The grayish-black hand grabbed the side of the ship and quickly hoisted it up, revealing the submerged parts, inch by inch.

Through the blue water waves, Klein saw a huge grayish-black shadow. Following that, squirming flesh occupied his entire vision.

The monster seemed to be an amalgamation of countless blackening or graying corpses. Attached to the two gigantic palms were withered-looking arms that resembled dry timber. The arms stemmed from a corpse that was suspected to be from a giant. This giant’s single eye was shut tightly as a few heads were stuck to its neck. And further down these heads were incomplete scaly fish, lizard bodies, or warped human corpses. Layer after layer, they formed flesh that appeared like a floating island.

From the different corpses and the connections of the crevices, a yellowish-green gas was emanated and spread to its surroundings as though it was enveloping the entire area.

Cough! Cough! Cough! Cough!

Just the smell of it had made many sailors on deck cough violently. It was so bad that they couldn’t even straighten their backs.

Upon seeing this scene, Frank Lee didn’t hesitate to take out the materials inside a hidden pouch on his belt. He showcased his corresponding Beyonder powers, but to his surprise, Cattleya’s voice rang in his ears.

“Frank, stop!

“Help Nina command the sailors to get them to adjust the sails!”

“Why?” Frank Lee subconsciously asked in return.

“In this area, the supernatural matters within the authority of Mother Earth will mutate, including your powers.” As Cattleya spoke, she extended both her palms forward and pressed down on a particular spot on her desk.

The symbols and the magical labels on the Future immediately became more pronounced as they lit up one after another, converting the entire ship into a resplendent sea of stars. They seemed to correspond to each and every point of starlight that swirled around Cattleya’s body.

The spreading yellowish-green gas was kept out as Klein began floating towards the window of his room from the closest wall.

The coughing pirates felt alleviated, and under the lead of Boatswain Nina and First Mate Frank, as well as the instructions of Ottolov, they quickly adjusted the sails and attempted to make the Future escape from the nearby waters in order to escape the influence of the mutation effects.

However, the grayish-black colossal monster had held back the front of the ship, and the body beneath the water had connected to unknown parts of the ship in order to hold the Future, preventing it from advancing forward.

At the same time, formless tall mountains seemed to appear around them, blocking out the sea winds that blew from afar, preventing the Future from using its strength no matter how it adjusted its sails.

Faced with such a situation, there’s a need to use a backup steam engine system. Unfortunately, the Future lacks it…

Yes… It can still fly with the help of the starlight, but that seems to be extremely draining on Ma’am Hermit. Besides, it will be difficult to grasp the direction and distance it will bring us. To make such a flight in such waters, there’s a high chance of entering a more dangerous zone without being blessed with good luck. Heh, there’s still the extremely unlucky Anderson on board… Klein floated by the window in his room as he took in the situation.

nor the Strongest Hunter

me as

Creeping Hunger. The latter was to be reserved for him when facing more dangerous and complicated situations before throwing

effect of losing items on him, Klein already had a plan. He decided to put in his wallet, Azik’s copper whistle, the adventurer’s harmonica, and other items into his suitcase when changing

from a probability standpoint, the most likely item to be lost by

worried about this. He had created

Beyonder effects are bestowed by the Sea God Scepter, so I don’t have to spend any additional money… As Klein mumbled, he reached out

monster, which was a combination of flesh, climbed higher again. With its approach, the busy

the most terrifying outcome. It was more harrowing that the blob of flaxen-colored hair seemed

stars on the surface of the Future could no longer hold back

them luck either. Their nose hair would rapidly grow

captain’s cabin, Cattleya had raised her arms at some point in time. In


ancient Hermes resounded while the scroll burned in silence, a light green luster shot out from within, striking the monster’s gigantic palm that appeared by

squirming flesh formed from countless corpses didn’t pause at all. It slammed down

depths of Cattleya’s eyes deepened. She didn’t take out a new scroll, and she instead directly pushed her


of the pirate admiral’s mouth, the resplendent starlight that swirled

starlight instantly converged, creating a gigantic, transparent amber. It enclosed all of the squirming

Hunter Anderson’s right hand. On the surface

of having the terrifying monster trapped in the starlight cage, Anderson’s body produced a layer

and landed on the grayish-black

blinding white light rapidly flowed across the monster’s surface as if it was engaged in painting an

the flames surged into the sky as Anderson

as though it had lost

shattering into countless pieces of

who had redone his inventory, returned to the side of the window to see this

Suddenly, he frowned indiscernibly.

happened. The fractured pieces of flesh spread out their “limbs,” shooting towards the deck

pieces it was divided into—the number of pieces

cabin jumped up from the deck, heading

the darkness and shielded Cattleya. It was none other than

open, all the way from his nose to his chest. Soon, he formed a squirming vortex

at the grayish-black flesh and rapidly swirled inwardly, pulling

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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