Everyone can understand each other regardless of the language used? Klein skipped over Edwina’s first sentence and focused his attention on the second sentence that didn’t seem too problematic.

Although this was the book world created by Groselle’s Travels, everything was possible, but there were certain details that still revealed problems.

To Klein, he wasn’t too caught up with how that they could understand each other, but the kind of method that resulted in the comprehension.

This world incorporates something akin to the rule of language comprehension, or does it have a conscious residing high above everyone else, helping in the real-time translation work, just like what I do at the Tarot Gatherings? If it were the former, targets who don’t understand Jotun will only hear an unfamiliar language, but they would understand the meaning. If it were the latter, it will be them hearing a language they’re familiar with… As he knew many ancient and supernatural languages, Klein was unable to figure out the situation immediately. He slowed down his footsteps and walked alongside Danitz. He asked while suppressing his voice, “Can you tell what language Groselle was using when he was speaking?”

Danitz was taken aback for a second. He recalled and said, “It’s a language which sounds a little familiar yet unfamiliar, but I was able to understand everything.”

The supernatural languages he knew were ancient Hermes, followed by Elvish. He was only a beginner in Jotun.

Yes, it’s something like the rule of language comprehension… It’s comprehension at the level of the mind… This means that the entire book world’s fundamental rules can be different from the outside world. It’s a setting that it comes with, but the changes don’t seem capable of exceeding certain limits. This point remains suspect and requires verification. After all, I can’t eliminate the existence of someone like The Fool, someone who completely interprets the communication via the mind… Edwina is indeed sharp and good at observing. The problem she discovered leads straight to this book world’s essence… Amidst his thoughts, Klein unhurriedly entered the huge, dark cave.

As for the history described by the members of the main lead’s team, he wasn’t the least bit surprised. He even looked forward to hearing the details.

Klein long knew that the various Churches and the Northern Continent’s countries had consciously attempted to destroy or conceal information, to hide the true history of the Fourth Epoch, Third Epoch, and even the Second Epoch. What people knew as common knowledge actually differed from the people who used to live in those eras.

This was also one of the reasons why Klein took on the risk to enter the book world!

Inside the spacious and windy cave, a bonfire scattered its light and heat on three humanoid figures.

One of them was a middle-aged man in an extremely spartan white robe. He had wrinkles but didn’t appear old. He had his back to the fire as he faced the stone wall with his eyes closed, focused on his prayers. He had short brown hair, and his shoulders, arms, calves, and feet were exposed, revealing all kinds of old scars.

Beside him was a lad using a stone for a pillow. He donned a black, heavy full-body armor. By his hand was an erected black sword that emitted a cold shimmering light. His facial features were rather deep, giving him clear Loen traits.

Sitting opposite the two was a man in his thirties who was dressed strangely. He gave people a sense of unease. He wore a sharp and hard black hat, and his coat’s buttons were mismatched. It was messy and chaotic, highly asymmetric and unharmonious.

In addition, the tips of his leather boots curled up high, making him look like a circus clown.

eyes, a high nose, and thin lips. Even though he sat there,

said, “Solomon Empire’s Viscount Mobet Zoroast, a gentleman who can take away the ideals and

Stealer of the Marauder pathway,” Mobet said with a chuckle. He acted

name of Sequence 4 and 5 of the Marauder pathway, but I don’t even know the corresponding Sequence 6 and 7… Many thoughts flashed through

this is the first

6 Fire Bandit. Haha, let me do the introductions.” Mobet warmly pointed to the praying man whose back was facing everyone. “The pious ascetic, Snowman. He believes in the Lord that created everything, the omnipotent and omniscient God. Don’t mind him. He’s completely sealed himself in his beliefs. But in combat, he’s a very reliable companion. Eh, Snowman,

a response, stroked his chin with a rueful

receive. You might find it hard to imagine that I was an arrogant, reserved, and refined nobleman. But

manner. He raised his hand to scratch the back

head and pointed

is a very violent woman. As long as there are any emotional stirrings in her, she’ll beat me up. Sigh, I’m as afraid of her now as I was infatuated over her back then. Therefore, I

later. He’s quite the conversationalist. Hey, Frunziar, wake up!

knight slowly woke up as he looked at Klein and

there was the sound of metal striking each other as he stood up. Staring at Klein, he

Loen soldier who had gone missing for 165 years didn’t look old. He had black hair and sharp,

a moment as

of Backlund’s

has many Edwards,” Klein

Edward family that lives at 18 Delahire Street in Northwest Borough,”

Klein shook his head.


repeated those

silent for a few seconds before

told me the actual year, but I don’t

Zoroast chuckled

when we were passing through cities and villages,

at Klein, Anderson,

and die. Heh, before a new member joins, we would forget our goals. We would lead ordinary but happy and relaxed lives for decades or centuries. The only

came. We entered this region blanketed by ice and snow. We hunted many monsters, but gradually, we

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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