Bellman Carnot’s expression immediately turned odd when he heard Frank Lee’s name.

“Yes, he… he’s a kind and pure person, but at times, his pureness is terrifying.”

Indeed… Klein made way and allowed the bellman to walk down the stairs. As he followed him down, he asked, “Are you familiar with him?”

Carnot silently walked ahead, and after a while, he said with his back facing Gehrman Sparrow, “I’m a failed product filled with all kinds of problems. I was always mocked, and only Frank was one of the few who looked at me normally, treating me as someone with a real soul…”

“Why did he leave the Church of Mother Earth?” Klein asked despite knowing the answer.

Carnot came out of the bell tower, answering while getting his bearings, “I do not know about the specifics.

“He’s an orphan. He grew up in the cloister from a young age. He really treats the Church as a family and views Mother Earth as his mother.

“He has many strange ideas. He had the opportunity of becoming a diocese bishop, but he was later nearly sent to a tribunal for being sacrilegious.”

Frank mentioned this before. He was trying to crossbreed a bull, a cow, and wheat together… To be frank, if it were me, I would’ve sent him to the tribunal as well… This guy was fine early on because of his low Sequence, limiting what he can do… Klein mumbled and followed Carnot down another street and arrived in the alley behind St. Draco Cathedral.

Carnot walked in front of an ordinary building, pulled the doorbell thrice, each tug lasting two seconds.

After a while, thudding sounds approached as the door creaked open.

Klein immediately saw an elder in a black short coat with a hard cane.

His hair was as white as snow, but he didn’t have any obvious wrinkles. He wore a black eye mask around his eyes.

“Mr. Councilor, Mr. Gehrman Sparrow is here to pay you a visit.”

Councilor Ricciardo? He’s Councilor Ricciardo? He’s blind? Previously, Klein had only heard his voice without meeting him. It was no wonder he was surprised.

Ricciardo turned his ear to the side and slowly turned his head towards Gehrman Sparrow and chuckled.

“Sorry, I can only meet you this way. When I woke up this morning, I suddenly had a premonition that I mustn’t open my eyes to see anything today. To prevent any accidents, I wore an eye mask.”

… You can actually do that… He’s in no way inferior as a charlatan… Klein was momentarily amused and surprised.

Following that, he understood the correct interpretation of his premonition. He didn’t want to see him!

were able to see things others couldn’t see. Therefore, Snake of Mercury Will Auceptin was able to sense my uniqueness. And back in Tingen City, Ademisaul’s eyes bled and he collapsed to the ground simply

not for that, I was planning on asking what he can see… Klein didn’t have any penchant about forcing others to harm themselves. He held back his

I was lucky that there was some adjustments to the upper echelons of the navy and governor-general’s office, so I successfully rescued Roy King, but it wasted quite a bit of my

said without any signs of surprise, “Then, I’ll use this request to

interacting with a mural left behind by the Angel of Fate. He

me over to him. Don’t

in hand. He took the opportunity to ask,

of Thought were at odds with each other, so

his right. He didn’t need anyone to help him; it was as

He chuckled.

Desire is the Rose School of Thought’s manifestation of the Chained God. However, I suspect that the truth is actually the reverse. The Chained God is one of the Mother Tree of Desire’s many manifestations. My reasoning is that Red Light, Moria, claims that

Klein succinctly answered. He didn’t even express his knowledge of

short, no one knows the true identity of the Mother Tree of Desire, nor does anyone

Tree of Desire and the Primordial Moon are at odds. There seems to be some irreconcilable conflict between them, and it’s because of this that the Rose School

the Mother Tree of Desire and the Primordial Moon seem to have a subtle relationship. You might find it hard to imagine that the Southern Continent’s

Dark Side of the Universe, and the other evil

Sect, Blood Sanctify Sect, and Moses Ascetic Order do not like the Rose School of

is one of the two most isolated ones? Klein stopped a carriage while in thought as

the carriage and instructed the driver to bring

he suddenly heard a loud bang. A rumbling explosion shook the entire street as glass fragments from a

caused by Anderson’s bad luck? Klein’s spiritual intuition told him that it was

to look out the carriage and saw that a huge chunk of wall had collapsed from the hotel’s second floor.

a daring person to trade arms in a hotel. New kinds of

carrying and suddenly felt how great

turned around and helped Ricciardo

there aren’t many people in the hotel. The owner sure is pitiful, having to suffer a certain loss. However,

think your bad luck is responsible for a large part of the accountability… Klein nodded and said to

turned his head to Anderson, but his gaze was completely blocked by the black

for a few seconds before

a gold

coin from the inside of his clothes, feeling suspect. Then, he smiled at Gehrman Sparrow. “Tradition from my hometown. We sew a tiny pocket

he handed the

gold coin, slowly closed his fingers, before

then laughed and said, “Alright. Your bad

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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