Death Knell? Striking the enemy’s death knell with every shot? I like this name… Klein controlled his facial expressions as he went forward without any anticipation or excitement on his face. He reached out to receive the iron black revolver with a slightly long barrel.

He was originally very worried that Ukfa would raise the price if he showed any strong desires for it. This was common in any transaction, but on second thought, with Gehrman Sparrow’s reputation, and with Anderson, the Strongest Hunter of the Fog Sea, as a witness, it was unlikely that Ukfa Connerchris would offend him despite possibly being a Sequence 5 Beyonder. After all, he had quite the adventuring circles and had hoped to lead a quiet and settled life. He definitely had reservations that the crazy adventurer might sneak into the manor in the middle of the night despite not flaring up in front of him.

Therefore, his attempts to maintain his calm and composed attitude became one of simply maintaining his persona.

Realizing that Gehrman Sparrow was seriously inspecting and studying Death Knell, Ukfa gave a detailed introduction.

“Its powers are rather uniform: to reap the lives of others. There are three methods:

“First is Weakness attack. There’s no need to meet any conditions. Just directly inject your spirituality and pull the trigger. It will allow you to discover the target’s weaknesses from a mysticism angle. In other words, it would be the aspects where defenses are weaker, and it will provide you with the corresponding accuracy; thus, resulting in extraordinarily terrifying damage.

“The second is Lethal attack. You have to cock the hammer before shooting. Its distinguishing feature is that wherever you hit the target, it will be equivalent to an attack on their weak spot. And if you really do strike the true weak spot, it will be capable of dealing a lethal blow to an enemy without overly strong defenses. To targets who are good at defending, three shots would be able to resolve the matter. This includes Guardian. Of course, that is under the premise that the three lethal blows aren’t spread too far apart. It’s best not to exceed five seconds.

“The third is Slaughtering. On the foundation of a Weakness attack, providing more than twice the spirituality on top of that will imbue ordinary bullets with grapeshot effects. Simultaneously, when aimed at a group of enemies, it will result in area-of-effect damage. To increase the damage, it will need to meet the conditions for Lethal attack, as well as provide more than thrice the spirituality. This drain will be quite a burden on the user.

“It can also be combined with bullets with different characteristics, allowing you to target different kinds of enemies.”

This sounds like it corresponds to a Sequence 5 Reaper of the Hunter pathway… Klein glanced at Anderson and asked, seemingly in thought, “If the target’s physical condition reaches that of a Sequence 4 dragon, how many strikes of Lethal attack will kill it?”

Ukfa was taken aback as he shook his head in a daze.

“I’ve never met a dragon before.”

Much less a dragon whose physical condition has reached that of a demigod!

Does Gehrman Sparrow plan on using this gun to slay dragons? And a demigod dragon at that? Isn’t that way too crazy? Ukfa suddenly felt that the adventurers these days were completely different from the ones he met back when he was active. He didn’t even consider the possibility of death.

Anderson coughed before clearing his throat.

luck. For real, trust me, luck

has been beaten to a state close to death, then one

if the demigod dragon doesn’t defend and stays there for you hit it, five shots

Gehrman Sparrow. He decided not to pursue the topic

told you about the negative effects of Death Knell, right? You will receive a weakness that originally didn’t exist, or it will enhance an already existing weakness, making it become more extreme. This effect will be maintained for six hours. There was once a time when I became extremely afraid of cats. There was one when I had just hunted a famous pirate, but I ended up going limp in the legs in front of a newborn kitten. I knelt before it, wailing and crying for it to spare

easily thirsty. Just drinking more water and heading to the washroom more often would solve

negative effects of an additional weakness will bring me more trouble… However, it

pounds. Anderson should’ve mentioned it. That’s my bottom line.” Ukfa looked at Death Knell in Gehrman Sparrow’s hands and said, “This is already cheap enough. If it wasn’t because I was worried that getting to know more

serious when meeting a suitable buyer… Normally speaking, 10,000 to 12,000 pounds is a reasonable price… Although Klein had the intention of bargaining, the price was already low enough

would give him a weakness for nothing. His method for inspection was to use his spirituality

revenge on him. After all, he has already obtained a settled and quiet life. He has a wife and children… Klein placed Death Knell on the table, lifted his suitcase, and took out 9,000 pounds from

money, he did a quick count and confirmed the authenticity

expected of a recently famous adventurer. Few people can produce 9,000 pounds in cash at once. Even a tycoon doesn’t have that much liquidity,” he said poignantly

even spent 5,000 pounds to buy a key not long ago… Klein felt

gone… Now, I’m left with 2,683 pounds and 6 gold coins. I can’t even afford a relatively

changed. In the past, you would’ve checked the authenticity of each note. If you find

totally fine, but I’m worried that Gehrman will shoot you.” Ukfa clearly knew the Strongest

Anderson posing in a way that was begging to be beaten—counting each and every note while verifying them against

silently praised him. He then stuffed the iron black, long-barreled

original revolver was

over this matter,” Ukfa said with a smile as he pointed

opened his mouth as he

you going to keep

you’re married with kids, I’ll treat you to the best food at the best restaurant,” Ukfa

Anderson looked up with squinted eyes. At

everyone’s lives. I thought he would die early on during our adventures, but to my surprise,

poignant words also so deserving of a beating… Klein

companion, luck

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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