In the evening, Klein, who had just returned from Saint Samuel Cathedral, was just about to enter the dining hall on the second floor when he saw Butler Walter walk over and say with a polite bow, “Sir, the matter you wished to be investigated has been completed.”

Klein didn’t inquire further in front of the other servants as he staidly nodded.

“Let’s talk in the study.”

Walter followed behind him and came all the way to the third floor. Richardson then opened the door and lit the gas wall lamp inside.

Klein unhurriedly walked to his desk, sat down, and looked at the butler for the report.

As Walter gestured Richardson to guard outside the door, he approached the desk and deliberated over his words.

After the door closed again, he said, “Ma’am Wahana’s husband is a cloth merchant. He had been cooperating with someone and had invested 1,000 pounds into it, but the other party ran off with the goods. She has already sought the help of Member of Parliament Macht and Ma’am Riana to urge the police department to crack the case as quickly as possible. However, the police usually doesn’t dare to guarantee that they can find the target for such cases.”

Klein picked up the black fountain pen on his desk and stroked it.

“To Ma’am Wahana’s family, 1,000 pounds isn’t a small sum.”

Based on what he knew, an ordinary home tutor didn’t earn more than 150 pounds a year. If the employer provided boarding and lodging, the salary would be even lower.

Although Wahana served high society and had many employers, her annual income capped out at about four to five hundred pounds. Furthermore, a large amount of her expenses would be spent on her dressing, posture, and looks, to prevent her employers from finding her unfitting as an etiquette teacher.

“Yes, her husband’s income as a cloth merchant can only be considered average. To him, a 1,000-pound investment is a rather huge investment,” Walter said by mincing his words.

It’s a lot for me too… Klein sighed and smiled.

“I just came to Backlund, so I’m not very familiar with the police.”

Walter immediately replied, “Sir, back when I was under the service of Viscount Conrad, I knew a few members of a Backlund high-ranking police officer association.”

Backlund high-ranking police officer association? That would be the most important members at Sivellaus Yard. Even the chief superintendents who are in charge of an entire borough might not be qualified for induction.

Sivellaus Yard referred to the Backlund police department. It got its name from the street it was located at.

As expected of a butler who served under a noble family… Klein sighed inwardly as he smiled with a shake of his head.

“There’s no need to do so for the time being. On this aspect, I’m sure Ma’am Wahana is able to seek the help of many people. Be it Member of Parliament Macht or others, all of them have the ability to make Sivellaus Yard place importance on the case.”

He paused and deliberately said in passing, “I’ve seen the lower rungs of society, and I know their methods of survival. At times, the police might not be as useful as gang members or bounty hunters.

“Walter, go to the police department to retrieve the corresponding details and head over to the famous bars in the Backlund Bridge area and East Borough to commission a bounty mission.

“Regardless if they find the corresponding criminals or the batch of cloth, I’ll be giving them 200 pounds in return.

“Heh heh, let’s hope that those cheats had chosen to remain in Backlund.”

“A reward of 200 pounds?” Walter repeated the sum as he couldn’t help but steal a glance at his employer, as though he found it unbelievable that he would offer so much for Wahana’s matter.

He turned agape and was just about to say something but ultimately kept silent. All he did was seriously reply, “Alright, sir.”

“I’ll give you this money directly.” Klein slowly got up and took out his wallet.

the thick wad of cash, he asked

Klein smiled.

“There’s no need.”




squeezed through the area filled with men that stank of alcohol and putrid sweat and arrived

and asked the bartender, “Any new missions

else who asked without ordering any drinks, the bartender would’ve ignored them, but upon recognizing Xio, a bounty hunter

Apart from Miss Audrey’s missions, she had never seen such a handsome reward in East

bounty hunter, completing a commission like this was enough


Most of it was exchanged towards her contribution goals, so all her

spend money to buy the Beyonder ingredients, and I only have 300 odd pounds… Fors is right. Money isn’t omnipotent, but

of cloth costing 1,000 pounds.” As the bartender handed the details to Xio, he said, “The person who commissioned the mission looked like a butler. He called himself Walter, and he’s in service of a Mr. Dwayne Dantès from Böklund Street. If you capture the cheats or

quickly formulated in her mind. She instinctively knew the direction in which

this mission,” she said immediately with

bartender shrugged and said, “You aren’t the only one. All

they have other


The bartender chuckled.

Dantès is so generous, they’re willing to recommend

they later gave up on the idea since being a bodyguard isn’t as free as being a bounty hunter. Even having drinks will have to

but I can only be a bounty hunter… Xio nodded, jumped off the high-stool

have a stroll to aid in his digestion, Butler Walter came in from outside and silently followed behind


matters?” Klein was somewhat surprised. He thought that there would only

Walter nodded.

the first matter involves the 10% shares in the

do you still wish to continue

to 10,000 pounds? Not bad at all! Klein deliberately acted

are many things that need me to hold back


the cloth have

head in shock

After, he had Dowsing Rod Seeking

Beyonder good at tracking and searching for

it’s much faster than

bounty hunter, she did a reverse search from black

black market peddlers gave in so easily? From the looks of it, they must’ve been taught a lesson with the fist… Klein nodded and said,

calls herself Xio,” Walter

Klein almost stumbled. Thankfully, he

through his heart while acting calm, he deliberated and said, “Keep the bounty hunter’s contact method. Perhaps

Dwayne Dantès’s instructions. Any decent

Xio as he tersely said, “How

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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