Admiral of Stars Cattleya thought before answering, “Tonight at 8. Dock 6.”

Not bad. There’s no delay at all… Klein nodded slightly.


Just as he said that, the light inside the crystal ball suddenly converged as the figure dressed in a black, classic robe darkened and blurred before quickly vanishing.

Holding the crystal ball which had turned very ordinary, Klein turned around, pulled open the door, and walked out.

Glancing at the boss who was guzzling alcohol while leaning against a wall, he threw the crystal ball at him.

The boss fumbled to catch it as Klein unhurriedly walked down the stairs and left the warehouse.

Once he was out of Hot Whale Dance, he took out his golden pocket watch and snapped it open to check the time.

It’s almost noon. Most bars will be open… Klein stopped a rental carriage and used Feysac to tell the driver to head to the Lærdal Bar. It meant Dawn Bar in the local language. It was a place where adventurers would gather in the Gargas Archipelago.

To Klein, the gathering of different intel and news was meaningful. This might aid him in making the best judgment at critical points in time, allowing him to escape the misfortune of losing his life. Therefore, even if he didn’t like bars, he often went there. He would get a cup of thick malt beer and silently sit in the corner of the bar counter and listen to any matters of interest which people mentioned at sea.

In addition, he wanted to know about Roy King, who had been imprisoned in Bayam’s governor-general’s office. Over the past two months, Snake of Mercury Will Auceptin hadn’t sent him any dreams. Similarly, Fate Councilor Ricciardo didn’t summon his messenger to provide him any clues to a powerful mystical item.

About twenty minutes later, the carriage came to a halt. A huge vertical signboard with the words Lærdal Bar appeared before Klein’s eyes.

He habitually took out two soli in notes and handed them to the carriage driver.

It was only when he saw the worn face of the carriage driver did he suddenly realize something.

He was overseas and this was a colony of Feysac. It had its own currency!

The smallest denomination was the kopek, followed by the feysilver, and then the gold hoorn. They maintained the very intuitive base-ten denomination, making conversions very simple.

I forgot to visit the bank to exchange for kopek and feysilver… I used it all at the inn and restaurant… Klein was just about to look around to see if there were any banks around when the carriage driver happily received the two one-soli notes. After repeatedly checking it, he beamed with his wrinkled face.

“Thank you, thank you for your generosity!”

sold here, and many Loen adventurers like to visit the Sea of Beluga Whales. To have Loen Kingdom’s currency being used in private is rather common… Heh heh. Loen’s industry and economic strength is greater

something. One gold pound could be used to exchange for 5.5

two soli was

the City of White, a rental carriage cost

so happy! Klein turned back and realized

down on his hat and pushed open the heavy wooden door before entering the

sold lunch and dinner. Therefore, they opened around eleven in the morning. At that moment, there were quite a number of adventurers, who had nothing better to do, gathered in front of the bar counter.

planning to be drunk the entire day? The customs of Feysac are really unacceptable… Klein mumbled as he

bread with red sausage, a set of smoked whale meat, a bowl of thick vegetable soup, and a

rather popular along the eastern seaboard of Feysac. It was

bartender glanced at Klein. “A total of 4 feysilver and

because I don’t drink liquor? Klein ignored the bartender’s question and

to 5

to get the bartender

in a Backlund bar, that amount of

skillfully poured a cup of Golas

was rather black in color with plenty of foam. It had a pleasant charred taste, and there was slight stimulation in the mellow taste. It made Klein feel as though the alcohol

waiting for his food, he sipped his beer and silently listened to the conversations of the surrounding

finished off a pirate captain without claiming the bounty and instead inherited the deceased pirate captain’s subordinates, which woman in Nas had an illegitimate child, or who became a laughing stock for

soup brewed using sweet vegetables, onions, cabbage, carrots, fish, and butter, was served before Klein, he finally heard

suppressed his voice as he said to his surroundings partners, “Have you heard of this? There’s a Fourth Epoch ruin east of


left and right as he said without much thought, “Gareth discovered it. As you know, he’s a Seafarer who’s

sea. Who knew that he ended up discovering

then?” his partner

The adventurer chuckled.

and discovered an abandoned sea well of unknown depths. It was already filled with seawater, but it still left

there was something summoning him inside, but he didn’t dare explore it.

the Third Epoch or Second Epoch. Little Sun had mentioned that during the Dark Epoch, sea monsters were subject to Elf King Soniathrym and helped “Him” rule the bottom of the sea… Sweet, salty,

sight of

quickly steered to a few adventurers who they weren’t friendly with. They mocked about how they had married beautiful natives who all turned into stout and fat women a couple of years later. Their strength could

how people from Feysac had tiny bits of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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