. Within his expectations, he didn’t receive any outcome which

Leaf Bar that had

alley and saw

Kent threw the small

word. It was money the military had put forth—the former involved the governor-general’s office and the kingdom’s finance ministry.

spot. He saw stacks of neatly arranged cash, with most of them in

didn’t take a cut,” Oz Kent said as he

any other adventurer, he would have given 4,000 pounds at most.

could do was volunteer work thanks to his fear of being executed on the

notes… Klein grabbed a stack of cash

secretly shot a glance

first time he was seeing

he can find sunken ships

lives. Even if they could make a killing, a third of their income was given to apothecaries, either to treat their injuries and remove any latent injuries, or

being an

the money, closed the suitcase and said to Oz Kent, “I’ll be leaving Bayam for some time. If I have any intel, how should I


and said, “I received a bodyguard

enlightened before he felt

Bayam for long periods of time, there will ultimately be a day where he causes problems. It’s better to drift out at sea and fight those pirates… Oz Kent immediately said with a smile, “You can directly send me a telegram and include my address. We have

a black tweed coat, Klein didn’t speak further. With the suitcase in

the earliest liner to Oravi Island. The owl flew in between the trees and

before they boarded the ship, Darkwill reeled with anxiety. He was afraid the person who had betrayed his teacher would suddenly rush over and

cabin that belonged to him. As long as the liner went out into the

start the ship…” Darkwill looked out the window as

owl had followed and perched on his left shoulder. Klein sat on

suddenly turned dark as the wind howled with increasing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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