When he heard the illusory pleas, Klein was attending a banquet at Portland Moment’s place due to the time difference.

The banquet began from half-past seven, and it continued all the way to half-past nine, and even ten. This was because the appetizers, soup, side dishes, main dishes, staple food, vegetables, fruits, and desserts had numbered a total of ten to twenty dishes. The footmen would serve the dishes one after the other, removing and changing dishes in unison to prevent the dining table from turning chaotic, and also providing an interval between the dishes in order to allow the guests to chat. Gentlemen would take the initiative to talk to the ladies to their right.

In short, it’s rather troublesome and exhausting. I even have to take note of which dish matches with which alcohol… However, it’s quite tasty… Taking the opportunity when the roasted lamb was being switched out, he said to Ma’am Willis to his right, “My apologies. I’ll need to use the washroom.”

He got up, pressing his right hand to his chest and bending over slightly as a gesture. Then, he left the dining hall and headed for one of the washrooms on the second story.

Upon entering, he locked the door and immediately took four steps counterclockwise to head above the gray fog.

…Mr. Hanged Man’s prayer. He wishes for me to help him in gaining the goodwill of an Obninsk, and he’s willing to find 15 pages of Roselle’s diary, or help me do something of equal value… His progress isn’t slow… Klein sat at The Fool’s seat as he emanated his spirituality and touched the constantly burgeoning and contracting crimson star.

After pondering for a few seconds, he said, “Investigate all Feysac captains who participated in the Konotop sea battle in 1338.”

As a historian, Klein immediately knew which sea battle it was when he learned that the Interrogator had died at the hands of a Feysacian in 1338.

In 1338, the relationship between Loen and Feysac was tense with occasional conflicts. However, there was only one battle that resulted in the death of someone that was at the level of a commander. It was a sea battle that happened in East Balam’s Konotop.

And on a Feysacian fleet, there were definitely not many captains!

In the deep, dark waters, Alger Wilson saw the endless grayish-white fog and heard Mr. Fool’s answer.

Investigate all the captains from the Feysac Empire that were involved in the Konotop sea battle in 1338… Why would Mr. Fool pay attention to such a trivial figure? Is there some immense secret hidden in this matter? Alger’s heart stirred. Without any hesitation, he directly agreed.

“Your wish is my wish.”

Such a mission was difficult and very complicated for him, but it wasn’t dangerous. It was something that the present him could accept.

After the response, Alger heard Mr. Fool’s deep voice once again:

“You can return to the target’s vicinity.”

That’s it? As expected of Mr. Fool! After he obtained the authority, “He” is more like a Sea God than Kalvetua. His might isn’t limited to the Rorsted Archipelago! Alger was delighted as he thanked The Fool solemnly. Then, bending his back and kicking his legs, he turned to head down, diving into the depths once more.

turbulent flow in the gigantic dark cave as the tentacles were flailing and had yet

Mr. Fool in being sufficiently powerful and terrifying, an awakening ancient god,


the gray fog, The Sea

refuses to communicate with Sea God, and it even hates the feeling, making it unwilling to show its goodwill…” he

surrounding waters through the


and he vaguely sensed that the target was infuriated. It was trying to rip

He’s going over… The corners of Klein’s mouth

allowing the blue gems at

violent aura of Lightning Storm

the sea suddenly froze before falling down. They clung close to the seabed as countless green

black body was massive and distorted. It had a total of three heads, and each head had more than a dozen eyes. All of them were emitting

appearing as obedient

in satisfaction and once again used the Beyonder affinity powers to make the Obninsk open the mouths of its

of them large enough

the “magnificent” scene before him

he chose the

walls were made of flesh. The width was comparable to the

for the deep depths. Alger took the opportunity to let his body go with the

Sailor, engaging in combat amidst waves, groggy from

of flesh. He

liquid inside was corroding him. He hurriedly produced a water membrane as he

the Obninsk’s stomach. Without any hesitation, he took out all the bottles he had long prepared and began

wide-mouthed metal bottle, they mixed into a dark blue liquid. Following that, Alger carefully threw in a “jellyfish” that enveloped azure-blue seawater in its translucent

in intensity before calming down. In the bottle, there wasn’t any ripples or bubbles.

entered Cogitation, and picked up the

it brought about a numbness that slid down his gullet and into his stomach. It then

sea, but the Obninsk’s body blocked

Plop! Plop! Plop!

heart beating violently as it spewed blood outwards. His spirituality and the sound waves began to remold his voice and

couldn’t help it as he opened his mouth, letting out a loud

waves spread outwards, they first turned into mottled

with the sticky liquid within the Obninsk’s stomach, and they magically bounced back,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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