Upon seeing Will Auceptin’s warning, Klein’s first found himself blessed with good luck.

Thankfully I didn’t court death and continue the exploration… He didn’t hesitate to heave a sigh of relief.

Although he had seen the mural related to Ouroboros, as well as the terrifying monster, Anderson, who mutated for some unknown reason, he didn’t actually physically get himself into a dangerous situation.

I wonder if I’ll randomly appear in a region in the next dream, or will it continue from before… If it’s the latter, the best choice of action is to not disturb Anderson so as to avoid agitating him. I’ll just walk the same way back and leave that black cloister… Klein retracted his gaze and continued reading.

“Apart from the dream, the other things aren’t that troublesome. As long as you don’t attempt to approach those ruins, directly look at the thing that flies in the sky at ‘midday,’ or challenge the storms that give ample warning, then it wouldn’t be a problem if you follow the safe sea routes that have been verified by others.

“As for mermaids, just keep cruising forward and you’ll ultimately encounter them. This is because, at their levels, they will only live in relatively safer areas, and there aren’t many such areas.

“Finally, I hope everything goes smoothly.

“Sincerely, your friend who might be often in deep sleep due to reaching a critical stage in his maturing development,

Will Auceptin”

The final sentence was long and somewhat awkward-sounding, but Klein instantly understood what the Snake of Fate meant: Before I’m born, don’t disturb me unless it’s something extremely important and critical!

I’ll try my best… Klein replied inwardly without any assurance.

If he successfully advanced, then it might not take long before he had to seek Will Auceptin’s help in finding the Sequence 4 potion formula for the Seer pathway.

Being more confident with finding mermaids, Klein immediately left the dream, wore his hat, and headed for the pirates’ dining hall.

Due to the dream’s disturbance, most of the food had turned cold, but the pirates still had a great time eating. After all, no one died.

Since no one died during this mystical encounter, they naturally felt great that they had something to brag about.

“Do you want a cup of milk?” Frank Lee held a plate and sat opposite Klein, asking warmly.

Recalling the conversation in the dream, Klein firmly shook his head with a deadpan expression.

Inwardly, he was very worried that the milk on the ship were all Frank’s experimental products.

Frank didn’t mind as he gulped a mouthful of milk.

“I remember telling you about those little things in the dream?”

“Yes.” Klein cut through a Dragon-Bone Fish that was cooked in sauce, and he stuffed it into his mouth.

only had one main bone. In Backlund, due to its various species, they were considered a mid- to high-end delicacy, but east of the Oravi Island, in the periphery of the safe sea routes,

Frank chuckled.

it, they will produce milk and return to normal once they aren’t fed. This way, the milk cows don’t have to suffer any torture. This way, it becomes fairer for men and women to bring up their children. It will

telling me this… Klein nearly failed to maintain his persona as Gehrman

that the nickname of crazy

who supports equality between men and women. However, his means are a little terrifying… That’s right. The Church of Mother Earth is like the Church of the Goddess. They believe that women should have the same standing in society as men. However, they place more emphasis on reproduction, treating

Churches. They discriminate based on intelligence. The Church of Steam is neutral and has even worked with the Church of the Goddess to encourage women to head out for work due to the need for more labor in the development of industry… Klein instantly had the differences between the

Lee as though what he

he couldn’t help but drink a few

in batches, Cattleya pushed open the windows to the captain’s cabin once again.

1.5 nautical miles ahead of us. We will dock there and

a possibility of a terrifying storm occurring. I cannot confirm when it will happen, but I believe it’s safer for us

the past, as it wasn’t a sudden occurrence, and there

no one objected to it. They went according to Cattleya’s instructions. Under Navigator Ottolov’s and

one of the matters that Will

any signs

an island covered with gigantic trees

sailboat adjusted its course and docked against the

as the sky suddenly dimmed. Lead-colored clouds surfaced one after

with one another as though they enveloped all the surrounding

a loud boom and blinding flashes of lightning, a hurricane from

bottom. It was more exaggerated than any legendary giant. It was like a gigantic coiling serpent in a bid to

and didn’t stop because of the incoming storm. It constantly struck the surface of the sea, splitting into

down on the Future’s deck, it made the pirates who had entered the cabin or gotten shelter feel

down after about fifteen minutes, and the

to be within the

island. After leaving the Future, he only walked about on the shore, taking in the feeling of

trees… It feels like a vacation… Klein thought in amusement when he suddenly noticed a rapidly moving black dot through the corner of his

rushing over from the boundary of

black dot increased in size to

the abnormality.

a white shirt, a black vest,


The unlucky Anderson!

Klein instantly recognized him.

person was none other than the terrifying Anderson in the

proceeded to explore the hall but had claimed to be a

that moment, Anderson raised his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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