Inside the building of the Relic Search and Preservation Foundation, Audrey, whose thoughts were undergoing an upheaval, blinked. She took note of her body language and expressions as she drew a crimson moon on her chest in a half-genuine manner. She said with a sigh, “What a tragedy. I hope that their spirits can rest in peace.”

The reason she had guessed that the archaeological team had comprised of members of the Psychology Alchemists was that she had previously received a mission to help the organization obtain a notebook related to the Twenty Year War from Associate Professor Michele. And this notebook belonged to the knight from Hartlarkh Village, Lindelira.

Back then, Audrey had made a request to Mr. Fool and relied on magic mirror divination to determine the origins of the notebook. She discovered that it was deeply connected to the village that worshiped dragons. As she knew ahead of time that there was a mind dragon hiding within the sea of collective subconscious, she ultimately chose to hand over the notebook to the Psychology Alchemists in consideration of her lacking Sequence and strength.

That also meant that the Psychology Alchemists had quite a significant chance of locking onto Hartlarkh Village through the notebook before heading over to find their target.

Another factor that Audrey used in her judgment was the strange mental illness that the archaeological team suffered. It had spread like a plague, causing the people to go mad in batches.

In the real world, there was a probability that mental illnesses were hereditary, but it was almost impossible to be contagious. But in the mysterious world, in the world of the mind and consciousness, chaos and madness could be spread to others through spirit channeling, dreams, and the subconscious!

And hidden in Hartlarkh Village was a mind dragon that had lived for years!

The Psychology Alchemists had found Hartlarkh Village through the notebook, and the threatened mind dragon used this ingenious method to spread mental corruption? “He” might’ve achieved this through the sea of collective subconscious… The Beyonder world sure is dangerous. This small team must’ve been formed by a selection of Beyonders, but they ended their lives in such a simple and ridiculous manner… As Audrey thought about it, she was glad that she had made a sufficiently rational decision. She hadn’t willfully used the knight’s notebook to explore Hartlarkh Village. Otherwise, there would probably have been an addition name to the list of members who went mad.

Thanks to Mr. Fool. Thanks to the other members of the Tarot Club. Thanks to Qilangos who previously infiltrated in disguise. They allowed me to still recognize the hidden dangers despite my lack of actual experience in the domain of mysticism. It made me sufficiently cautious… Audrey silently thought in gratitude.

At that moment, her recalling her performance when she first joined the Tarot Club had made her wish to bury her head in her pillows to roar at herself:

Audrey, you were that naive and immature back then!

Thankfully, you met Mr. Fool. If it were any other secret existence, you would’ve long gone mad or turned into a monster!

Mr. Fool is such a nice man! No, such a nice orthodox god!

had been silent. He said with a heavy nod, “Yes, it truly is a tragedy that strikes one

handled the matter

the three Churches, there

taken on the case. After all, a contagious mental illness was definitely going to be under the purview

in the glass case must’ve been determined to be fine before being donated

though she had experienced the tragedy for herself, she was curious if the mind dragon remained in the vicinity of

it… Besides, the Psychology Alchemists is in control of the Spectator pathway and has the existence of High-Sequence Beyonders. Their comprehension of the sea of collective subconscious can’t be much weaker than the

thoughts of visiting Hartlarkh Village to figure out the truth, because she

sea of collective subconscious because of the local worship of dragons, or it could be

for the ball tomorrow. He began

recent good air in Backlund, and make a few jokes about the Loen Kingdom Imperial Science Institute… As Klein memorized

long it’s been, it’s most likely Mr. Hanged Man… In thought, Klein put down the piece of paper in his hand and gulped down a mouthful

went above the gray fog, and

he had arrived at the capital of the Rorsted Archipelago,

he lacked the means to head for the primitive, he could

island? How long can the Sanguine’s anesthetic gas you bought from Emlyn last? Will there be enough time to explore? Klein thought for a moment and conjured The World

have freedom of movement in Bayam. Meet at the cemetery outside the


Bayam, in an inn.

slightly after hearing The

not returning tonight, and after waking up in the day, it was almost certain that they would

also meant that even if Alger disappeared for a night and a day,

without a ship, how do we head for the primitive island… Oh, Leymano’s Travels? Miss Magician did mention that it has the Beyonder power of Teleportation. However, there’s only one page, making it impossible for a return trip… Alger relied on his strong ability to connect

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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