Admiral Amyrius Rieveldt… A true demigod… Upon hearing Bilt’s reveal, a few words immediately appeared in Klein’s mind.

I’m sorry. Bye!

Gehrman Sparrow pricked up his brows slightly as Bilt hurried to explain, “This wouldn’t influence the difficulty of the mission.

“There’s no need for anyone to display a demigod’s powers throughout the duration of the mission.”

He cleared his throat and forced a smile.

“To make the mission not as difficult, His Excellency has specially arranged for him to inspect the Oravi naval base for a few days. This way, he doesn’t need to stay in the Central Sonia Sea’s navy headquarters, the City of Generosity, Bayam. As such, he will avoid Sea King Jahn Kottman and the governor-general of the Rorsted Archipelago, George Negan. He would avoid most of the subordinates he’s familiar with, and he’ll avoid his family who operates the family estate over there. He will also avoid his mistress who he’s most familiar with.

“That is to say that you wouldn’t need to face demigods, or the test of the masses.

“Here, there will only be three people who are familiar with His Excellency. The first is his secretary, Lieutenant Colonel Luan. He belongs to MI9, and he’s in charge of monitoring His Excellency. He likely uses many names, and I’m not sure which is his real name. The second person will be the local mistress His Excellency has here, a beautiful lady by the name of Cynthia. It’s said that her ancestor was a noble before his title was stripped, and his family was exiled here. The third person is Oravi’s governor-general, Aston Rieveldt, the youngest brother of His Excellency. Earl Rieveldt from the House of Lords is their elder brother.”

It really doesn’t sound too difficult. Besides, my divination results tell me that it’s not too dangerous… Klein fell silent for a few seconds before nodding gently.

“I need the detailed information regarding Amyrius Rieveldt.”

“We’ve already prepared everything. This is his photograph. These are the descriptions of any unique traits hidden on his body. These are the unique points of his accent. These are the common words he uses. These are the different reactions and attitudes he has towards different matters. Here is the detailed information regarding his interactions with Luan, Cynthia, and Aston…” Bilt was delighted as he produced all the information he received from Admiral Amyrius Rieveldt.

Klein first took the photograph and saw a middle-aged gentleman with black hair and blue eyes. He had a strict and old-fashioned demeanor, and his hair was a lot more voluminous than most Loen men.

He nodded indiscernibly before looking up.

“I know this is a lot of information, but I believe that you can memorize them all in two days. You have to be very professional in such matters…” Before Bilt finished his sentence, he subconsciously took a step back because the person before him wasn’t Gehrman Sparrow but Amyrius Rieveldt! The strict and arrogant vibes he exuded was no different from the actual person!

“Holy Lord of Storms, th-this is almost a miracle!” Bilt looked him up and down, and he couldn’t help but be amazed. “However, you can be another three centimeters taller. Your legs can be thicker. But it’s fine, there’s no rush. His Excellency will arrive the day after tomorrow with the Imperial Navy’s First Central Sonia Fleet. He would inspect the Oravi naval base in the morning and attend a banquet held at the governor-general’s office. I have an invitation to it, and I can bring you there. You can watch from His Excellency’s actions and the way he interacts with different people from the side.”

As he spoke, he received the 500 pounds that Sothoth had taken out from the safe. He handed it to Klein and said, “I hope for a pleasant partnership!”

Klein weighed the notes in his hand and studied it with a few glances before saying, “I hope for a pleasant partnership.”

Backlund, Williams Street.

As an inconspicuous member of the Red Gloves, Leonard Mitchell leaned on the outer wall of a house, awaiting the preliminary investigation work to end.

He had his right leg raised slightly, with only his toes to the ground. It made him look desultory.

After a while, he saw his teammate return with a somewhat complex expression. He was excited, puzzled, expectant, and nervous.

“Thomson, is there a conclusion?” Leonard’s heart stirred as he leaned over with a smile.

“Yeah,” Thomson nodded and answered frankly. “Both sides have spoken the truth. They have no way of lying in their dreams.”

with his thin hair, wore his

Tudor Dynasty. The entrance is indeed that abandoned chapel.

didn’t delve into the details as he exchanged a few words before moving to the sidelines. Once

looked around and

Man, this is what you’re

a Tudor family

voice rang out in his

more and more impolite. In our era, disrespect to high-ranking people

impossible for there to only

they lying?”

chuckled and said, “No,

theories are correct, this ruin likely belongs to the Tudor-Trunsoest United

“What?” Leonard was stunned.

was an ancient dynasty he had never heard

The slightly-aged voice chuckled.

Solomon Empire was first destroyed, it was replaced by the Tudor-Trunsoest United

Leonard ruminated over this

slightly-aged voice chuckled and

ruins underground, there should be 41 inverted candlesticks on the left and 40 on the right. Two of them look like they belong to the throne of a giant, and… Heh heh.

them. He said with a relaxed smile, “There must be quite a lot of secrets

aren’t qualified to know it.” The slightly-aged

said, “What follows next


Archbishop Saint Anthony and the Church of Steam’s Archbishop Horamick end their conversation as they returned to their

Hivemind personnel to leave, leaving the area to the Church of

Upon seeing this scene, Leonard was filled

Nighthawks heard Archbishop

Red Gloves gather. The other Nighthawks are to leave the mirror world. Find a reason to

the Red Gloves and I will destroy this ruin that stems from an

is forbidden. It will be


expected such a

seven in the evening, at the Oravi governor-general’s

black tailcoat and a bow tie of the same color. He

temperature inside was like that of spring. A gigantic chandelier hung from the ceiling,

right, there were musicians dressed in vests and bow ties playing a brisk tune. On the left were long tables. Ontop were roasted chicken, pan-fried foie gras, stewed lamb, Backlund-styled roasted goose, Odora lobsters with butter and

of the fragrance wafting over.

a reserved manner. He leaned

the etiquette as

observe His Excellency’s actions, so just taking a cup of wine

Southville red wine, all famous alcohols that are seldom seen outside. You can drink some, but not a lot. We have to maintain sufficient

retracted his gaze

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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