Frank Lee sensed the Gehrman Sparrow’s abnormality as he added with a chuckle, “I had planned on providing you some help by throwing some seeds over. Unfortunately, I have no way to throw that far.”

Throw some seeds at the Black Tulip? These waters have the remnant auras of Mother Earth. Beyonder matters in the corresponding domain would mutate and would attack everyone, without identifying friend from foe… I was on the Black Tulip at that moment… Thankfully, you didn’t throw them… Klein suddenly recalled the tragic state the Future had been placed in moments ago and how the dead pirate had grown a watermelon on his head.

Just as he was about to give a minced answer to match Gehrman Sparrow’s persona, he suddenly saw Heath Doyle appear from the shadows, bending his back to vomit.

This Bloodless retched first before his knees went limp as he knelt on the deck.

Ugh! Ugh!

He finally vomited a pool of yellowish-green liquid. Amidst it was a piece of half-rotten grayish-black flesh which was still squirming a little.

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Heath Doyle continued vomiting similar items.

Upon seeing this, other than feeling somewhat disgusted, Klein felt significantly relieved. He was originally worried that Rose Bishop Heath Doyle had been corrupted from randomly eating things. But from the looks of it, he had likely isolated what he had eaten without truly digesting it.

As expected of a Rose Bishop who isn’t mad… Klein silently sighed.

Just as he was planning to look away from the vomit, thoughts suddenly flashed in his mind.

Creeping Hunger has already been activated. It needs to be “fed” once within a day. And there aren’t any outsiders here. There’s also no ideal scum… The pirate who died won’t do. Although his partners might not put too much weight on his corpse, Creeping Hunger devours the soul…

I wonder if these pieces of flesh can be treated as “food.” At the very least, it contains a tremendous amount of vitality, a corpse that has been influenced by Mother Earth’s aura…

With this in mind, Klein took two steps forward and came beside Heath Doyle.

He couldn’t bear to look at the puddle of vomit as he instinctively cast his gaze aside towards the grand sea which reflected the sunlight beyond the shipboard.

Then, he reached out to a piece of grayish-black flesh with his left hand.

Creeping Hunger didn’t react as it didn’t crack open a mouth.

Looks like it doesn’t wish to eat it… For now, I can only barely use it to deal with any latent dangers. If I’m still unable to find any suitable food when the day is almost up, I’ll throw it above the gray fog… Klein helplessly retracted his hand as he looked up at the captain’s cabin.

The golden brooch in front of Cattleya bloomed with light once again, materializing a Sun Wraith that cleansed the pieces of grayish-black flesh from Heath Doyle.

This pirate admiral’s expression didn’t seem to change. She only looked slightly tired as the purple hue in her eyes became increasingly obvious.

After confirming that the ship had set sail again, Klein didn’t stay any longer as he prepared to return to his room to change out of his drenched clothes.

at him and

Klein spoke out before he

had made him lose his Murloc Cufflink; therefore, he progressively found the person plagued with bad luck as a sore

Alright.” Anderson raised his arms. “I’ll

the cabin before returning

charm and activated it with ancient Hermes. With a tub of clean water, he took off all his clothes and slid

picked up a pen and paper he brought from his desk and

down, using the front of the bathtub as a pillow before entering a

world, he saw a zombie rotting in several parts of the deck. The blue Murloc Cufflink

the deck, it was pitch-black. It was impossible to tell where the

is on the Black Tulip… Klein opened his eyes and came to the

way, I can use this

time, I can use it to locate his ship. However, the

disruption later to prevent Admiral Hell from locking onto me with the

left behind by the ancient Death. Yes, I should write to Mr. Azik and inform him of this. Klein quickly rinsed

gentleman suit from before. He first adjusted his inventory and

beside the desk and looking at the objects on it, Klein hesitated when

put away Azik’s copper whistle and placed it into a small metallic

on summoning the messenger only after he

suffered quite a huge loss this time. Thankfully, I finished digesting the Faceless potion. I can now just wait for the appearance of

The actual situation of this battlefield of gods is different from what I imagined. It actually

later; otherwise, it’s impossible that a

ancient gods in the Second

gods, such as Giant Queen, Goddess of Harvest Omebella, or Goddess of Life

or it really wasn’t something from the Second Epoch? Klein knew too little about the

paper figurines


raised the paper

of thin air as the

he had to go above the gray fog to respond. He could use the Black

Will Auceptin’s paper crane interfering with a suspected existence’s spying, Klein returned to the bathroom and methodically finished what he needed

up the room, he put on Creeping Hunger and Tinder, and he slowly walked to the deck, prepared to seriously observe

a wooden alcohol barrel. He had a gloomy expression as his

and has been silently drinking?

and asked as though he was

as he seriously

“…” Anderson fell speechless.

fellow is just too unlucky. His Beyonder powers had even failed him to the point of him not detecting the

sailors were gathered together, watching Nina take on the duty as a Lord of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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