160 Böklund Street. In the sunny study.

The bookshelves were orderly arranged with a huge collection. At a glance, one appeared as though they had stepped into a private library.

Klein sat on a high-back chair as he read the newspapers. He discovered that be it the Tussock Times or the Backlund Daily Tribune, there was an additional advertisement in a striking spot—it advertised selling 10% of the Backlund Bike Company’s shares.

Mr. Stanton is rather efficient. It’s only been a few days, and he has completed the financial checks and evaluation… Klein silently reflected on the matter when his spiritual perception was triggered.

He quickly activated his Spirit Vision and saw Reinette Tinekerr walk out of the void. She still held the four blonde, red-eyed heads in her hand, with one of them having a letter in its mouth.

It’s likely a reply from Miss Sharron… As Klein had these thoughts, he reached out to receive it and nodded.

“Thank you.”

As he spoke, he subconsciously glanced at the door because standing outside was his valet, Richardson.

After tearing open the envelope and unfolding the letter, Klein quickly scanned it, confirming that it was written by Sharron. She indicated that she had no intention of buying Biological Poison Bottle, and she might only consider it after a period of time if it was still available.

She’s in a tight financial situation? Or is she saving money to do something important? Klein casually thought and instinctively felt that it was the latter. This was because it was impossible for the demigod named Zatwen to keep staying in Backlund. For now, Sharron and Maric had escaped the pursuit of the Rose School of Thought, and with their Beyonder powers and unique traits about their Sequences, it wasn’t difficult for them to amass money in a relaxed environment. Furthermore, they seemed to be in charge of the illegal arms dealing in the Bravehearts Bar, and they were the backers behind Ian. Just this alone would make them plenty of money.

As he thought about it, Klein looked up and saw Miss Messenger’s eight red eyes looking at him intently.

He jumped in fright, imagining that she was urging him to pay the debt he owed her. He cleared his throat and said, “There’s no need to reply.

“I’ll be paying the first installment within the week.”

Reinette Tinekerr’s four heads spoke one after another.

“There’s no…” “Rush…” “There’s no…” “Interest…”

Miss Messenger is quite nice after all… As Klein sighed, Reinette Tinekerr vanished from her spot, returning back into the depths of the spirit world.

After burning the letter and resting for half an hour, he walked to the door to inform Richardson to prepare the carriage.

He planned on heading to the cathedral before his philosophy class in the afternoon.

The journey there was smooth sailing, and Klein arrived at the square outside Saint Samuel Cathedral after a few sips of tea.

After gaining the serenity from taking in the sights of the pigeons, he strode towards the cathedral’s main door, entered the prayer hall, and randomly found a pew to sit at. Like before, Richardson sat diagonally behind him with his master’s hat and cane.

As he emptied his mind during his prayers, Klein’s spiritual perception was triggered once again. He instinctively opened his eyes and looked left.

the black-haired, green-eyed

wasn’t wearing a trench coat. He looked casual with his white shirt tucked out while matching them with straight trousers and

at him, he smiled with a nod, retracted

would discover that he was watching him, because he had only done a cursory sweep without any additional actions.

good-looking, dignified gentleman to attract some attention when he entered. Leonard

the slightly aged

It’s him.

yesterday and today be in vain… Leonard thought smugly as his


did this fellow, Leonard,

who would come to the cathedral every day. He would come once or twice a week

for coming? He seemed

having this thought,

in him is the angel of the Zoroast

a King of Angels of this pathway. “He” could discover the gray fog and even tried

in Leonard can also sense the gray fog or the traces of

in his throat. He felt

and the eyes under his eyelids remained motionless. His entire person was calm and reserved, completely identical

period of time, he slowly got up and walked to the altar. He came before the donation box and

same as before, smiling at the bishop and priest on duty while nodding. He received a

walked out of Saint Samuel Cathedral, Klein received his hat from Richardson, and

believers who had finished their prayers walked

at the entrance, Klein leisurely clapped his hands, took his gold-inlaid cane, and

similarly feeding the pigeons on the square, but he didn’t have any intention of following when he saw his target leave

person had an ancient aura and that the parasite in him placed such importance on him, he obviously didn’t dare to be careless. He


that many of that particular type of high-end carriage in Backlund. No matter if it’s his, or if it’s rented, it’s easy to determine the source. Then, I’ll know the identity and background of that gentleman… Leonard

an experienced Nighthawk, and he was even an elite Red Glove among the

and flew over. In its beak there appeared to

he reached out his left palm and saw the pigeon fly down before dropping the slip. Then, it

Leonard warily unfolded it while feeling puzzled. He saw two lines



suddenly constricted as he felt all his hair stand up.


of someone with an

be one of the undying monsters that remained from

warning me? That I shouldn’t involve myself in his matters or even come

action the middle-aged man with white sideburns and blue eyes had done had left him shocked when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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