Klein had set the dream to be that of 160 Böklund Street. He produced many beauties that circled around Dwayne Dantès. He did this to perfectly create the image of a knowledgeable and experienced tycoon who could only let go in his dreams while holding back in the real world to uphold his reputation.

Sitting on a sofa and receiving a cup of red wine from a young lady, Klein found his surroundings suddenly change before he could even taste it. It turned from his brightly-lit villa filled with elegant beauties to a dark, humid, and dirty sewer.

Following that, he saw five familiar explosives in his hands.

Aren’t these the ones I placed earlier? Klein was first taken aback as he pretended to jump in fright, throwing away the explosives as he looked around warily.

Noticing that there weren’t any other abnormalities, he retreated one step at a time until he felt his way to an upright metallic ladder. He decisively climbed up, moved the manhole cover away, and left the sewer.

As he returned to Böklund Street, his dream shattered as he woke up.

Klein opened his eyes and found himself in a dark room. As he looked at the ceiling adorned in gold, he recalled his encounter.

This was done by that Marauder pathway’s demigod?

He escaped the pursuit of the Nighthawks and is still hiding nearby. As he’s afraid that the Black Emperor who exposed his whereabouts would appear again, he began steering dreams to seek out his target?

Very possible! If it wasn’t because I can maintain my reason and lucidity when others infiltrate my dreams, I might have been driven by my subconscious to place the explosives again. After all, this is something I’ve done before, and the memory is still fresh in my mind…

Thankfully, I concluded the principle that a Marionettist should try to hide behind the scenes. Be it my exploration of the sewers, or meeting with Trissy, I had relied on my marionette. Even if it’s because of the distance, I didn’t choose to do it personally and had instead used my Spirit Body with the gray fog as a proxy while carrying items that can interfere with the prying of secrets and divination, making it impossible to determine who is the true mastermind. I would have long been discovered and targeted. Even if I didn’t die, I would have to flee Backlund in a pathetic manner.

Upon thinking of this, Klein felt relieved. In the beginning, he wasn’t certain of the secret hidden in the sewers. He had never expected it to be a demigod, but he had abided by the Marionettist’s principles and followed his strict requirements. Hence, he avoided the tragic outcome of having his “act” exposed.

Backlund really is a dangerous place. Any mistake can result in trouble… As Klein reflected over the matter, he felt that his Marionettist potion had unknowingly digested a little.

After he composed himself, he chuckled inwardly.

It appears that demigod is still in Böklund Street. He’s probably hiding in Hazel, or maybe even by her side.

Heh heh, if that demigod had infiltrated my dream a minute or two earlier, he would’ve met Snake of Fate Will Auceptin. Although this Sequence 1 angel is still in a weak phase, that’s only relative to other angels like Ouroboros. Faced with a sneaky demigod who can’t even parasitize Hazel, there likely won’t be any trouble. Ignoring the other powers, just revealing a full Mythical Creature state would be enough to deal tremendous damage to a demigod who’s equally weak.

I dare to bet that Will Auceptin must have sensed it ahead of time to choose that time window to come out; thus, successfully avoiding an encounter with any other demigods.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make that Marauder demigod understand how dangerous it is to randomly infiltrate dreams in Backlund… Leonard definitely knows this very well…

Klein reined in his thoughts and pretended as though nothing had happened. With Cogitation, he fell asleep again.

It was only when the sun rose high in the sky that he woke up naturally. He sat up, transformed into Gehrman Sparrow, and prayed, “…Please inform Ma’am Hermit that the angel has accepted the method to regain a certain amount of strength during one’s weak stages. ‘He’ has agreed to complete the transaction in late June or early July.

“You can also ask Bernadette about when I can meet her.”

Klein transformed back into Dwayne Dantès, got out of bed, and

teeth and washing his face; thus, becoming abnormally alert, he took four steps counterclockwise and headed

Frank Lee step on the dock while filled with anticipation. He planned on finding some place to sell his items and save up 8,000 pounds to purchase the Druid Beyonder characteristic. She couldn’t help but

the thought of his strange ideas, as well his terrifying ability to put them into action, made her feel that the problem wasn’t that simple. She didn’t wish for a watermelon to grow on her head or participate in the Tarot Gathering above the gray fog while covered with ears of

I don’t have to worry

fog emanated in front of her

softened as she couldn’t

Creature blood, it meant that she was

completed the necessary conditions to exchange for a main ingredient from the Moses Ascetic Order. She also knew of the channel to obtain the other main ingredient,

just need to wait until July. July… Cattleya pursed her lips as her gaze

as Klein finished a class on

gray fog, he discovered that the

The World that Queen Mystic had agreed to his request. If he was in Backlund, they could meet near

is still in Backlund… Klein conjured Gehrman Sparrow and gave a confirmatory

p.m., he entered his bathroom and took out a


and made the paper figurine turn into a Dwayne Dantès who sat on the toilet

he shortened himself by about four centimeters. His face turned thin as his facial contours became more

on his

surrounding colors saturate before turning well-separated and stacked. His body then

quickly traversed the spirit world, and, based on his location, kept adjusting his trajectory. In just a few seconds, he appeared at the south bank of the Tussock River where

the bridge, and it was extremely silent. The only thing that could be seen was a platoon of soldiers guarding the bridge a

Mystic Bernadette’s traces when he suddenly saw green pea vines

have a peak as the veins formed different paths that

aback for a second as he casually found a pea vine and hung over a tiny trail in midair before taking

connected to a seat that resembled a hammock.

dark-black jacket. By her waist was a thin rapier. Other than not wearing a

when she interacted with Sherlock Moriarty in Backlund. At that moment, her chestnut hair cascaded down as her blue and deep eyes looked over. She gently said without any emotion, “Thank that existence

are still quite respectful towards The Fool. Hmm, the few answers I previously gave her had likely resolved some of her confusion… With the

eyes didn’t shift as she continued looking

there something

he had already prepared, “I wish to receive your help in reproducing the prolonged state of being contaminated

he spoke, Klein made


pathway, the Death

it a main diocese cathedral, or

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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