The ground trembled slightly as a figure that was nearly three meters tall appeared at the boundary of the island’s primitive forest.

Its body was grayish-white in color, seemingly formed from boulders. Its face was potholed without any obvious eyes, nose, mouth, or ears.

“Stone giant…” Cattleya muttered the monster’s type.

Be it Klein or Anderson, both of them knew nothing about such monsters.

However, they didn’t cast an inquisitive look at Cattleya. They focused on the monster, looking highly professional.

Cattleya turned her body to face the docked Future. She raised her right hand halfway and amplified her voice.


The pirates on duty immediately adjusted dozens of cannons on the port of the ship, aiming them right at the Stone Giant which was lumbering over.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Cannonballs flew out and landed around the Stone Giant, sending dust flying as the bombardment covered a huge area.

The ground clearly quaked as flames surged. Splinters spewed everywhere as though everything could be destroyed.

Tap! Tap! Tap!

The tall grayish-white figure tore out of the dust, having not suffered any serious damage. All it had were a few cracks on its surface.

Cattleya said without a perturbed expression, “This isn’t a kind of giant, but a kind of stone golem.

“Its core is the main ingredient of Sequence 5 Guardian from the Guardian Sequence pathway. Therefore, its defenses are extremely high.”

Amidst the reverberating cannon bombardment, Klein nearly suspected if there was a problem with his auditory senses.

Since you know that the stone giant has high defense, why did you use a cannon bombardment? Isn’t that a waste of cannonballs? he thought in puzzlement as he lampooned.

Perhaps hearing his inner thoughts, Cattleya said as she watched the stone giant approach, “I’ve never encountered such a Beyonder creature before, so I wished to do some tests.”

I have nothing to say against such a reason… Klein was rendered speechless.

At this moment, Anderson Hood, who had been observing the stone giant the entire time, raised his hand and said, “Do you have anyone who has Beyonder powers in the ice and frost domain?”

“Me,” Cattleya coldly answered.

Seeing how Ma’am Hermit had the means, Klein swallowed back the words he nearly said out loud.

necessary, despite Zombie possessing

couldn’t find any suitable food on

grayish-black scroll from a secret pocket in her warlock robe and softly chanted

scroll was consumed by icy-blue flames and immediately, there were crystalline

froze the target within as

of the zone. However, its grayish-white exterior had turned a darker shade. Its motions were a lot

as though he was a conductor gesturing for the audience

stone giant’s feet as though it had

steam as cracks spread across its body in

right arm as a burning-white spear condensed

the spear condensed to a

in the stone giant’s belly as

seemed to merge with the burning-white spear. The flames brightened as he

into a fist as his arm bulged. With an uppercut, he struck upwards from the hole and into

stone giant immediately froze on the spot as cracking sounds constantly emitted from its interior. In seconds, it had


without any surprise, “Sequence 5 of the Hunter pathway is


A death reaper of life? No wonder… Klein nodded

and rummaged through the stone


a real

there weren’t any spoils of


like you, don’t be the one opening chests or looting corpses… Klein couldn’t help but lampoon

and kept

these waters is this. Not every monster will provide you

Of course, it’s possible that they’re the result of remnant powers

through the voyage, he discovered that there were Beyonder traces of Sun, Evernight, Storm, and the Spectator pathway. He had

gods. Storm belonged to Elf King Soniathrym; Spectator belonged to Dragon King Ankewelt; Evernight belonged to King of Demonic Wolves Flegrea. With Little

Klein have doubts about his theory. This was because none of the eight ancient

and Adam’s father, the City of Silver Creator

series of intense battles, he

these ruins of the battle between gods were left behind? The incomplete

Silver’s Creator, who was also the ancient sun god,

to his chuckling state.

Klein simply

the title of the craziest hunter! Last month, when the ship I was onboard passed by the Rorsted Archipelago and Oravi Island, I had thoughts of

the hospital… Klein

your best not to say

negative words I say become reality. Alright, stop looking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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