Nina was a pirate who had risen up the ranks. Often, she might be easily irritated, but she was very experienced at handling matters. She was a rather reliable person. After some thought, she gave a description in a serious manner.

“The well’s mouth is at a rather deep depth along the seabed. I need enough time to adjust myself before I can acclimatize to the temperature and pressure of the area. That’s why I took so much time to get there.

“It isn’t easily discovered, but the remnant iron buildings are indeed rather obvious. I found them once I got acclimatized.

“They’ve already completely collapsed or rotted. There’s no way to imagine what they originally looked like. However, I could tell that they definitely spanned across a great distance in the past. It’s just shrunken by a great deal now.”

When Nina said this, she chuckled and scanned all the men around her.

A real female pirate is indeed different… Klein sighed from the bottom of his heart.

From his point of view, be it Admiral of Stars Cattleya, Vice Admiral Iceberg Edwina, or Vice Admiral Ailment Tracy, none of them could be considered a pure female pirate. All of them hailed from major factions or secret organizations. When they were Low-Sequence Beyonders, they were either not at sea, or they were following important figures, so what they did were relatively safe matters. Otherwise, they were independent adventurers who had never been tainted by the characters and atmosphere of low- or mid-level pirates.

After Nina finished laughing, Cattleya pointed her finger to the rusted item that could hardly be described as a metal beam.

“This is a portion of the iron building?”

“Yes, Captain. As you know, I don’t know much about history or mysticism. I could only bring some back for your inspection. You’re an expert on this.” Nina smiled as she handed the “metal beam” over.

Then, she pointed at the black piece of hardened mud which was filled with holes on its surface.

“Not far from the iron ruins, I found a well. It’s not very big. If it’s to be described with the word ‘huge,’ then I’ve definitely seen plenty of huge cannons.

“Those drunken adventurers are better at bragging than us pirates!

“This is the mud from the inner layer of the well. I can’t imagine how such patterns could be formed!”

Nina’s finger repeatedly struck the honeycombed dots on the black mud.

Klein originally believed that they were marks left behind by dense shots with very tiny projectiles, but after a careful inspection, he suspected that they were remnant “patterns” after something had rotted. Each spot was very shallow as its edges spread outwards in an irregular pattern.

Nina handed the black mud to Cattleya as she continued describing, “The well’s mouth is really small. Even a child from Nas wouldn’t be able to enter.

“It’s very deep. I even felt that it was bottomless. In that environment, the interior was completely dark as though something was slowly summoning me, yes—slowly.

“I found a few rocks nearby and threw them in, but there wasn’t any response. In short, it’s filled with water.”

beam” and black mud. Through the thick glasses, she observed

no need for us to begin the

figure out the secrets hidden within these items and whether the ancient well is

the cold winds.

to Nina, “You can drink a bottle

captain!” Nina cried out in

underwater well that humans can’t enter… Klein, who had no desire to explore it, summarized Nina’s

had a strange

well, but that

There’s a significant chance that

he had the means to make marine creatures do his bidding while wielding the

trip; otherwise, I might attract some exaggerated danger… There’s still not enough information regarding this. There’s no way to do any divination…

of curiosity.

but she only knows that Mr. Fool wields Kalvetua’s godhood scepter, not The World… Unless she has figured out that The World is The Fool… But that’s even more impossible. Even Mr. Hanged Man is still stuck at the concept that The World is a Blessed. She

someone being pursued by knowledge, and she’s a follower of Queen Mystic. She’s loyal to the Moses Ascetic Order, and she has roamed the sea for years. She has plenty of knowledge and experience, so it wouldn’t be odd that she knows that the Sea God domain possesses the Beyonder power to control marine

naturally made the connection with the scepter in Mr. Fool’s hand. Does she plan on requesting for help in the future? She looked

powers of Clown, he forcefully maintained

Nina was about to draw the Sonia blood wine, Klein

approach the door, a figure surfaced in his mind

were drawn. There were a pair of blurry eyes

any hesitation as he entered the

the bright but not scorching

Deuth was already a Senior Associate Professor by forty. He was wearing a long tailcoat and a beautiful bow tie

sender was from the attendant of the richest aristocratic family in East Chester County, the Hall family. The person who wrote the letter was the daughter of a Member of Parliament from the House of Lords who wielded immense influence. She was Miss Audrey Hall, who was

that Mr. Michele Deuth was an outstanding collector and an aficionado of

Deuth didn’t have any reason to

classic carriage with a

open the outer gates made of iron railings, led the

was the first to alight, followed by guards and

a long white-gauzed glove was extended

of the maidservants, Audrey elegantly stepped onto the carpet which

up. He

two steps forward and took off his hat to

“Welcome, my honorable lady.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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