Without the high tea session, Klein decided to pray at Saint Samuel Cathedral, so as to show his devoutness.

Of course, he didn’t forget to stop and admire the white pigeons on the square, allowing himself to appear leisurely and calm.

He entered the cathedral, passing through the murals that were illuminated by the sun from high above and arriving at a dark and deep prayer hall.

This place wasn’t as gorgeously decorated like the other Churches that had all kinds of dazzling elegant taste that produced a visual impact. Instead, it was mild and peaceful, allowing one to feel a natural sense of tranquility. As for the pure light that resembled twinkling stars up ahead, they were filled with the intense solemnity of holiness.

Klein removed his hat and handed it to Richardson along with his cane. Then, he walked down the aisle.

At this moment, two figures stood up in the front pew and turned towards the entrance. One of them was the black-haired, green-eyed Leonard Mitchell who looked suave with his untidy hair.

Almost at the same moment, Leonard Mitchell also saw the middle-aged man with the white sideburns and deep blue eyes.

Dwayne Dantès… He tensed up momentarily as his body showed signs of indiscernible stiffness.

Klein gave Leonard a side look as he nodded with a smile. He had a friendly and casual expression.


Leonard forced a smile as he nodded in a slightly sluggish manner.

Following that, he turned to the side, made way, and brushed shoulders with Dwayne Dantès.

This made Klein see who the person was behind him. It was also someone he knew—Daly who was wearing a spirit medium’s black robe.

This lady still wore blue eyeshadow and blush, presenting quite an uncanny sense of beauty.

Daly glanced at the middle-aged gentleman when her expression suddenly went adrift. She retracted her gaze as she silently approached the exit.

No way, I was just mimicking Captain’s profound eyes. Even the color is different, yet Ma’am Daly could still find it familiar? A woman’s intuition is truly terrifying… Klein had a vague guess when he noticed Daly’s brief abnormality.

ago, as an insensitive man, he believed that Ma’am Daly was secretly in love with Captain; otherwise, she wouldn’t have endured the risk to rush to Tingen to get

about his thoughts. After all, Dunn Smith, at that moment, was often unable to distinguish reality from a dream. His bad memory was rather pronounced, and he might unknowingly

talent she had that it seemed like he had memorized it… Yes, whenever Captain mentioned these matters, he would occasionally add that he spent nine years going from Midnight Poet to Nightmare… C-could it be that he was feeling a little inferior when facing Ma’am Daly? Inferior… Klein

realized that he didn’t really understand Dunn Smith. He didn’t understand how many

isn’t much younger than him. She appears to be very open and doesn’t care about marriage… Klein silently sighed and reined in his thoughts. He found a

prayer hall, Leonard had recovered as he gathered with

and said, “Our mission this time is to use the various clues discovered from the explosion of the Black Skeleton Gang’s headquarters to find all the formal members of

Beyonder from the Corpse Collector pathway. She knows quite a bit about the Numinous Episcopate, so His

Klein, who had dismissed Richardson, took four steps counterclockwise and entered above the

she needs to reserve a hotel room before Friday night. It’s best that it’s far from

of time. I need to make

she needs to stop her friend who participates in Mr. X’s gathering and also

else, I’ll inform her in

the assassination attempt on Mr. X, Klein undoubtedly needed to prepare ahead of time. And there

Mr. X’s gathering. He would enter directly with the passcode, and then he would employ different plans based on the

his marionette, Klein had a feeling that a Marionettist’s principle was “try to hide behind the scenes, covertly directing a

avoid engaging in direct

it can also create an alibi, but the problem is, what method should I use to fool everyone in his house… If only

operation, but doing so would cause him to lose the ability to change his physical appearance. It also made it difficult for him to possess others and disguise

of the Tarot Club’s secrets, and second, Mr. X might have the means to discover a Wraith. Of course, traces of

Feigning sickness!

This way, the butler and servants wouldn’t disturb me… But if there’s an emergency, what do I do when Walter and company knock on the door? A Magician’s Illusion Creation can only fool the eyes. It isn’t some artificial intelligence…

can be quite useful at times… After a poignant comment, Klein returned to the real world. He walked to

dimmed suddenly. The full-body mirror first turned deep black before

Master, your loyal and humble servant, Arrodes, heard your summoning. W-was I

new every time… Klein shook his


tolerant you are of me, Great Master. You can ask your question.” Words neatly appeared on

plan on eliminating the Aurora

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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