Second floor of the Sweet Lemon Bar, in the boss’s room.

Bilt Brando held a cigar as he stood by the window. He was looking out, and his eyes were out of focus as he wore a dark and terrifying expression.

At this moment, a bodyguard entered, bent his back slightly, and carefully said, “Sir, Sothoth has returned from the east.”

“Let him in.” Bilt tried hard to correct his expression.

Sothoth Yann was his assistant, an important member of the Adventurer Association.

In less than a minute, Sothoth, who was dressed in a linen shirt, brown jacket, and red headscarf, walked in. He looked to be in his thirties and had bronze skin. He had recessed eye sockets and a black mustache below and under his lips. He was obviously someone who spent most of his time at sea.

Sothoth bowed rather informally and sized up Bilt Brando.

“Boss, something happened?”

“Yes, something happened. From the looks of it, it will fail.” Bilt didn’t keep the matter from him as he sighed. “I have no idea how I’m going to answer that important figure.”

Without waiting for Sothoth to answer, he asked, “Have there been any changes at the eastern front?”

“Still the same as usual. The pirates are still after every ship they can plunder. They even target each other. The navy is only able to guard the various colonial posts, and they’re barely able to maintain smooth passage through the sea routes while protecting the relatively important ships. There are often sea battles with both sides obtaining victories at times,” Sothoth said as he shrugged his shoulders.

“The eastern front of the Sonia Sea is a pirate’s playground…” Bilt sighed in agreement.

Sothoth thought for a moment and added, “There has been some recent news from the islands on the eastern front. Apparently it first originated from the Black Death.”

“Vice Admiral Ailment? What news is it?” Bilt asked, his interest piqued.

Sothoth said with a solemn and excited tone, “Vice Admiral Ailment really encountered an assassination attempt and was seriously injured. And the person who attacked her was the adventurer, Gehrman Sparrow!”

“Gehrman Sparrow?” Bilt blurted out.

“Yes, it’s him! He really is a powerhouse at the level of a pirate admiral! Even if it was a sneak attack, it happened on the Black Death. There were so many infamous pirates around, but he managed to successfully escape after dealing a heavy blow to Vice Admiral Ailment. He later hunted Wormtongue Mithor,” Sothoth answered with affirmation while sighing.

Bilt staggered before sighing.

“That’s important news.

“There are very few powerhouses at the pirate admiral level among adventurers. To be able to deal a heavy blow to a pirate admiral on her flagship while alone—such an operation can only be done if one is absolutely confident in themselves or crazy enough. Only a madman will infiltrate a pirate admiral’s flagship in an attempt to assassinate her, instead of finding another spot!”

said that, his expression changed

an adventurer named Gehrman Sparrow last

pupils shrank as he asked

can’t be sure since I’ve never met the real Gehrman Sparrow, or seen his photograph or

have passed. There should be tourists that would’ve brought over the corresponding News Report and Sonia Morning Post. Yes, the government offices, police stations,

within a distance of three days of travel, was part of its domain of influence. The official organizations and churches all subscribed to

Bilt nodded as he probed deeper, “Do you have the exact details

for a moment and said, “It’s said that Gehrman Sparrow is able

infiltrated the Black Death and found an opportunity to carry out

into anyone…” Bilt’s

who dares to infiltrate the Black Death to assassinate Vice Admiral Ailment. He causes one to instinctively fear him and distance themselves from him… The light

don’t even know if he’s the real one or

abnormality at Williams Street. I hope they do it as

consideration, he took out a piece of paper

about Mr. Azik’s recent situation before mentioning how he had discovered that someone had

asked in passing if there was a way to avoid the parasite

pathway. He also mentioned that he knew that such an item could be used as a sacrificial item in important rituals or as a

fountain pen, folded the letter, and brought the copper whistle to his lips. He blew at

bore out from downstairs, and it instead tore through the ceiling

impolite again, but because he was

the letter like a dart, making it land accurately in the messenger’s huge

eye sockets flickered as though it was observing

body disintegrated into a waterfall made of bones as they drilled

He erased what had been written

he realized something terrible. The paper crane wasn’t a mystical item or Beyonder weapon. It was an ordinary piece of paper that had been folded. After repeatedly having

matters that require contact before considering it. For example, only when Mr. Azik isn’t sure how to bypass the Grandpa to warn Leonard… Klein shook his head silently and

didn’t dare to use the radio transceiver to contact Arrodes recently. This was because the powerhouse sent by the True Creator was likely still loitering around the area in search for the All-Black Eye’s aura. The “scent” of the gray fog was also equally able to attract the True Creator’s attention, allowing

to do real acting! Klein retracted his thoughts, draped on his coat, and took his top hat before

to the mountains outside Oravi Harbor to

author’s name was Leeann Mastaing. This gentleman was born in Odora and had decided to permanently reside in Backlund after the

of Mt. Saint Draco.

the blue sea situated to the left of the mountain peak appear like a sea of fire. As for the emerald-green forests

touches of radiance in that instant before darkness gradually approached until it became

the city. The busy people began

after another inside and outside the city.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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