
Frunziar, who was closest to the giant, rushed to Groselle and caught him. Then, he slowly released his grip and stood up, as though he had just experienced a confusing dream.

Siatas tore out of Mobet’s arms, and ignoring the pain all over her body, she ran to Groselle’s side with the aid of the wind.

She bent down and carefully observed for a moment. Then, she nudged the giant and hysterically shouted, “Wake up! Wake up!

“It’s time for us to leave!”

Her voice softened into silence.

Mobet stood by the side, seeing the giant unable to maintain his body as it wavered. Finally, it fell to the ground with a thud.

He fell silent for a few seconds before exhaling.

At that moment, Anderson and Edwina had already run to Snowman. One used a flame, while the other mimicked holy light to quickly defrost him. As Klein was nearby, he directly arrived by Groselle’s side.

His Spirit Body Threads vision told him that the giant was dead. Only his spirit lingered, but it was beginning to scatter. This made his Damage Transfer powers completely useless.

From the moment Groselle ignited the light of dawn and engaged the frost dragon in a second battle, he must have prepared himself for death… Klein fell silent.

Mobet glanced at him and said with a rueful smile, “To be frank, I’ve not seen many giants. Most of my impression of them had come from books, teachers, and parents. I always thought that this race was cruel and violent, unintelligent creatures who were closer to monsters. However, Groselle wasn’t like that. He was frank, honest, and optimistic. Although he might appear rather silly, he knew better than anyone what was right and wrong.

“He told me that this was because he wasn’t one of those ancient giants. He wasn’t even a second or third generation giant… The cruel and violent giants similarly had the ability to reproduce and give birth. As for their descendants, there would be more rational ones appearing from time to time. These descendants would reproduce and have more descendants, allowing the entire giant race to escape from the confines of being monsters.

“Hehe, I don’t know if I should believe him, but his existence has proven the possibility…”

As Mobet said that, he suddenly paused as though immersed in his memories.

At that moment, Edwina and Anderson helped Snowman, whose body was still a little stiff, walk over. The ascetic struggled as he walked to Groselle’s side.

Looking at the tightly closed single eye, Snowman gestured the sign of the cross on his chest. He half-closed his eyes as he whispered a prayer:

“Father of all things, the great source of everything, here lies an honest and pure soul… May he enter ‘Your’ kingdom and receive eternal redemption…”

Siatas opened her mouth as though she wanted to say that Groselle’s faith was in Giant King Aurmir, but she ultimately chose to keep silent. She watched in silence as Snowman completed the prayer.

“We have to leave as quickly as possible. No one knows how long this door will remain open!” the Elvish Songster said as she surveyed the surroundings. Her sorrow and pain left her rather quick-tempered.

in a heavy voice, “We can’t let Groselle’s soul

agreed. Klein and company didn’t

and shouted at the mountain


eyes darted around as though she had recalled something. She turned her head and said to Klein, “Do you have

pen and notes he brought around with him. This was a professional

scribbling on it. She didn’t stop, even when

well, lacking the joy and excitement he should have with the pending departure from

and handed the paper

“The formula you wanted.”

trade only after leaving? Klein mumbled silently in

his puzzlement, Siatas turned her head and looked at Groselle. She said with

me the potion formula directly? Klein put the items away

give you the wine

respond. Instead, she

“Bring Groselle along.”

which wasn’t too muscular and his sharp, curvy leather boots. He gave a bitter smile of helplessness and walked

followed as he bent down to embrace

looked around

are injured or

up Groselle’s other

other thigh when Danitz rushed

his tracks. He then watched Anderson and company lift Groselle as they

walked; and Snowman silently followed

discovered that the light blue blood that flowed out from the King of the North had vanished. It

a conjured monster that’s almost real… Klein walked behind as he watched Edwina take a few steps forward as

Vice Admiral Iceberg exerted her strength and pushed open the snow-laden

saw everything disappear

of brownish-yellow bookshelves quickly appeared before their eyes, along with the orange-yellow sun which had just set below the horizon and a

Vice Admiral Iceberg Edwina’s

sights. Sitting on it was a book filled

as a result of a formless wind.

He led his teammates and slayed the King of the North, but

you plan on heading to next?” Mobet released Groselle’s thigh as he turned his head to

few seconds before she

as she said that, she suddenly saw Mobet’s flaxen-colored hair rapidly turn

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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