
Inside the quiet room in the inn, the dark and silent radio transceiver instantly returned back to normal as its surroundings stopped being eerie.

Klein busily set up the ritual and sacrificed it above the gray fog before having the time to consider the answers he had received.

According to the clues provided by Arrodes, and combining the answers from Mr. Azik and Will Auceptin, Klein had a basic idea on how he should proceed.

It wasn’t just because he wished to return to Backlund for some rest and reorganization, but because he viewed the large city as a main locale that he would spend a long period of time being active in. He wanted to see if he could steal the Antigonus family’s notebook from the Church of the Evernight Goddess’s Saint Samuel Cathedral.

If he confirmed that there weren’t any solutions, he would attempt to switch to neighboring Beyonder pathways, but if that was impossible, he had no choice but to take the final route—head to the main peak of the Hornacis mountain range.

Hmm… I definitely can’t use my identity as Sherlock Moriarty when I’m back in Backlund unless I wish to dig out Ince Zangwill or the royal family faction that’s hiding in the darkness. However, when contacting people I’m familiar with or using the resources of the Church of Steam, I can transform back into Sherlock Moriarty.

In short, I have to create a new identity. Furthermore, it has to be completely separate from Gehrman Sparrow. Hmm, I won’t directly return to Pritz Harbor this time. I’ll make a detour to Desi Bay and make sure that no one can figure out my background. Klein’s thoughts raced and he soon came up with a clear train of thought.

After determining the next steps of action to take, he planned on drawing some blood and heading above the gray fog to explore Groselle’s Travels using his Spirit Body, but in consideration that there was a Tarot Gathering in the afternoon, he lay back in bed and took the time to rest and relax.

The Future smoothly cruised through the undulating waves as Admiral of Stars Cattleya stood by the window, watching the scenery that seemed to go on without end. And by the deck, there were Nina’s exasperated shouts from time to time. She would be angrily scolding Frank Lee for producing a bunch of fast-growing, beef-flavored mushrooms that enjoyed eating fish.

Cattleya sighed silently as she nudged the heavy glasses on her nose bridge.

At that moment, her spiritual perception was suddenly triggered as she looked down at her study desk. At some point in time, a few pieces of yellowed paper had appeared there.

The emperor’s diary entries… She finally sent a messenger over… Cattleya turned around in delight and picked up the few pieces of paper that were akin to a preliminary probe.

By three in the afternoon, having memorized the symbols, Cattleya saw the illusory crimson light surge at her like a tide, drowning her within.

stone columns, Cattleya saw similar red beams soar up,

she realized that a pair of familiar glasses had naturally appeared over her nose bridge. It was almost

corner of her eye. Miss Justice briskly greeted the figure at the seat

resolve some psychological problems that stemmed from her age and physical condition. She received extremely good feedback, allowing her to conclude more of the acting principles

principle was to help others resolve psychological issues. She suspected that

infected as he nodded with a smile as

process, he noticed that Mr. Hanged Man appeared to be preoccupied with concerns. He

have to pay a huge price. I thought he would request to pay for it in installments… The Fool Klein reined in his gaze without any signs of unrest as

her greeting, Cattleya looked towards the end of the long

I found three

the three diary pages specially selected by Queen Mystic will be valuable. For instance, providing clues to the Card of Blasphemy for the Seer pathway. This will be able to provide me with another alternative… Klein was filled with anticipation as

Mr. Fool.” Cattleya replied in an impeccable manner before

acted in the dream, Klein was rather gratified. He felt like a teacher having successfully reformed

Ma’am Hermit is providing Emperor Roselle’s diary entries. With the standards and ability she has showcased, it’s impossible for her to have failed to find it in the past… Yes, in the past, she was more of an observer. After being punished by Mr. Fool, she has truly integrated into our Tarot Club? Together with how Cattleya had performed

didn’t seem normal. He looked like he was anticipating something but was also unable to bring himself to part with something. She was rather

long before the three diary pages

instinctively fell silent, so

healthy, strong, honest,

congratulating me, saying that Bornova will definitely become a Blessed, a saint. They praise him for how pure and flawless his

dismay. I wish that my children can be more human, to have more emotions. I hope that they can be themselves, and not just a

Ciel. Most of my noble officials share the same feelings. Only Bernadette shares my point of view. She has told me in private that she believes a person should be more self-centered, as long as

said during Bornova’s birth, as well as the premonition I’ve had after becoming a demigod, my heart is turning heavier. Adorable angel, heh heh, what an adorable


you are attempting to

pride inside me. To me, so what

February, contact with

obtained that Antigonus notebook, the number of times this Secret Order leader appears has been decreasing. I’ve no idea what

I made a mystical

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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