Klein couldn’t go against his own wishes to console Frank Lee, nor could he bring himself to tell Frank Lee that not being able to breed red wine fish was a good thing. All he could do was pretend that this was a trivial problem and not provide a response.

He walked two steps diagonally and circled around the starboard before looking far into the undulating sea.

By then, the clouds high in the sky had thinned. The crimson moon’s moonlight brightened up the rather dark night.

In such an environment, Klein could see the nearby scenery. There were dark clouds that hung low, and he discovered a hurricane swishing back and forth, encompassing an unknown swath of sea.

Under the illumination of the silver lightning, fine rain danced amidst the wind, forming a scene that resembled the dawn of the apocalypse.

Such a terrifying disaster was only a few nautical miles or even shorter from the Future, but the Future didn’t seem affected. Only the wind had become a little stronger.

This is the meaning of a safe sea route—to advance by the side of a storm… Without a good navigator, just traveling normally might push the ship into a disaster… Klein turned his head to look where the ship was heading. He saw a little illumination and fog being emanated. The visibility was extremely low, and using just the naked eye was very difficult to discern if they were in a dangerous or safe zone.

Such situations weren’t obvious west of Oravi Island. But here, it was common once they took the secret sea route.

Klein was just about to retract his gaze when he saw a black, massive object seemingly hiding in the periphery of the storm!

A sea monster? He suddenly recalled some of the rumors he had heard at the different bars he had been to.

After steering away from the safe sea route, it’s very easy to encounter all kinds of monsters. Some of them are behemoths and possess intense offensive power. Once they surfaced from the sea, they could finish it in one mouthful.

The Future didn’t stop advancing. Before long, it closed the gap between it and the gloomy but massive object.

Klein finally managed to discern the entity’s appearance and discovered that it wasn’t a sea monster, but a gigantic sailboat which was even larger than the Future.

The sailboat was nearly two hundred meters long. With its bow and stern raised high, it appeared like a crescent.

Its surface was black. The cannons were arranged in three rows in an untidy manner on the side of the ship. There was order from top to bottom. Apart from the mast, the portions that extended out of the deck was similarly tall and massive. It was at least equivalent to a five-story building.

This ship’s most odd feature was that it only had one sail and on it was the drawing of a black tomb.

“The Death Announcer…” A heavy voice sounded in Klein’s ears. At some point in time, Frank Lee had thrown the silver-scaled fish whose blood had been replaced with red wine away and approached his side.

The first mate who had a bounty of 7,000 pounds held his head heavy as his muscles remained tense. It was as though an attack would be launched anytime from the minute changes of the gigantic sailboat.

Death Announcer? Klein was first taken aback before he recalled what the name represented.

one of the most legendary and infamous ships on the Five


clicked his tongue silently as he uncontrollably entered

level of indifference and calm

pounds, had recently appeared in Nas and warned him, Kircheis came to an understanding. He was no longer puzzled as to why he would bump

connections with even more rumors. And among these rumors, there were a

is a middle-aged man who’s so pale that he’s on the brink

a single country

former enemies are all dead, regardless if they were pirates, adventurers, or members of a naval fleet. Only the other three members of the

into direct combat with an official demigod. He is extremely

Sequence. No one knows what his

by nature and enjoys killing. He can launch an attack on

promises. Other than his nickname as the King

After all, she’s one of the seven pirate admirals… No, the Four Kings and the Pirate Admirals can cooperate or be at odds normally, apart from the pirate convention organized by the


Without wearing their clothes, they ran to the different cannons on deck to make preparations to do battle. The Future instantly

turned his head and looked up. He saw that the captain’s windows were already open. Cattleya wore the usual black dress as she stood there and observed

wasn’t wearing the thick glasses, and her pitch-black eyes were tainted with

of Immortality… Klein retracted his gaze and looked at the Death Announcer which had its tail raised

two ships had just passed each other by. The pirates

statue as though they had zero emotional fluctuations, brandishing

that moment, just a matchstick was enough to trigger the tense nerves

the Death Announcer didn’t take any actions. It continued silently anchored on the spot, “watching” the

side, Frank Lee didn’t conceal

that he’s really a demigod, while others say that he’s only a Sequence 5. He is able to reach the level of a Sequence 4 thanks to the Death Announcer.

suddenly had an

you need to capture the King of Immortality; otherwise, make him interested in your fish… Klein

taken aback as

it. He will

Announcer which had opened a gap with the Future suddenly turned

filled with malice sounded from several hundred meters away as



deck fell to the ground one after another as they tried hard to

number of Beyonders began to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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