160 Böklund Street, inside the dining hall on the second story.

Klein had just bitten into the buttered toast his servant had served him when he saw his butler walk in.

Walter bowed and said, “Sir, a person of unknown origins pulled our doorbell last night.

“As it was already very late, I didn’t wake you up, and instead got the servants to patrol the area with the double-barreled hunting rifles.

“If you so permit it, I’ll visit the nearby police station to get them to reinforce the patrols on this street at night.”

To employ such a butler, there aren’t any flaws aside from him being expensive… Klein nodded slightly and drank the fresh milk that had been delivered to him.

“Very good.”

39 Böklund Street, Member of Parliament Macht’s house.

Hazel entered the activity room on the second floor and saw her mother, Riana, chatting with the housekeeper.

“What happened?” She pushed a lock of black-green hair to the back of her ear.

Riana chuckled and said, “Someone rang Dantès’s doorbell late last night.”

“A prank?” Hazel sat down.

“No one knows. Anyways, Dantès’s butler specially went to the police station this morning,” Riana recounted what she had learned from her servant.

Hazel nodded slightly and said, “It’s best to have the police involved.”

“But it’s useless. No one knows who pulled the doorbell. Apparently, there wasn’t anyone there.” Riana laughed while shaking her head.

Hazel was taken aback as she blurted out, “There wasn’t anyone there?”

“That’s right. Dantès’s butler only seemed to ask the police to double their efforts on the night patrols on our street. That’s good news.” As the wife of a Member of Parliament of the House of Commons, and the daughter of a famous lawyer, Riana had very good relations with the police.

“Not a single person…” Hazel repeated softly before falling into silence.

After a while, she left the activity room and returned to the third story.

her fist and swing it as though she was testing something.

gold coins in front

of 4,000 pounds of

week of gathering funds, Admiral of Stars Cattleya had finally completed the transaction for the Scales of Luck. Apart from the gold coins, she had also paid another 6,500 pounds

size… As Klein sighed, he took out the 13

out the adventurer’s harmonica and blew into

him with

this is the first installment, a total of 4,013 pounds.” Klein retracted his gaze from the pile of gold coins

Messenger would move such a huge pile of gold coins. He

“Nine hundred…” “Eighty…” “Seven…” Reinette Tinekerr’s heads said

me… Klein forced a smile and said, “I’ll try

of the heads tried hard to

All the gold coins were sucked up

seconds, the large pile of gold coins

nodded at the same time before returning to

they appear, and it won’t just be me raising the price and mentioning it in passing… This way, I won’t be suspected to be a cheat for the time being… Heh heh,

the few street lamps available, along with many of them being damaged.

turned into a small alley, and came outside to

new gathering in East Borough she had previously mentioned to

a rush to knock on the door with the agreed-upon signal. She

dressed, she wore a pair of

the soles were very thick. She

hid Xio’s greatest

presence of her triangular blade, Xio pulled her hood up and knocked

into an activity room inside

mostly arrived, the host of the gathering finally

a black classical robe, a pointed mage hat, with a brass mask on his face. He gave off an ancient and mysterious

or Desi Bay… But I can’t be sure. It might be a tan…

looked around the

can call me

Xio couldn’t help but twitch the corners of her

she had learned quite a bit of the situations regarding the secret organizations,

that the Oracles of the Aurora Order used alphabets as their code names, and they enjoyed addressing

her point of view, to address themselves in front of others in such a manner was obvious exposure of their identity and background. After all, the members who participated in these gatherings were mostly Beyonders who were lacking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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