As a youth that came from the Internet age on Earth, Klein quickly understood Miss Magician’s idea, how she prepared to do it, and what she was relying on.

Isn’t this sharing economy? With the Tarot Club and The Fool, there’s no technological limitation… Miss Magician is usually lazy and doesn’t have a strong presence, but I never expected her to have sharp acumen on such matters Hmm, it also stems from me requesting to borrow the spellbook… Regardless, to be able to quickly be inspired and set up a business model is pretty good… Klein deliberately made The World Gehrman Sparrow hesitate for a few seconds before saying, “I might need it this weekend and next week.”

He was estimating this based on the time it took Mr. Hanged Man to return from the Abyss Maelstrom to the Rorsted Sea, while also allocating time for him to stabilize his spirituality and replenish his supplies.

When the time came, they would join forces to explore the primitive island with many Beyonder creatures.

Fors hurriedly nodded.

“Alright, I will make the arrangements to prevent others from using it.”

As she heaved a sigh of relief, she requested Mr. Fool that he bear witness for the subsequent rental agreements. After obtaining a confirmation from “Him,” she indicated that she was done with the private communication.

Following that, she conjured Leymano’s Travels and surveyed the table.

“Everyone, I have here a mystical item.

“It has a total of 38 pages. Each page can help the user record Beyonder powers they encounter. They will then be able to release it when needed, but it will be slightly weaker than the original power…

“Each page can be repeatedly recorded. Each record can only be used once… Amongst them, three pages can be used to record demigod level Beyonder powers, but the chances of success are very low. It might not succeed one in ten times…”

Fors simply explained the traits of Leymano’s Travels and its negative effects. It lit up the eyes of Audrey and company.

With them no longer being novices in the domain of mysticism or the Beyonder world, it wasn’t difficult for them to tell the value of Miss Magician’s notebook without her making it explicit to them. At the same time, they viewed it as a demigod-level artifact.


daughter, she had almost never been injured from a young age. Therefore, she had an extreme fear of pain that remained an unknown

Fors paused, she raised her hand slightly and asked, “Miss Magician,

be able to recognize the value of Leymano’s Travels, so it was certain that she could be reimbursed by him. Therefore, she planned on

be lacking money recently, or else she wouldn’t be selling such an important and useful mystical item… While Audrey thought in pity,

it… Why can’t it be put on sale after I return from the primitive island… Alger had a strong interest in Leymano’s Travels, but

in ten to twenty years, but compared to an item at the level of Leymano’s

at Justice, who was inquiring about the price, as well as Cattleya, who had nudged her glasses, looking as though

Queen Mystic and the Moses Ascetic Order. They don’t lack money or resources.

Derrick were similarly interested in Leymano’s Travels, but it was simply interest.

had forgotten to mention the most crucial point. She hurriedly

it, you can rent it for a short period

that moment, everyone except Klein and Derrick

rental transaction was, but they never expected it to be applied to a mystical item, much less have

apparently very doable. It was relatively useful for every member of the Tarot Club, and it wouldn’t cost them much while remaining affordable. Furthermore, Miss Magician could slowly build up quite a sizable fortune by doing so, but in fact, the best result was to record Beyonder powers. She could gather different kinds of Beyonder powers from various pathways in this way, making it far more efficient than seeking the chance to record it on her own! Alger quickly realized the key

had built up quite a bit of experience during her time in the Tarot Club, so after some consideration, she said, “Each rental basically starts at 300 pounds. Every additional day is an additional 50 pounds. And when returning it, the notebook needs to have two additional pages of Beyonder powers than when it was rented out. If there’s only one blank page or no blank pages when it’s rented, one just needs to

That also meant that they could use any of the Beyonder powers in Leymano’s Travels. One just needed to make up for it later. There was no need for it to

1,500 pounds a month… if it’s possible, I can keep renting it… Audrey did a simple count

with an unperturbed look, “I plan on renting it for two days, but the exact price needs negotiation.

his exploration

Fors asked, delighted that

weekend to next weekend. The exact time

immediately frowned as she said apprehensively, “This period of time has already been reserved for

was surprised as he looked at the other end of the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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