Upon hearing The Hanged Man, Klein’s heart skipped a beat. He had an ominous premonition as he ignored his persona, put down the lantern, and took out two slips of paper. He then crumpled them into a ball and stuffed them into his ears.

Seeing Gehrman Sparrow do it without any questions, Alger heaved a sigh of relief. He reflected on how nice it was to work with an experienced fellow. Even though he was an adventurer known to be crazy, he was someone who followed reasonable instructions. He knew what and what not to do.

Just as he was about to throw the dead rat which still retained some of its warmth at the Illusory Chime Tree to divert its attention, he suddenly saw the shrubs shake as a yellow-skinned, black-striped tiger appeared.

Amidst the melodic chimes, the tiger walked towards the strange tree normally, but its eyes were glazed over. It felt indescribably creepy.

When Alger saw this, he lowered his arm and abandoned his attempt of throwing the dead rat. Resisting the headache, he calmly watched as the tiger walked closer to the tree due to the growing influence of the melody.

It crouched down, raised its right claw, and bared its claws, slicing itself at the neck.

Despite the oozing blood, the tiger seemed to have lost all sense of pain. It continued digging in deeper, engorging the wound before it began to skin itself, revealing a “naked” body covered in mangled flesh and blood.

The chimes gradually weakened as the branch suddenly came alive. It extended downwards, stabbing into the tiger’s sorry, unprotected body.

Alger, who was already prepared, immediately drew his dagger, opened his mouth, and sang hoarsely, “Break, break, break;

“On thy cold gray stones, O Sea!

“Break, break, break;

“At the foot of thy crags, O Sea 1 !”

His voice had bold overtones, but it was completely out of tune. It was at complete odds with the comprehension of both humans and creatures. It was a jarring boom that had a metallic sound to it. It was filled with the power that left one frustrated and disgusted.

Meanwhile, the Illusory Chime Tree’s branches trembled as they retracted like they were huddling together. Following that a melodious chime lessened the terrifying noise to a small extent.

At Alger’s side, although Klein had used paper balls to stuff his ears and had converged his spirituality, he immediately felt his forehead’s blood vessels throb. He instantly had the urge to kill the singer and destroy everything before him.

Furthermore, his mind had the feeling of being ripped apart. His muscles and vessels were squirming as a result.

Others charge people money to sing, but Mr. Hanged Man’s singing charges you with death! Klein lampooned as he resisted the irascibility in his heart.

“Break! Break! Break!”

out like waves striking reefs. Bolts of silver lightning descended in

another, they smote down at the Illusory Chime Tree’s surface, causing it to tremble incessantly. Its branches shook in a numb and random manner, making it difficult for it to produce

opportunity as he threw the dead rat and thrust the dagger in his hand

slicing at the branch at the top and nearest to


up by a gust of wind and flew into Alger’s palm. The tree bark which was covered with eye-like cracks froze as the remaining branches drooped down, having lost their

vegetation at the same level is a lot easier to deal with than

around to look at

“Let’s continue…”

the word “forward” vanished

saw Gehrman Sparrow’s cold expression looking somewhat warped. The whites around his brown irises were slightly red, as though he would unleash an attack upon him at

he slowly drew a gasp and completed

“Let’s continue forward.”

the withered

bound to encounter many Beyonder creatures later. Furthermore, he didn’t have any so-called storage artifacts. Naturally, he

down and

Groselle’s Travels… I can let my marionette bring them in, but that will be very troublesome and detrimental to the subsequent exploration… As Klein sighed,

jarring and terrible singing that

for another one or two minutes, he couldn’t guarantee that he could stop himself from beating

and converging my spirituality can only weaken the effects. There’s no way to really block it out… Even a deaf person can hear it. This includes an “exchange” at the spirituality level… This is probably the most indefensible attack from an Ocean Songster. Furthermore, there’s no way of dodging it once

this moment, the lantern-holding Alger, who was walking beside him, couldn’t help but consider

my singing. How should

silent environment, the two quickly proceeded forward amidst thick trees that appeared

Klein saved himself the trouble of using Dowsing Rod Seeking.

the two proceeded forward for an unknown amount of time, they discovered that the trees were beginning

was completely different from the situation back when they met the demigod-level feathered serpent. The trees there had abruptly become sparse, while what they were encountering now was a progressive change. It made them have the

zone, we will arrive at the periphery

last time was around here. However, oddly, the periphery of the ancient ruins doesn’t have any

even more terrifying existence inside the ancient ruins. That zone is its territory, so other creatures

performed the corresponding divination above the gray fog, and the revelation he received was that it had its ups and downs,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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