“Sequence 0: The Fool!”

After discerning the words on the tarot card, Klein once again felt the same feeling he had when he heard Zaratul say his name.

At that moment, he felt the strong call of destiny. He felt that everything had been arranged from the beginning, just like 0-08.

He began to suspect that his original judgment, believing that the female beast tamer from the traveling circus that had visited Tingen and performed a tarot divination for him wasn’t an ordinary person.

As his thoughts raced, Klein viewed it from another angle and came up with a new idea. Gradually, he stopped being that horrified, fearful, and depressed.

Perhaps it wasn’t a machination but the changes that I brought about myself.

This is because of the ritual that resulted in my transmigration. I had a connection with the mysterious space above the gray fog. Fate would naturally be affected as a result. More precisely, as a visitor from another world, I never had my “fate” here. The current trajectory I’ve taken is a result of my character, the encounters of the original Klein, the influence of the gray fog, and the surrounding environment.

The mysterious space above the gray fog is clearly strongly tied to the Seer pathway. And this pathway’s Sequence 0 is The Fool. When projected into reality, and in front of a divination, I’ll definitely get The Fool as my card!

Similarly, this resulted in me later using The Fool as my name.

Klein’s mood calmed down bit by bit, believing that this was the most plausible explanation.

Using Occam’s Razor to eliminate all presently unknown factors, I can still obtain a reasonable explanation. That means that it’s quite likely to be the case… Klein forced himself to stop thinking about questions he couldn’t provide certain answers to. He then turned his attention to what had just happened.

That huge chair and that cluster of translucent maggots were what I saw when I made a divination above the gray fog.

From carefully considering and inferring things from this harrowing scene, it might very well be an angel from the Seer pathway, an angel that had lost control and turned into a monster!

Zaratul “Himself”?

Or the powerful entity from the Antigonus family from the Fourth Epoch?

If it’s the former, that corroborates with Arrodes and Will Auceptin. Zaratul is already Sequence 1 and has lost control and gone made. “He” broke down into a monster. This matches… This can also explain why Zaratul only wishes for the door to be opened. It’s because once the door of secrets is opened, the two sides will have a connection, allowing “Him” to recover from “His” present state bit by bit. “His” repeated emphasis on “His” ashes was just a pretense.

But herein lies the problem. The environment Zaratul is located in, as presented by Arrodes, doesn’t resemble the ancient palace at the mountain peak. Otherwise, I would’ve recognized it back then.

What if that’s the angel from the Antigonus family who’s living as an abject existence, one that made Zaratul suffer after “He” came to the Hornacis mountain range after obtaining the notebook from Roselle? “He” had a part of him separated from “Him” without realizing it; thus, causing “Him” to go mad during the advancement. Regardless, “He” is a Sequence 1 Attendant of Mysteries. After all, Zaratul was already a Miracle Invoker back then…

From this angle, Zaratul’s goal might very well be the opening of the door, allowing the foggy town’s history and fate to become mixed with the outside world, preventing “Him” from being dissociated again.

turning into a marionette that’s being hung up to dry. Thankfully, I was lacking in clues back then, and the scenes I saw through divination wasn’t clear enough. Otherwise, I would’ve suffered a terrible blow from witnessing a complete and crazy Mythical Creature.

is, can “He” be stronger than the Eternal Blazing Sun and the True Creator? Even if a Seer pathway Beyonder has a certain resistance against the mysterious space above the gray fog, it would at best make “Them” be at the same level. In other words, as long as I endured the pain, with the prerequisites met, I have one chance of prying on its secrets, and a complete Mythical Creature’s state is mixed

formulas, just like how I obtained the Unshadowed

Klein couldn’t help but have

fog was silently reaching out his

strength, and items, he had no way to head to the ancient chair

item that one desired the most but not being able to

him to lie to a Sequence 5 Beyonder who might not walk out alive. Besides, if “He” was lying, he had

problems that he thought about weren’t pressing issues. The pressing issue was to leave the secret

hat and dark red coat, carefully came to the entrance of the ancient cathedral. He carefully passed through the ajar door and

different from before. They remained hanging in midair, swaying

his eyes got accustomed to the dim environment, allowing him to see

The obsidian rock and the tin urn were behind the statue

a sigh of relief as he began to observe his surroundings when his gaze

corner stood a gigantic mushroom taller

blood with interspersed white patterns. Its body was formed out of similar tiny

one would call human. There were mushrooms growing from both sides of the stem,

involuntarily took a step back. He found his knowledge in mysticism completely lacking at

protect himself. While doing so, having not deactivated his corresponding visions, he discovered that the terrifying mushroom didn’t have any Spirit Body Threads. It appeared to have long

Klein had a

and had seen the cluster of translucent maggots. He had seen a complete Mythical Creature, causing his mind to instantly die as

really disgusting. I’ll throw Frank into the sea if he ever mentions mushrooms again… Klein’s eyes darted around slightly as he subconsciously headed for the

he found his mind turning adrift. Everything around him seemed to turn into

realized that he was being forcefully pulled into

dream and saw the nearly two-meter-tall “mushroom” sliding over slowly. In its hand was

didn’t hesitate as he opened his mouth and let out a sound:

due to it being engaged in controlling dreams. The

human flesh and tiny spores. They quickly

possible… Klein felt a strong sense of danger as he hurriedly lunged to the side, rolling several times in

blue flames, cleaving down at the spot Klein had been standing at. It caused the floor

igniting the tiny

he ran towards the back of the statue in an attempt

his thoughts go adrift for a moment, Klein realized that he was going

was rushing towards

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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