When Klein opened his eyes again, the threats and pleas in his mind had vanished. The light-blue flame before his eyes continued burning on that pitch-black wick.

He seriously inspected the state of his Spirit Body and confirmed that the signs of chaos were gone. His aura’s colors had turned pure and were no longer spotted.

It’s finally resolved… Klein heaved a sigh of relief and lowered the Sea God Scepter. With a snap of his fingers, he extinguished the Mental Terror Candle.

He didn’t immediately return to the real world. He sat quietly above the gray fog as he used the silent palace to calm the remnant negative emotions that his inner heart couldn’t vent.

After this matter, Klein gained a deeper understanding that the path of a Beyonder was a path that constantly fought with madness. All Beyonders would be pushed to the brink of losing control, or they would have psychological problems if they weren’t careful due to internal reasons or external stimuli. And once the symptoms appeared, not resolving them in time might leave them in a situation that would be abnormally difficult to resolve.

The split personality that was created was a result of internal and external factors… The cause is a result of me being a transmigrator. Yet, I fused with Klein Moretti’s memory fragments and received parts of his emotions. I was naturally inclined to having a dissociation. Together with me trying to steal the Antigonus family’s notebook recently, it’s akin to me walking along the boundary of an abyss to act as Dwayne Dantès. The stress is immense, so after being agitated and mentally corrupted by the Keeper’s near loss of control, the problem erupted… As Klein raised his hand to rub his temples, he vanished from above the gray fog.

Just as he returned to his body, Klein felt his mind and spirit were a lot more relaxed. It felt like a dusty window had been carefully wiped clean, and the additional Faceless potion he had consumed was fully digested.

The alternate personality that appeared is really a result of all the past psychological problems. I was able to resolve the problem with the Mental Terror Candle, which is equivalent to receiving a complete and effective Psychoanalysis. I wouldn’t have any latent risks in this aspect in the short term. However, I need to be constantly taking notes and frequently regulating myself. I mustn’t be careless… Klein walked out of the washroom, came to the balcony, and looked at the distant mountains and nearby vegetation. He was in quite good condition.

He could clearly sense that his self-recognition and self-acknowledgment had deepened. The constant sense of disidentification had greatly weakened as a result.

I never expected my victory over my split personality would bring such benefits… If it wasn’t because the generation of another split personality would result in one that’s stronger and harder to deal with, I would’ve wished to split a few personalities, killing “myself” several times… Klein shook his head with a scoff as he gave a self-deprecating laugh.

To be frank, just one instance of a split personality was rather dangerous and unresolvable for anyone else. Since he was aware of where to acquire the Mental Terror Candle, the essence of the problem, and his experience in resolving it in the past, he was able to eliminate the latent risks and not allow his split personality to strengthen itself. Otherwise, the best outcome would be the state in which Bishop Utravsky was in, and the worst outcome would be a gradual loss of control until it became an inevitability.

Furthermore, I still have a Psychiatrist as backup… Klein chuckled as he strolled back to his room and sat in a reclining chair.

day, and from there, he obtained the points that he needed to take note of in

mental corruption

aren’t capable of doing this. Often, they will mutate into monsters and use the corresponding Beyonder powers to control or attack their targets. It’s difficult for them

out would really result in a situation where you have no way of defending yourself… Also, although I’m aware of the Keepers’ conditions and have figured out their relationship with the core seal, the corresponding problems have arisen. If I were to disguise myself and infiltrate inside, how should I create the performance of being eroded by the core seal and not have my disguise be seen through… Klein carefully contemplated for a moment and was completely out of ideas. All he could do was stand up, walk to his desk, and draw a

He was summoning Arrodes.

master bedroom suddenly undulated with invisible waves as

Master, your loyal and humble servant, Arrodes, is

from before had caused a certain damage to your image.

and said, “Don’t make the same mistake

mirror presented new words. “How may I

of the Church of Evernight are contaminated by the core seal’s power behind Chanis Gate. They are in different conditions from the typical Beyonder.

silver words changed

It will gradually change and become identical to the Keepers. Then, you can hold

I really need to pay an extremely high price to obtain the High-Sequence potion formulas and ingredients… Klein thought and said, “Then, how do I get

a Wraith marionette might be detected by the seal before being forcefully purified and dispelled just as it approached Chanis Gate, or

mirror’s waves stirred again as it accentuated

hat. She was tall with long, chestnut hair. She was

Arrodes explained with a

does she have a Sealed Artifact that corresponds to the High Sequences of the Evernight pathway, making it similar to the core seal behind Chanis Gate? Thankfully, Admiral of Stars needs a drop of blood from a Mythical Creature. When the time comes, apart from providing an item that can satisfy Will

servant, Arrodes, awaits your next summoning.” As a silver line of text appeared, Arrodes outlined a palm with a handkerchief in hand as

twitched as he looked at it, momentarily unsure how

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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